
“Warhammer 40,000: Battlesector” has just released its "Necrons" DLC for PC and consoles

"Games Workshop, Black Lab Games (“Battlestar Galactica Deadlock” and “Starhammer”), and Slitherine (“Warhammer 40,000: Gladius – Relics of War”, “Warhammer 40,000: Sanctus Reach” and “Warhammer 40,000: Armageddon”) are today very delighted and excited to announce that they have just released the "Necrons" DLC for their turn-based strategy game “Warhammer 40,000: Battlesector" (the Necrons" DLC is available right now for PC, Xbox One, and the PS4)." - Jonas Ek, TGG.


How Larian and Slitherine adapted Dungeons & Dragons and Warhammer

From Eurogamer: "There’s something brilliant about tabletop evenings with friends. My Thursday nights usually involve Dungeons & Dragons. Playing an Arcane Archer from the Feywild, I’m joined by a lively party that includes a Firbolg Druid, Minotaur Barbarian, Goblin Ranger, and Tiefling Warlock. We’ve had some fun adventures these last few years. Defeating mind flayers and a lich, fighting servants of Lolth, I got shanked on a bridge - many memorable moments. Never solved that mysterious case of stray arrows hitting teammates though, very peculiar.

D&D inspires creativity, stimulating imaginations through the theatre of the mind. As a popular adaptation target, it left me wondering how game developers capture the spirit of these game. Nick Pechenin, lead systems designer at Larian Studios, happily answered my questions regarding Baldur’s Gate 3, which works off of D&D’s fifth edition. And I didn’t stop there. I can’t claim to be nearly as familiar with Warhammer as I am D&D, but I also approached publisher Slitherine over Black Lab Games’ Warhammer 40,000: Battlesector.

Speaking with Battlesector's executive producer David Sharrock, he informs me, "When we were coming to the end of our plans for Battlestar Galactica Deadlock, the Slitherine and Black Lab teams sat down and had a chat about where we should go next. The Black Lab Games team were looking to make use of their skills in making great strategy games that look amazing and the Slitherine team had already been in discussions with Games Workshop about how to follow up previous 40k Strategy titles like Armageddon and Sanctus Reach.""

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Warhammer 40K: Battlesector Review - Thumb Culture

"Developed by Black Lab Games and Published by Slitherine Ltd. We have Warhammer 40,000: Battlesector. It is said that Black Lab Games and Slitherine Ltd, are trying to bring the new era of 40K to gaming. But just how well can this be done? Especially with so many Warhammer titles available." Dan @ Thumb Culture

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