
Exclusive First Look at Footage of Spheriums on Xbox Series X

Braintonik Game Studios give Gamerhub the first look at Xbox Series X footage of Spheriums.

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RosweeSon840d ago

I mean it doesn’t look terrible I quite like a quirky game
But those graphics look pretty basic 🤔🤷🏻‍♂️

phoenixwing840d ago

The art style is doing heavy lifting against those graphics

S2Killinit839d ago

Here we have gamepass filler.

RosweeSon839d ago

Seems like it 😏🙄✌🏻

MIDGETonSTILTS17840d ago

Finally, something to show off the XsX after 18 months /s

Redgehammer840d ago

You wouldn’t expect anything less from such notable AAA developers 😏

Fishy Fingers840d ago (Edited 840d ago )

Its true, we should belittle a tiny independent studio, historically a PC developer, for making use of assessible port tech to try and make thier living.

Fanboy AAA kids man....

RosweeSon839d ago

Shall we tell em it’s the best game ever and that it looks better than every game before it it’s gonna be GOTY. Some of us don’t like to give credit where it’s not warranted how do you think people learn and better things for the future without some constructive criticism it’s not about calling out Xbox or some smaller dev but many small devs make fantastic looking games 🤷🏻‍♂️✌🏻 ;I mean with all their budgets and resources Microsoft could have spared something to spruce this up a bit 🤣

MIDGETonSTILTS17840d ago

I’m deriding the platform that owns the most studios and has the least impressive game lineup.

Christopher840d ago

That makes me question how this plays in comparison to No Man's Sky, which is a much older game and looks better.

Gunstar75840d ago

I hope none of you have ambitions of becoming an independent developer.... only to have to deal with a55holes like .....you

Why does everything have to look aaa

CantThinkOfAUsername840d ago

Plenty of Indie games out there that look cartoonish/low-poly but still have an art style that makes up for it. This game looks basic with minimal artistic vision.

RosweeSon840d ago

Thank you. I’m all for a different art style but sorry this doesn’t look just a tad basic for me. Plus exclusive so 🤷🏻‍♂️🤣 won’t be grabbing a console for this anytime soon. Goldeneye tho 🤔😜

RosweeSon840d ago

Chill your beans it doesn’t have to look AAA. I’d still play Tetris I don’t give a rats about fps but it looks pretty basic. Last I checked hello games were independent indie 26 employees and bashed a game out about 5 years ago that still looks much better than this and that was on ps4😑🤷🏻 ‍♂️

headshotfrosty840d ago

What is this….looks basic. Trash

AmUnRa839d ago

Thats gamepass for you. Expect a lor more of this shovelware for gamepass the coming time...

headshotfrosty839d ago

Naw gamepass is bomb bro. Just this month I've gotten many AAA titles with the entire Bethesda deal about o hit. I'm good with those but this is not it.

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Gamerhub interview Braintonik: Spheriums

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The gorgeous action-adventure game "Spheriums" is now live on Kickstarter

"The Montreal-based (Canada) indie games developer Braintonik GameStudios are today very happy and proud to announce that they have just launched a Kickstarter campaign (the goal is to get 10,000 USD) for their gorgeous action-adventure game "Spheriums" (the early access version of "Spheriums" is already available for PC via Steam, and the full version of the game is coming to PC and consoles this Summer)." - Jonas Ek, TGG.