
Square Enix Reportedly Lost $200 Million on Avengers and Guardians of the Galaxy

The two Marvel games lost Square Enix $200 million in a little under two years and were responsible for the sale of western studios to Embracer, according to an analyst.

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phoenixwing814d ago (Edited 814d ago )

I'm sorry but if guardians of the Galaxy didn't sell enough they paid too much for royalties to Disney I'm thinking. In any case square is a terrible manager if their dev cost and marketing cost isn't offset by how well gotg sold.

Edit: I did some research and it sold at least one million five hundred thousand as of last October. Not to mention 5 to 10 million dollars from Microsoft for game pass. Square is crap at budgeting imo after finding this out.

2nd edit: I fear for the final fantasy franchise and square as a company if they're this incompetent

Eonjay814d ago

The cost of making AAA games has skyrocketed. 1.5 million copied is not enough to cover the cost of production, and advertising. Yes 100 million is pretty standard (if not low) for a AAA game. And selling 1.5 million won't even cover the cost.

VersusDMC814d ago

And i remember the game was half off in Canada for Black Friday. One month after release. So most of those sales aren't even at 60.

FinalFantasyFanatic814d ago

After years and years, many years, I'm just more convinced that SE is just incompetent at time management and development.

GoodGuy09814d ago

Well I've been fearing for the ff franchise since xiii lol.

Michiel1989814d ago

ahhh, a microsoft board member, good to see you here lad.

chronoforce814d ago

1.5m is pretty bad for a game that probably exceeded 100m in development costs. It is a shame as GOTG is good a game. Given how often both CD and Eidos underperformed according to SQNX their sale was inevitable.

AuraAbjure814d ago (Edited 814d ago )

GOTG seemed pretty cool, better than Avengers.

Blackcanary814d ago (Edited 814d ago )

If I remember correctly they have been losing money on FF games after ether FF10 or 12. It's the main reason why they doing the FF7 remake which cover's practically every game that is connected with FF7. Its the one of the main games in the FF franchise that made the most money for them. Not including FF11 and FF14 i think thats done quite well for them financially.

EvertonFC814d ago

Guardians of the galaxy is a great game but sadly 90% of gamers only play f2p, GaaS games these days.
So of course games will suffer. I've said it many times "be careful what you wish for". And in a few years gaming will be shite full of nothing but GaaS and f2p nonsense and gamers will wonder where it all went wrong.

814d ago
thesoftware730814d ago (Edited 814d ago )

5-10 mill from MS? is that a factual #?

SE is becoming a shell of their former selves, they need to sell to Sony and get some direction.

shinoff2183814d ago

Ive feared for final fantasy since 12 came out. All down hill imo

+ Show (6) more repliesLast reply 814d ago
-Foxtrot814d ago

Well maybe Guardians would have sold more if people weren’t put off with how shit the Avengers was

Godmars290814d ago

Designs closer to the movies/actors probably would have helped too.

senorfartcushion814d ago

It never does. People moan about all sorts of things nowadays. The same people would have moaned about them looking too much like the actors.

1Victor814d ago

@godmars you have to understand guardians even on the comics is a obscured comics and it got to a small spotlight by the movie they thought that since the movie did good the game would too but the truth is that marvel space opera is very niche in the comics with multiple cancellations over the years and returns with different members same for the avengers comics

-Foxtrot814d ago

I liked how the Guardians looked more like the comic book designs

anubusgold814d ago

The avengers should have used the comic book character looks instead of the butt ugly ones they used trying to copy the movie look. It works well in the cartoons and no one complains about it.

VivaLaManual814d ago

I actually really liked how the characters weren't like the movie ones.

Vader82814d ago

The games voice actors were as good as the movies in their own right. The interactions were wonderful.

CrimsonWing69814d ago

I actually prefer the game characters over the actors for Guardians, but I’m sure I’m in the minority on that one.

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 814d ago
Profchaos814d ago

It wasn't clear what it was either. Was it a action game was it a online only clone that killed it into and turned me off the game until it was out for a year and appearing on countless goty lists

DaleCooper814d ago (Edited 814d ago )

This, for sure. I avoided Guardians after playing Avengers. I did eventually buy it on a sale due to the great reviews. Way better than the monotonous Avengers live-service game.

Seraphim813d ago

while I agree there is more to it. I think a large part of the problem is simply that Guardians doesn't have the same following as your typical Marvel hero/groups. Personally speaking many of my friends who game have never even watched the two movies. I sent one friend a copy of the game free of charge and he hasn't even bothered checking it out. I love the IP, the movies, characters, etc, but it simply doesn't have the broad appeal nor does it have time on market like other super hero's. Though dropping what was Avengers was undoubtably a major blow to any success Guardians may have had otherwise but there's more to it. I picked Avengers up for $10 after playing Guardians and good grief was it mediocre at best and the live service/leveling/rewards system was disgusting.

Lastly, I do have a feeling Disney is charging too heavy of a price for use of their IPs but that is obviously just a guess. I would be interested to know what kind of money Disney requires for use of their IPs though. But look at, say, Good Smile Company and their Nendoroid line of figures. Venom is something like $95!! Most, if not all Marvel characters are quite a bit more than most other nendoroids. And something tells me Goodsmile isn't setting the prices higher simply because they can.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 813d ago
Muigi814d ago

Guardians got the short end of the shtick, all thanks to the shit show that was The Avengers.

ClayRules2012814d ago (Edited 814d ago )

For real, it’s a darn shame too because Guardians has some of the best and most entertaining in-game dialogue (while you’re just walking around with your crew mates in different areas) that I’ve seen since Uncharted and the Last of Us. Avengers was crap.

Not even just that, the story overall is so freaking great, with tons of laughs and emotional moments throughout the well done campaign.

VersusDMC814d ago

I agree... but the gameplay was so meh to me that i finda wished it was a telltale type game. It was a chore.

ClayRules2012814d ago


I understand that, I do. The gameplay is the one area that I felt needed A LOT more work! It got stale quickly and if the story was just “OK” I honestly wouldn’t have kept going, but I really came to like these characters early on and for story I felt was neat and headed somewhere interesting, and my goodness it all shocked me with how much I came to love the characters and story as everything progressed.

I love telltale and their past games, but I love the game how it turned out, for the most part lol. But I get what your saying. But I’m glad it wasn’t made in that form of style. Did you play the telltale Guardians of the Galaxy game?

A real blast and gem of a game.

WGAF814d ago

Gotg combat section would have been much more entertaining if you can switch to other party members like tails or tri-Ace games. Their combat repertoires are already limited (just 5 members total) and unable to switch make it even more repetitive (you hardly notice others effect when u just focusing on your own attack). I guess they going more like Mass Effect types of combat? Either way, everything else were actually pretty solid, especially all the quarrels between parties members were brilliantly hilarious.

AnotherGamer814d ago

FFXIV is their biggest money bank right now, I think the game is fine.

PapaBop814d ago

It is, they have already said they have already finished the story for post Endwalker and now working on the story for the next expansion.

Gardenia814d ago

Looks like FFXV, so not that good. They should make JRPG's games like they did back in the 90's. But quality and creativity has been long gone from gaming with a few exceptions.
Games nowadays are made by money an investors who tell developers what to do. Sad really.

peppeaccardo814d ago

Got on the hype band vagon of Guardian and I surelly enjoyed its writing and story, which I thought was quite convoluted and fun overall. The excution was a little MEh even thought the models were alright and the environments not bad at all. Movements felt a bit tiff but ok overall. It was a decent game with a big budget soul. I did not play Avengers but I guess it felt into the "wanna be AAA at all costs" trap !

kikicub814d ago

I love everything about the game, except the combat that got stale.

But it sure is a gorgeous game, especially with ray tracing on.

ClayRules2012814d ago

Yeah, the combat was stale (got that way rather quickly) but man, that story, the characters, that helped me push through the gameplay and at times, the dialogue in the combat at points in the campaign had me enjoying certain fights again and again, regardless of the repetitiveness, put a little spark back into it’s diminishing flame in that one specific weak area in the game.

dumahim814d ago

I bought into the hype. Everyone was talking it up like it was such a great game. Got it and felt very underwhelmed. Didn't really care for the combat at all. Everyone just felt so underpowered and like you said, it felt a bit clunky. Allowing you to pick who you played as in combat would have helped. Drax just didn't feel like the Drax from the movie very much and I tired of Rocket's whining. The story didn't hit with me. I mentioned it somewhere a couple months ago and someone commented "oh, wait until chapter X" and that was still like 3 chapters away from where I was, and way past the halfway point. With all the other games that came out recently, I just never went back.

peppeaccardo813d ago

Totally understand. As for the story I guess it can be fairly subjective to personal taste. Overall teh game has decent to good production value. I can tell a decent amount of time was used to create the models of everything in the game; locations, characters, objects etc. Texture work is also quite nice with lighting that could use a bit of improvement. My biggest problem are the animations which are fairly robotic. I loved the fact that the characters talk among themselves during teh gameplay and make the whole thing a little more beliavable, nad jokes included. I personally liked tha game despite these minor issues, I don't think I would go back to play it again to get all the collectables like I would do with Spidermand or Ratchen and Clank for example. Too bad the dev and publisher lost money as we might not see another iteration of these game anytime soon. Take care

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The Pokemon Company Had Retail Sales Worth $10.8 Billion In 2023

The Pokemon Company had retail sales worth of 10.8 billion US Dollars in the year 2023, based on the latest report.

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gold_drake9h ago

that merch tho.

ridiculous the numbers they pull in, which makes it even worse when i think about the low budget broken games they make. or have made recently

-Foxtrot1h ago

We’re never getting an amazing mainline Pokémon game again are we

phoenixwing1h ago

Of course not. That's why I have tem tem because even if it's not the greatest I at least know the indie dev was trying

ZeekQuattro22m ago

Great plug for Tem Tem right there. It's not the greatest but at least they tried.... 🤣


Unending Dawn joins PlayStation China Hero Project

Parcae’s Fate Studio-developed open-world action game Unending Dawn has joined Sony Interactive Entertainment‘s China Hero Project incubation program, the companies announce. As previously announced, it will be available PlayStation 5, iOS, and Android.


Project: Jinyiwei joins PlayStation China Hero Project

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VersusDMC5h ago

Love me some third person action games.
Reminds me that Black myth is weeks away...