
15 Years Later: Resident Evil 4 Wii Is Still the Definitive RE4 Experience

It's the Resident Evil 4 Wii Edition 15th anniversary. Even 15 years from the Resident Evil 4 Wii release date, Resident Evil 4 Wii is the best version.

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ApocalypseShadow846d ago (Edited 846d ago )

Was going to say the same thing.

Motion controls? Or motion controls with FULL IMMERSION like you are actually there?

Seems rather obvious and this person just doesn't know better. Doesn't even mention why it would be better than the VR version. Just doing a puff piece for Nintendo and the Wii.

whitbyfox846d ago

VR is good but doesn’t have Separate Ways and is riddled with censorship. I finished it on Quest 2.

Wii version is best by far.

TeamIcoFan846d ago

You mean the version with all the unnecessary censorship?

Eidolon846d ago

Pretty minor to me because it's still an amazing game, but pretty unnecessary, still.

TeamIcoFan846d ago

Can't have Leon flirting with Hunnigan by telling her she looks cute without her glasses.
That's too offensive and objectifying women.

Nor can we have Ashley stand up for herself after Luis makes a crass comment.
Gotta have her come across as overly aggressive for no reason and bitchy.

ApocalypseShadow846d ago

Where does any of what you said appear in the article? Because, if you wrote this piece, you're not good at writing. The writer did not use any of those changes as the reason why it's definitive. Didn't use any of it. Only spoke about motion controls of the Wii and it being the precursor to VR.

VR has better motion and better immersion. No amount of motion control and a flat screen tv will come close to what VR does to the gamer.

He didn't mention graphics, story changes, anything. Only mentioned motion controls. If the article was about story, then I'd agree. Go back and read the article.

Double_O_Revan846d ago

They cut out like 3 things from the whole game. Doesn't take away from how amazing the experience is. I played it back in January and wow was it awesome.

Since they added the Mercs mode I hope they can add Separate Ways as well at some point.

generic-user-name846d ago

I don't like the 3 or so cuts in dialogue they made either but that doesn't negate all the advantages the VR version brings.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 846d ago
Eidolon846d ago

OMG the VR version is so well done. Loving it.

ApocalypseShadow846d ago

The person who wrote it failed to say anything on why the Wii version is better. Always says that the motion control for Wii paved the way for VR as if something is evolving beyond a previous state.

Then, this statement:

"Though the Wii was a far cry from what virtual reality headsets would eventually become..."

That statement is basically saying there's an evolution in something. Immersion, motion control or both that's way beyond the Wii.

But they call the Wii RE4 the "definitive version" with nothing to back it up other than nostalgia.

CrimsonWing69845d ago

Yep, this in VR completely changes the experience and for the better. Controls feel better and the immersion is on a whole other level.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 845d ago
ApocalypseShadow846d ago

Shhhh. Not so loud. Lol. There are gamers here that think playing the game with motion controls on Wii is better than RE4 VR on Quest 2. Those same gamers might think RE7 on TV is better than VR on PS4 or Wipeout on TV is better than the VR version.

Crazy times.

whitbyfox846d ago

It definitely is. Separate Ways is so good and the pointer controls made it.

shinoff2183846d ago

The definitive re experience is re1 through code veronica imo.

Stanjara846d ago

15 years later, nobody plays Wii.

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A complete history of Resident Evil on Nintendo

Capcom's Resident Evil 2 remake is the hot-button topic of the gaming world today. And while the Switch missed out, Nintendo has a history with the series.

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Hardiman2060d ago (Edited 2060d ago )

I remember being stoked RE2 was coming to the 64. I also remember seeing RE0 screenshots for the 64. I'm glad they moved that game to the GameCube for obvious reasons. Then when the first Remake came out I was floored! That was a great year to be a Nintendo fan because I love horror and RE Remake, RE0 and Eternal Darkness were fantastic! Then RE4 hit and as I recall Mikami said when asked if it was really a Nintendo exclusive "he would cut his head off" if it came to another console lol.

I have loved Resident Evil since 96 and Im so glad RE7 got it back on track and just finished both scenarios on RE2 on PS4 and it was awesome! So crazy how they were able to keep the same atmosphere and some of the same feelings I had while playing it in 98 on PSX, while updating it!


Resident Evil 4: Wii Edition coming to Wii U in North America

Nintendo of America has released a new gameplay trailer for Resident Evil 4: Wii Edition, confirming the game will launch in North America on 4 February.

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FallenAngel19843157d ago

RE4 will eventually be ported to every system one way or another

-Foxtrot3157d ago

Hey if that HD mod one that guy is doing ends up being picked up by Capcom I would like to see that on the PS4/Xbox One

DarkOcelet3157d ago

Why not take the assets from Umbrella Corps and make the rest of the assets.

Capcom needs to stop being lazy with this game.

2pacalypsenow3157d ago

Is this a straight port or does it include enhancements?

jcnba283156d ago

Straight port of the Wii version - wish they ported the HD version but still with Wii controls.

2pacalypsenow3156d ago (Edited 3156d ago )

Oh that's a pass for me then I already got the Ps2 and PC version, it would be nice to play this on the wii U with a wii u gamepad feature.

AJBACK2FRAG3156d ago

The Wii edition of Residen Evil 4 included the PS 2 extras and mysteriously play's on your Wii U right now!

franwex3156d ago

I have only the original GameCube one...I might bite if the price is right.

GordonKnight3156d ago

Hopefully it was be half price for the first week it relases.

rjason123156d ago

Have it on GameCube and Wii, if it was an upgrade than I might've gotten it lol, wish they would put the HD games or revelations 2, or hell even 5 or 6 on there not something everyone has played.

Double_O_Revan3156d ago

Which marks, I believe, the 7th release of RE4.

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Resident Evil 4: Wii Edition Arrives on European eShop Next Week

"Arriving just in time for Halloween, Nintendo of Europe has announced that Resident Evil 4: Wii Edition will launch on the eShop next Thursday."

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wonderfulmonkeyman3257d ago

Still own it for the Wii.
The game becomes soooooo much better once you give Ashley the Armor costume.

It becomes so much less frustrating when she can't be killed or carried off while you're busy dealing with everything else, and it's pretty funny to watch anything that tries to carry her just collapse under her armor's weight.XD

That and watching her jerk around like a rag-doll when using the tommy gun on her is always good for a chuckle.XD

zsquaresoff3257d ago

Wish they'd remaster this for current gen. Best RE game ever imo.

sadsatan3257d ago

why is this not on ps4?! do it already

Doodleburger3257d ago

Yup, and NoA will do absolutely nothing to make it happen in the US. We did get a GBA port of super ghouls and ghosts though, right?! Screw nintendo.

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