
Supermassive Games Have Done It Again With The Quarry - Skewed 'n Reviewed

In 2015 Supermassive Games released Until Dawn and brought a new level of interactive horror to gamers. With the release of The Quarry, the company has taken the genre to a new level thanks in large part to the power of the new generation of gaming systems and graphic cards. Skewed and Reviewed liked the story, graphics, and characters but did say players may have long gaps of just watching the story unfold.

ClayRules2012723d ago

I enjoyed what I played of it last night!

Garethvk723d ago

How far did you get? Since you cannot pause really aside from not moving at the start of a chapter I just played my way through and if some were lost along the way, so be it.

ClayRules2012723d ago

A little ways into Chapter 2. Yeah, I don’t blame you for just playing your way through it.

A friend of mine made it to chapter 4 last night.

Garethvk723d ago

I starter about Noon and finished about 8 and I did take some breaks at the start by just not moving and managed to make it ok.

ClayRules2012723d ago

Nice. I’m glad you had some breaks in there too. I play these types of games only at night, which works out since during the day I’m working and my fiancé is working etc. She enjoys watching me play, but with these types of games, as has happened with Quantic Dreams HR, BTS, and Detroit, I can be a bit too much for her and our son...I get really emotional at these games lol. So, they’ll just leave the room and so on lol.

How do you feel the game is compared to Until Dawn?

Garethvk723d ago

A bit more linear. I fIgured out some things ahead of time but still engaging. Until Dawn I think at times was a bit broad throwing in as ma y horror staples as they could.

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HeliosHex544d ago (Edited 544d ago )

Review wise Bayonetta got trashed. But I guess it is the only action title released this year so easy win.
Horizon is a good game but you spend far more time crafting and gathering than anything else not to mention the long cut scenes. Elden ring should have won open world award.

jznrpg544d ago

Crafting is fast especially when you upgrade ….

HeliosHex544d ago (Edited 544d ago )

@jz Yeah but still I found it boring. Almost felt like a second job. But that's just me you know I prefer my open worlds with less of that monotony.

Army_of_Darkness544d ago (Edited 544d ago )

I actually didn't mind Gathering items to craft new weapons and material because it brought me to new places and battle encounters with different type of enemies, made me reassess my battle techniques for more efficient ways to kill specific machines while trying to not destroying the part I need to acquire. I found it fun and challenging. Lol! Funny enough it literally was a second job in the game 🤣 but nevertheless , HFW would definitely be my GOTY.

Flewid638544d ago

Bayonetta is also hardly a AAA game.