
Elden Ring: The Kotaku Review

FromSoftware iterates on its previous work to deliver a frustrating master class in world-building.

deadfrag809d ago (Edited 809d ago )

How can something be frustrating and Master classe at the same time in the same sentence to describe the same thing?This shows how bad the written has reach in the gaming media! Low standards for reviewers!

BrainSyphoned809d ago

Yet it is the most rational thing they have lead with in living memory.

frostypants808d ago (Edited 808d ago )

Isn't this the same publication that published an article that the Series X has too many holes and holes are scary? Yeah. This one is high quality by their editorial standards.

UnSelf808d ago

Forbidden West > Elden Ring

EmperorDalek809d ago

Did you actually read the review to find out what he meant? Or did you, like most people do, simply read the small quote on N4G and feel as though you read enough to judge the entire article?

gamer7804808d ago

Most people don’t read kotaku reviews, for good reason. Bad Takes: The Kotaku Modus Operandi.

garos82808d ago

no and i simply wont give them any clicks. besides i dont need Kotaku to validate/discredit my GOTY. Their articles are usually trash anyway

Phoenix76808d ago

If its a Kotaku article, it's usually best to just skip it and head to the comment section first and search for clues there LOL

Chriswynnetbh808d ago

Frustration is built into the foundation of souls games. Not everyone likes to breeze through games on easy mode with no challenge involved. It is the frustration and the feeling of overcoming it that draws people to those games in the first place. If you don't understand that it's perfectly fine and the game is clearly not meant for you.

Seraphim808d ago

hands down, imo, there is no better sense of achievement than beating some of the bosses in these games. While it only took about 8 tries, 3 of which were using a bow cheese that I was impatient to properly try lol, beating General Radahn was an epic sense of accomplishment. As were some other bosses.

side note: for those who want to breeze through everything that is an option with the numerous rune farms available & ridiculously strong weapons/builds. The boulder can be accessed right away and the bird can also be accessed relatively early on for even more exp. Pre nerf a friend used Sword of Night and Flame and laughed at General Radahn. My quip, but did you feel a sense of accomplishment, the answer was no.

Crows90808d ago (Edited 808d ago )

Just recently beat the gargoyles. Felt great after getting pummeled so many damn times.

The hardest boss for me so far. Running a bleed build so wasn't doing much damage per hit and so getting a bit overwhelmed when the 2nd dude joins the fray.

Radahn i beat on my first attempt....but damn is that fight cool.

CorndogBurglar808d ago

Because it's difficulty can get frustrating when stuck on a boss that you've tried to heat 30 times. But the game is built that way on purpose. All Souls games are. It's the feeling of finally beating that insanely difficult boss that makes it so great.

There are different types of frustration. If they said the game was frustrating because it was full of bugs, but then called it "master class", then yes, you would have a point. But thats not what this is at all

As others have said, try reading the article. The small intro summary doesn't tell you anything.

soulrebel808d ago

Ah, you need more than one layer of thought to understand that...

SyntheticForm808d ago

Elden Ring is my personal game of the year. However... God of War Ragnarok could change that. I don't know though; the Elden Ring is so powerful.

zahdab808d ago (Edited 808d ago )

a seemingly absurd or self-contradictory statement or proposition that when investigated or explained may prove to be well founded or true.
"in a paradox, he has discovered that stepping back from his job has increased the rewards he gleans

spicelicka808d ago

Because the frustrating and master class are referring to two different things. Master class is referring to the world building.

+ Show (6) more repliesLast reply 808d ago
Harryvok808d ago

I really enjoyed Dark Souls 3 and the Demon's Souls remake. Never really got into Bloodborne or Sekiro, those game just didn't gel for me like Dark Souls 3 / Demons Souls did.

I'm about 20 hours into Elden Ring and yes, it's really good. The step up to open world has worked well and I'm glad the combat is more in line with Dark Souls than Bloodborne/Sekiro. Lovely art style too. Managed to beat Margit first go as an Astrologer. Was actually really easy with a summon by the gate and the spirit wolves.

There are things that grate on me though. The game feels... Old? Like the animations, the physics, the character and environmental models all have this feel like they're out of a PS3 game. Overall graphics are just 'ok' as well. Textures need work etc. It's the impressive art style that helps cover some of those things up. Also, performance isn't very good. Feels like From Software have never really learnt how to optimise a game properly.

Is it a really good game? Yes. But with all the issues in it, there's no way I could give it the 10/10 so many did. Things other developers/games would get blasted for by critics just seem to get a pass and get glossed over for this game.

Epicor808d ago

I get what you are saying. And I agree that the game feels a bit dated. But maybe mostly because many modern games are very responsive and buttery smooth. Something we've used to. Elden Ring has it's technical issues. Especially in early phases of the game. For some reason the screen tearing / frame rate issues get way better after few hours to a degree where they are almost non-existent (at least on PS5). Graphically it feels like PS4 game. I just played God Of War on PS5 (which is a PS4 game) and it looked and felt way better technically. But Elden Ring provides enough reasons for me to forgive these technical issues. When you are so engaged with the exploration and challenging combat, you don't really even notice nor think about any technical shortcomings. The world is amazing. The sense of achievement in this game is unparalleled. I'm okay with many sites giving this game a perfect 10/10. I would personally maybe rate it as 9,5/10 game but that's just me of course. I feel so stupid that I almost postponed purchasing this game thinking that I'll play it when the technical issues are fixed. No reason to wait. These technical issues are not major issues. Only a really minor inconvenience.

Harryvok807d ago

I guess I'm just more fussy when it comes to actually giving some sort of score. So far I'd give it an 8.5-9. I still stand by saying things this game gets a pass for would see other games blasted and marked down for.

Chard808d ago

Demon's Souls feels far more 'old' than Elden Ring, even with the new graphics of the remake

808d ago
Harryvok807d ago

Agreed. I just think after this many games and in this day and age, I expect more from this studio in terms of technology and the technical aspects of their games.

808d ago Replies(1)
Crows90808d ago

Haven't had a single issue with the game so far.

I make the game harder for myself by barely upgrading the weapons, not using the summon ashes and definitely not using help from other players for bosses.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 807d ago
Nacho_Z808d ago

Enjoyable article. The word frustrating up there is misleading because the writer absolutely loves the game.

CorndogBurglar808d ago (Edited 808d ago )

It's not misleading. People just don't understand that there are different types of frustration. The game is frustrating because of its difficulty. But that being hard doesn't make it a bad game.

Whereas, saying a game is frustrating because it has tons of bugs is an entirely different story.

Nacho_Z808d ago

It is misleading because it implies a relatively critical viewpoint whereas it's actually nothing but praise for the game, while acknowledging the tough but fair difficulty.

I'm not sure if you read the article or not.

gold_drake808d ago

i think you're reaching here.
it never said its bad.

CorndogBurglar808d ago


I never said ghe article said its bad....

CorndogBurglar808d ago (Edited 808d ago )


I did read the article. And I'm not saying the article said its bad. What I'm saying is that this game's difficulty can 100% be frustrating. Anyone that has played the Souls series has gotten frustrated as hell at one point (likely several points) in every single one of them. But that kind of frustration is not a bad thing. In fact, it makes overcoming that frustratingly difficult obstacle even more rewarding. Which is really what we all love so much about these games.

That type of frustration is good frustration.

Bad frustration is when a game is full of bugs and it frustrates you (which isn't the case in these games). That's why the headline is not misleading. The game is 100% frustrating at times. But in a good way.

Crows90808d ago

I got pummeled by some bosses.....never frustrated. I was always excited for another go.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 808d ago
Junkrad2022808d ago

kotaku being kotaku, whats new really?

808d ago
SIdepocket808d ago

Kotaku still does game reviews??

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Elden Ring player count soars as fans rush to reach DLC's recommended level

The player count for Elden Ring is soaring, with the impending DLC the root cause.

Read Full Story >>
Lexreborn29h ago

I’m on new game plus at level 221 I’m just trying to reach the locations me and my buddies took out radahn next is mog lol


Elden Ring's developers know most players use guides, still try to cater to those who go in blind

FromSoftware boss Hidetaka Miyazaki says reading guides is "perfectly valid," but doesn't want it to be a necessity.

Goodguy011d 4h ago

It's open world and filled with content so that's a given. Bosses I always wanna go blind asides from following a guide to only find optional bosses after I've beaten the game. Pretty sure there's still loads of content I haven't discovered yet in the base game lol.

blackblades1d 3h ago

I only use guides when I'm stuck some where for a long period of time or trophy hunting which is rare cause I had retired that.

Cacabunga13h ago

I first finish a game, then use a guide for the missable stuff..
Only game I used guide from beginning was Crisis Core reunion where it’s impossible to do on your own and where every single thing is missable

The_Hooligan6h ago

I use a guide to see if there are any missable trophies. If there are, I will make sure to use the guide to get them but if there are none then I don't use the guide at all and just go explore the way I want to.

-Foxtrot1d 3h ago

To be fair I think a lot only use guides because they don't want to be locked out of side missions or endings.

I love the game but trying to find certain NPC's and the like as you play through the game felt like trying to find a needle in a haystack.

A simple "quest tracker" would be handy, just to give you a hint at where to go, where you last found them, if you've locked yourself out of not. Not flashy or anything, just something you can find on your map when you open it.

fsfsxii11h ago

just play ubisoft titles where everyone's a winner and stop complaining about minute shit like always

Dudeson9h ago

Come on man... Among all the unnecessary complaining that gamers do, not wanting to miss things in a game you like is actually a valid concern. I love from software games, but you gotta admit some things can just be too damn hidden to find without a hint. I love stumbling upon things myself, but missing out is not an option either.

GaboonViper1d 1h ago

Nope never use guides, what i love about games is discovering the mysteries and magic of the Worlds, i remember the great Shigeru Miyamoto saying as young boy he would love exploring woods and caves and finding things and he wanted to expand that to games as in Zelda.

Walalon6h ago

The sense of discovery it's one of big strengths of Elden Ring... Looking for every cave, NPC and even the surprise dragons on zones are an awesome time. Now with the DLC around the corner this feeling it's going to start up again, can't wait!

franwex13h ago

I never use guides, unless it’s something that I’m stuck on-that I know I will resolve with enough time-but I don’t feel that the time is worth the investment. Such as a side quest for better gear.

Hotpot13h ago(Edited 13h ago)

I use guide because in my adult life I can barely get 2 hours of gameplay a day. Can’t waste those 2 hours floundering about, or worse, accidentally make irreversible decision that makes the rest of playthrough full of regret. Usually only for missables though, it’s not like I want to read guides every 5 minutes of playing.

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Elden Ring Has Sold More Than 25 Million Copies To Date

FromSoftware's Elden Ring has now sold over 25 million copies worldwide, as announced by the devs over on the official Twitter handle.

GaboonViper1d 1h ago

Massive Congrats to From Software, one of the best games i have played, all we need now is a Bloodborne 2.

The_Hooligan6h ago

I get sad every time when someone mentions Bloodborne because Bloodborne remake or Bloodborne 2 don't exist :(

on_line_forever1d 1h ago

Deserve it , but I was really wish Dark souls 3 & bloodborn sold these number of Copies

smolinsk22h ago

Elden ring appeal to a much broader audience because of the Open world. The freedom to take any boss when you want and because of the Lord of the rings lore. Souls is basically just Boss fights and that's it.

cooperdnizzle18h ago

Well you have never played the games!

smolinsk1d 1h ago

Best game ever. Never played a game that well balanced to fit everyones need.

Aphrodia23h ago

pc version is rather busted. Hopefully they have some common decency and fix the problems when the dlc drops.

outsider162423h ago

Hold on..is it easy? As a souls game?

smolinsk22h ago

No much harder. Souls games are easy

toxic-inferno15h ago

Whether it's easier or harder than othe souls games depends on your playstyle. However, it's fair to say that it's a fat more accessible game than any other in the series.

Aphrodia21h ago

still busted. Read the discussions instead of staying in the N4G bubble.. It's due to the anti cheat. It works fine enough in offline mode but you are missing out on much of the experience.

cooperdnizzle18h ago

Wrong again. There are a few souls games that are harder then elden ring.

Are you a bot?

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 15h ago
kickerz21h ago

Still waiting for it to go on sales so I can buy it..

DivineHand12516h ago

Well deserved. Not only was the game great it also had incredible value with the amount of content it provided.

I did my first playthrough as a sorcerer and defeated all the bosses.

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