
Superman Unreal Engine 5 Mod Gives Hope for a Good Supes Game

An Unreal Engine 5 mod for Superman has been released, giving us a glimpse of what's achievable in an open-world Superman game.

darthv72776d ago

There was a superman game for the original xbox that was pretty good and had a really good premise. The main issue is that his character is just too strong. Nothing (short of kryptonite) can really hurt him. So unless they based the game off some hybrid of the comics and movies where others like him come to take control and he must fend them off... what else could a game really offer?

Outlawzz776d ago

If a team actually gave it some thought it could be done. The comics have been around for 80 years. There's lots of stories that can be told, alternate universes etc.

They haven't really given it the time of day imo since the few they did make didn't do too well. People seem to think if they make a game it has to be done with an unstoppable force of superman.

Plant some kryptonite in him , boom! Automatic power reduction, his powers come back throughout the game lol

I'm not a diehard fan so I personally don't care how much it makes sense, but how fun would it be to send enemies flying all over the place though, and freely fly around.

P_Bomb775d ago

Is it Red Kryptonite that comes with unexpected effects? One of the colors anyways. That’s all you need. You can literally nerf him as you see fit.

CrimsonWing69776d ago (Edited 776d ago )

couldn't they just make up some "gamey" story-bit where kryptonite bullets and kryptonite brass knuckles were distributed throughout Metropolis? Him being "overpowered" isn't really an issue.

You can absolutely write a game around mechanics that can keep you from god moding it.

Hell, you can create a meter that can fill where you can go Berserk mode on enemies using all the abilities Superman has in a timed mechanic. Or design a unique race of enemy that can withstand blows from Superman and then sprinkle in notable villains for boss fights taking advantage of the situation. You can do over-the-top Superman moments/moves in QTE's.

Point is, there's a way to make a Superman game work with you being Superman.

Inverno776d ago

The issue is that developers can't make super hero games without adding half-assed RPG mechanics in an attempt to under power the main character. The best way to play Spiderman was completely powered up with all the gadgets unlocked at the hardest difficulty, knowing that Peter pulls his punches. The best way to make a Superman game is to make him OP as he should be. I wanna fly around stopping crime without much effort, I wanna see bullets do nothing to him, and punches doing no damage. There's plenty from the comics they could take to write a compelling story, that leads to an opponent that's actually a fight for him

Lexreborn2776d ago

Batman Arkham City was you playing as a dying human being slowly degrading until the end result. Pretty sure they can give a captivativing Superman game narratively. The real issue is the way games are designed now and days aren’t good for every character and engines need to start evolving.

We have had plenty of deep dives on how asset streaming was terrible on old spinning discs. Which is why the techniques modern games have wouldn’t help to capture a power set like Superman’s in fun gameplay.

It’s why Batman and Spider-Man are more or less the same and games like shadow of war fit the types. Corridors and loading would be a huge inhibitor on the game.

If I would build a game I would start with the City. Make it something large but interactive, be able to traverse through all buildings and even fly through them. Surprisingly I feel the more destruction that can happen in a Superman game the more you feel like him. And makes the gameplay where minimizing destruction is the factor that compels the player to look after this city.

CobraKai776d ago

People always say that Superman is too strong. A game with Superman in it, shouldn’t focus on goons, robots, aliens trying to kill Superman directly, instead they need to focus on destroying what he cares about, the people.

EvertonFC775d ago

Magic can hurt superman, that's the route they should go with a story

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darklaw776d ago

What they need to do is still have superman strong and almost invincible but have it so that he has to limit the amount of damage done to the city and surrounding areas. He should have to solve environmental puzzles, as well as save people and stop crime. Catch a plane and stop an automobile accident, which one to do first? Consult Batman occasionally, as a mystery unfolds in metropolis.

Lexreborn2776d ago (Edited 776d ago )

Before I saw this is how I stated I would see a Superman game. Make it where we feel invested in the city and want to protect it from others and ourselves.

Maybe even make a mechanic that allows us to “weaken” ourselves to reduce destruction.

Flawlessmic776d ago (Edited 776d ago )

Boring superhero and way to OP.

If someone is gonna make a game with a hero who can fly then iron ma would be much more interesting.

Or you know just give us a current gen batman.

Babadook7776d ago (Edited 776d ago )

He’s too OP for a game, sure. Other than that, he’s not boring at all. Powerful lore with great representation in comic and movie form (namely the Chris Reeves OG). Snyder cut was pretty good too.

P_Bomb775d ago

Already played IronMan on PSVR. I want Superman!

jeromeface775d ago

better learn to program then

LordoftheCritics776d ago (Edited 776d ago )

A superman game in one city would be weak.

Needs multiple cities or planets, world level, solar system level events.

Or a fully fleshed out single planet. Massive in scale. Man of Steel the movie like.

gangsta_red776d ago

It can be done, this notion that Superman is too powerful or needs to be depowered to make a game work is so misconstrued and wrong that it boggles my mind.

For all the flaws the EA Superman game had it definitely was on the right path design wise.

That should be a blueprint for a more capable developer with a lot more time

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