
Binge Gamer Review: Dash of Destruction (XBLA)

Binge Gamer writes: "Developed by Mike Borland, who ended up partnering up with NinjaBee (A Kingdom for Keflings, Cloning Clyde) for the final version of the game, brings us one of those pick-up-and-play-no-story type games that is fairly original. The spamming sponsoring by Doritos does not get in the way of the title at all and in fact brings a little reasoning to this odd concept, where you play as either a Doritos truck or a T-Rex. A Doritos truck needs to deliver the chips and a T-Rex needs to eat."

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BigKev455660d ago

Not too bad of a game, but it's darn easy.

PacoDG5660d ago

Agreed. The game could have been twice as long if they upped the amount of levels to include harder gameplay. It seems that wouldn't have been too hard to do (really just have to up the speed).

StalkingSilence5660d ago

"Within one half hour, you can have the game completed and seen all there is to see."
"With the game being free, you more than get your money’s worth, so in the end, 4 out of 5."

What a terrible reason for scoring the game so highly.


Top 5 Easy Arcade Completions

Kdin and Geoff take a look at 5 super-simple, super-quick, super-fun easy arcade completions! Enjoy the extra 1600 Gamerscore!

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Edge: The Friday Game: Dash Of Destruction

Edge writes: "What is fun? That's a hard one to answer, isn't it? Come to think of it, the where and when of fun can be pretty tricky to pin down too. Where is fun hiding? When will it choose to work its magic? Other than, 'not at a Lindisfarne concert', it's surprisingly hard to predict."

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Take a lesson from NinjaBee, add Avatar Support

Examiner writes: What can other developers learn from this? How to keep gamers happy. I understand not every game can have added Live Vision Camera support (I have seen enough testicles playing UNO), but something like avatars support should be done without saying on most newer games. It doesn't hurt to be able to put one more line on your list of features.

With older games though, it comes down to .. "Why not?" Just looking at the XBLA games I own, I could easily see 3D Ultra Minigolf and Bomberman LIVE making use of this feature, as well as renew interest in those titles. I have no doubts Hudson would enjoy seeing Bomberman LIVE make it's way back onto the Live Activity charts.

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Alymon5465d ago

This is pretty awesome. Band of Bugs is already a cool game. Nice to see avatar support added.

I agree that more games should use avatars (specifically XBLA titles).

Give us an avatar RPG or fighting game, please!

PacoDG5465d ago

RPGs would be PERFECT to have avatar support. I know with some games they obviously cant replace a character in the game based on hit detection or other factors I'm sure I'm not thinking of... but RPGs would not be hindered.

GiantEnemyCrab5465d ago

the whole look of avatars doesn't fit well into a lot of games. You basically need a cartoon kiddy game for them to actually be appropriate.

I don't blame developers for not wanting to use them because well they're ugly. But yes, kiddy games like Joyride which are geared twords 8-12 year old demographic it should work okay.

IdleLeeSiuLung5465d ago

true that it doesn't exactly fit in to games like gears, but hey if it is an option you don't have to use it.