
Kingdom Hearts IV to be Built on Unreal Engine 5

According to Square Enix, the debut trailer for Kingdom Hearts IV used Unreal Engine 4, but the game will be built with Unreal Engine 5.

no_more_heroes786d ago

Probably means it's still a ways off then

Snookies12785d ago

Actually can't tell from this, as plenty of work will just be transferred over from UE4 to UE5 anyway.

UncertainCategory784d ago

I suspect that what we saw is all that currently exists of kh4. Nomura works at his own pace, this is ages away from launch.

wwinterj784d ago

I here they have been working on the game for at least two years by now on Unreal 4. They already have the assets from Kingdom Hearts 3 to use and don't need to build from the ground up on a new engine. Transferring the work so far to Unreal 5 is going to be a lot more easy than what happened in the past. If I had to guess a 2025 release seems likely. Three years away isn't that long but is enough time.

SinisterMister784d ago

Can't wait to see how UE5 turns out.

Outlawzz784d ago

Kh 3 took about 6 years to release. I don't expect anything for at least two years and I'll be surprised if they accomplish it before then

CrimsonWing69784d ago

This is the thing about Square Enix and their announcements. It’s pretty frustrating to be honest. Like, why not announce something that’s a year before release? Instead we see a trailer and have to wait 6 years for a game…

Outlawzz784d ago

Yea I'm too used to it with them already lol they may have another couple spinoffs leading up to it in the works too, who knows.

Maybe a 3.2 and then 3.9, 3.95, a mobile rehash of kh1-3 with a couple scenes of additional backstory, a couple re: remakes, possibilities are endless lol

wwinterj784d ago (Edited 784d ago )

Kingdom Hearts 4 is more than likely the next mainline entry in the series. Missing Link will be out next year as we know a closed beta will start this year. Early 2025 for Kingdom Hearts 4 seems likely. I wouldn't expect any other games out before Kingdom Hearts 4 as the trailer would have shown that. Maybe a Kingdom Hearts 3 plus the DLC package might work though I wouldn't count that as anything noteworthy.

Rynxie784d ago

Kh3 was trash. Linear, closed world nonsense. Didn't have any ff characters, barely any Disney characters. Now kh4 will take place in the real world? Lol. Bought kh3 on launch, going to skip kh4.

wwinterj784d ago

Actually the game was decent enough. Not perfect but it was fun and I enjoyed the improvements to the gameplay. The Pirates of the Caribbean, Toy Story and Tangled worlds certainly are not linear too from the top of my head. They added Final Fantasy character though DLC be it not much but it was at least something. I do hope they add more for Kingdom Hearts 4.

Mr_Luke784d ago

"UE5 graphics" doesn't mean it will be for sure a good game. I didn't like the 3rd at all, i arrived after the Big Hero 6 world then i hadn't the strength to continue. Maybe one day i will finish it but for now no.


Kingdom Hearts 4 Will Not Be At Summer Game Fest

Square Enix's upcoming action role-playing game, Kingdom Hearts 4, will not be making an appearance at Summer Game Fest 2024.

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If Clive Appears in Kingdom Hearts 4, Square Enix Has to Get One Thing Right

Square Enix has taken some liberties with Final Fantasy characters appearing in Kingdom Hearts in the past, but Clive needs to keep some consistency.

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ThichQuangDuck304d ago

Clive wouldn't even make sense in Kingdom Hearts bro darker than dark

LG_Fox_Brazil304d ago

To be fair they could use his younger version or tone down his character a bit like Auron in Kingdom Hearts 2

ThichQuangDuck304d ago

Thats fair I get wanting to see more Clive but after the ending we saw I don't know if KH4 is the best way to do so

GoodGuy09304d ago (Edited 304d ago )

It'd be great to have any FF characters at all. They made us pay for dlc to get them in 3 lol.

lucian229304d ago

If they add Clive they better have him do some crazy battles lmao. Probably make him be a boss battle, blank out and attack the party

Terry_B304d ago

Didnt they separate FF from KH?

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Kingdom Hearts 4 Could Learn from Final Fantasy 16’s Limit Break

Game Rant Writes "Kingdom Hearts 4 could take a note from Final Fantasy 16 when it comes to activating the heavy damaging second forms throughout combat encounters."

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Ataraxias321d ago (Edited 321d ago )

No, it's pretty mid. The limit break form itself doesn't do a whole lot in actual combat. It's main use is to regain a bit of hp and add a damage buff for the eikon abilities. It's got way less actual function than KH2 forms.

321d ago Replies(2)
AdonisIsBeast321d ago

Kingdom Hearts should go back to its roots from KH 1 and 2 and bring back “grounded” gameplay and platforming with a solid balanced progression system. Rewarding surprises and side activities. Final Fantasy characters being part of the story as well.

GhostScholar321d ago

I’m probably alone but I’d love to see kingdom hearts go turn based

CrimsonWing69321d ago

Not alone, I’d actually get into KH if that were the case.

Angyobangyo321d ago

KH could also learn to have a coherent story that isn't a jumbled mess.

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