
Kingdom Hearts 4 Gets Additional Details & Screenshots from Square Enix Following Official Reveal

Following the announcement of Kingdom Hearts 4, Square Enix sent a press release including a few interesting details about the game, alongside the new mobile game Missing-Link.

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senorfartcushion801d ago (Edited 801d ago )

Can’t wait for this. I hopefully they don’t shove that much Marvel and Star Wars into the game. They’re quite tired now. And because this game is following a live action theme, they’re probably going to be doing what they did with Pirates in the last game I.e using movie likenesses with different voices, instead of making their own universe.

We know Mark Hamill will probably have his likeness in there somewhere, considering he whores his face out whenever he can. I’ve seen more CGI Mark Hamill than I’ve had hot dinners at this point.

My biggest worry comes from
KH3’s biggest flaw: following their popular films
too much.

-Foxtrot801d ago

Imagine them using the shitty sequel trilogy for Star Wars over the originals

senorfartcushion801d ago (Edited 801d ago )

I am not into Star Wars very much, so I’m in the lower half of the base when it comes to that. I like the originals, Revenge of the Sith from the prequels and The Last Jedi. The rest can go away. Rogue One was quite alright until the ending with Darth Vader.

Elegance of story trumping the canon there. I didn’t mind how
It ended, just how it was executed, particularly in how the characters behaved.

Rogue One rant 😅
Darth Vader was never like that in the movies, only the horrible fanboy games and comics we got. He went from quietly roaming the ship in the beginning of a New Hope to backflipping people into walls in the prequel during the events taking place a few mins beforehand.
The first Star Wars opens with
Soldiers fighting soldiers. Putting Vader front and center as a superhero is akin to trying to ruin the beginning of A New Hope by making Vader bigger than the army emphasised in A New Hope’s opening scene. It’s another example of bad Disney Star Wars practices.

Inverno801d ago

A Clone Wars world would be waay better then one based on the original trilogy

solideagle801d ago

I hope they include FF characters in KH4. I think KH-2 is the best games in series.

CobraKai801d ago

What I loved about Kingdom Hearts was Sora interacting with both Final Fantasy AND Disney characters. I didn’t get hooked cuz of only the Disney characters like in 3. Even if they add Star Wars or Marvel, I still want my Final Fantasy.

-Foxtrot801d ago

I just really hope the story is better

KH3 was a mess, the amount of things I understood better when I looked it up and realised the thing they were referencing in the scene was actually from spin off games, but like the smaller plot points you probably would have missed even if you played it


Like when you are in the keyboard grave yard and you see a spirit of a boy who helps you defeat the cyclone thing…that’s Ephemer from KH X / Union a BROWSER game. I mean how am I supposed to know that or care? I was like “who is he” thinking they’d explain it but they just didn’t

Then at the end of the game you see a set up for the next game which again is incorporating all this Union X stuff, why not start fresh and move away from that.

deleted801d ago (Edited 801d ago )

Exactly why I gave up on the series. Well, that and the distancing from the Final Fantasy crossovers.

But yea, it's just too spread out, too convoluted for its own good. I used to love Kingdom Hearts 1.. my favorite. I liked Part 2 alright also.

It's just been too many years, too many story splinters spread across too many different games though.

I watched a friend play Part 3, and the gameplay and environments seemed fun enough, but I really just lost my enthusiasm 20 years later and probably will never get back to it. I was just bored watching him play the actual story. Yawn fest.

Daeloki801d ago

That's the problem when Tetsuya Nomura insists on every minor spinoff being canon and significant to the plot. Especially when they're spread out over every imaginable platform. I know a lot of people loved Chain of Memories, but as someone who didn't even try it, I had sooo many unanswered questions while playing KH2 xD

gold_drake801d ago

yeh, its a shame that most of the story happened in their spin off games, across consoles lol

i rolled my eyes hard when they showed off the new mobile game, like why?
and the conclusion of dark road is in august?

i liked the kh4 showcase but damn. even the red haired girl in the trailer is from union cross lol nomura needs to do better.

-Foxtrot801d ago

Oh is she? Urgh...for the love of the God

This was literally their chance to start fresh and bring in a new story arc not related to anything else currently going on.

wwinterj801d ago (Edited 801d ago )

I mean the collections are available on the PS4 that give you all the story you need to know going into Kingdom Hearts 3. Even Kingdom Hearts 3 had a recap. I find those complaining how "convoluted" and they don't understand the series haven't bothered even playing what's available to them.

Also given the secret ending to Kingdom Hearts 3 it's very clear this game wouldn't have started a fresh and neither should it just because some folk can't be bothered to actually play the series.

-Foxtrot801d ago

Oh stop it, stop acting so high and mighty acting like anyone who can see how convoluted the story has become over the years just "hasn't played the games". I've played the majority of them but even still it's all over the place and there's no reason in hell should you NEED to play countless spin off games, including browser games and read every single journal entry to understand the main story...it's sloppy writing, end of.

No one has the time and money aswell to play everything, they spread the spin off games out on so many platforms and some people just don't have the free time when there's brand new games coming out, why should we have to buy a bunch of old games that have finally made it into a collection for modern hardware when there's a bunch of games around the corner, especially if you are saving up for the main game coming up

I get it...defend it because you're a fan but don't be a blind one where your main argument is "bu bu but you haven't played it"

deleted801d ago (Edited 801d ago )

Many people playing the originals 20 years ago are grown up now, have families, careers, life priorities not as pressing back then.

I have to be a lot more selective now days of time investment. A game would really have to have a truly special lore for me to invest that much time to get caught up. Recaps never have the same impact as actually playing the games. For me, the lore just isn't great enough for all the time it would take, all the splintered side games.

The feeling i always got from them was that the story was being made up as it went along, with no real foresight.

Kudos to you and everyone who enjoyes them. Just not for me anymore.

wwinterj801d ago (Edited 801d ago )

"Stop it" yourself. You can buy the story so far collection cheap or the all in one collection cheap enough so having games spreed over multiple platforms is a age old argument. Why should you buy the old games in a collection? Perhaps to understand a 20 year old series, educate yourself on something you're commenting on and maybe enjoy good games. "end of". If you can't be bothered, don't have the time or whatever reason you don't want to do that then I'm not surprised you don't understand things and I'm not shocked you probably won'y enjoy any other game in the series as you've not followed it.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 801d ago
GoodGuy09801d ago

Still don't really like they made the mobile games so important to the story. But well whatever, this is square. If kh4 only takes place in that world, thisd be interesting and refreshing. I do kinda like the idea kh is trying to be closer and closer to just be its own thing. Don't care about disney but I do still want them to have final fantasy characters.

Well... I've given up on kh being amazing as it once was with kh1+2 so I only look at this series as a sure why not kill some time and have a bit of fun I guess kind of games. Stories been all over the place too so I don't and can't even keep up with it anymore lol.

Muigi801d ago

Looking forward to this in 5 years.

MadLad801d ago

That's a highly optimistic timeframe.

DarkOcelet800d ago

I would say early 2024 - late 2024 max this time around. Keep in mind they had to scrap the work they did with KH3 on Luminous engine before switching to Unreal Engine 4 back then so that added some dev time.

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Kingdom Hearts 4 Will Not Be At Summer Game Fest

Square Enix's upcoming action role-playing game, Kingdom Hearts 4, will not be making an appearance at Summer Game Fest 2024.

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Kingdom Hearts Missing-Link launches in 2024, teaser trailer

GPS-based action RPG Kingdom Hearts Missing-Link will launch for iOS and Android in 2024, Square Enix announced.

gold_drake234d ago

yea i think i might skip this one again.

it probably doesnt have english voice acting or any other than japanese and quite honestly, im done with these "important to the story" spin off mobile gaas shit lol

-Foxtrot234d ago

Worst thing is they could have started fresh with KH4 from a story point of view but even in KH3 it was like “you should have played Kingdom Hearts X to understand where we are going”

Inverno234d ago

KH threw a twist that I don't think anyone saw. Xehanort being the good guy playing a villain was their opportunity to reboot the series and it's awful written story. With the worlds reset they could bring back some consistency to a new story and actually push to write original stories for the Disney worlds while weaving them into the non Disney stuff. But nah now he's in realistic Japan with bootleg FF Verses characters.

gold_drake233d ago

yeh, i hated what they did with 3.

Inverno234d ago

Moaarr spinoffs with important story elements! KH why are you so cruel? It's hard to love you, dang it.

Knightofelemia234d ago

I lost interest after the story became to convoluted I grabbed KH3 at Gamestop for $10 new I still haven't played it. But this port is coming to cellphone I will just pass. If it came to console I would still avoid it I just lost interest.


Kingdom Hearts Missing-Link Is Alive as Square Enix Teases Possible News

Today, following a long silence, the social media account of the upcoming mobile game Kingdom Hearts Missing-Link gave some signs of life.

gold_drake241d ago


another mobile game that ties in with the over convoluted lore.