
Review - Gran Turismo 7 (PS5) | WayTooManyGames

WTMG's Leo Faria: "Gran Turismo 7 was a mixed experience. I love its car loving philosophy, giving us gearheads a playground to mess around with some of the most beautiful and powerful machines ever created. Sadly, for every aspect Polyphony has knocked out of the park, such as the quality of the models and the Music Rally mode, there was something else that made the overall package feel like a glorified PS3 racing game covered with a next-gen, ray-traced coat of paint. The dated controls, the annoying hand-holding, the irritating UI, the single worst third-person camera system in a modern racing game, all of those made me realize that, at the end of the day, despite being uglier than this brand new 2022 title, I’d rather stick to Gran Turismo 6 instead. Or any of the countless racing simulators currently available on the PS5 and Xbox Series X."

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Andrew336829d ago ShowReplies(2)
peppeaccardo829d ago (Edited 829d ago )

This gentleman is entitled to have his opinion on a game which mayh or may not enjoy to its fullest ... HOWEVER HE CANNOT CALL HIMSELEF GEARHEAD ... this game has EVERYTHING a GearHead loves about cars:
- Unparalleled Driving Physics
- Amazing car models
- Best cars sound
- Fantastic tracks design
- Hours to spare in the livery editor
- Centuries to spend in the photo mode
- MIllenia to enjoy in multiplayer and Sport mode
- Years to collect and cusomize cars
.. and the list goes on and on !!

DUDE it is ok if you did not like it for the reason you have mentioned and it is ok ... BUT YOU ARE NOT A GEARHEAD!!

porkChop829d ago

All those things are fantastic, but if there are other issues that bring the experience down for him he has a right to that opinion. It doesn't make him any less of a gearhead just because some nobody on the internet said so.

porkChop829d ago

In the review they clarify what they mean by dated. Compared to other sims they think the controls feel too stiff and haven't progressed at all from previous GT titles. Dated controls are something any other game gets docked for, so why should GT be different?

nickanasty206829d ago

Dated controls are a huge issue. Look at The Last Guardian. Was an excellent game riddled with dated controls and camera movement. That ultimately destroyed the experience for a lot of people.

yeahokwhatever827d ago

wtf IS dated about the controls in GT7? what a stupid opinion.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 827d ago
ScootaKuH829d ago

And those dated controls he talked about are the same as practically any other racer out there. Also no mention that the game has a lot of ways to customise those controls if you want to. But hey, they're dated.

Knushwood Butt829d ago

I read the review and there are so many problems with it that I haven't got enough time to call them all out.

I will just say the reviewer calls some tracks as looking 'cheap', and backs it up with a screenshot of Suzuka. It's a real circuit! What do they expect? Laser projections on the track surface.? They then go on to say ACC looks better!!! I have ACC on PS5 and in no way do the circuits look better or any less 'cheap'.

EazyC829d ago

The driving physics are not "unparalleled", and car sounds are as good in other sims.

philm87829d ago

In terms of how the cars drive compared to their real life counterparts I think they are.

Gaming4Life1981829d ago

Everything you said is your opinion. This guy expressed his opinion on a game he is reviewing and explained why. You saying he is not a gearhead is also your opinion.

Michiel1989828d ago

didnt know there was a monopoly on being a gearhead

strifeblade826d ago

Mate you forgot that there is 0 damage in this game. And that graphically forza horizon 5 looks better when playing and that is an open world game. Polyphony dropped the ball there

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 826d ago
iplay1up2829d ago

I don't know. I haven't played it myself yet, but in many reviews graphically say they are even better than Horizon 5, which looks amazing. The videos I have watched of GT7 look fantastic. I think calling it a "Glorified P3 game" is an insult!

porkChop829d ago

He doesn't mean PS3 in terms of graphics. "The dated controls, the annoying hand-holding, the irritating UI, the single worst third-person camera system in a modern racing game".

Knushwood Butt829d ago

Then goes on to say they would rather play GT6, a PS3 game.

porkChop829d ago

Right. If you actually read the whole review rather than just the conclusion you'd understand why they said that.

Army_of_Darkness829d ago

Hey @porkchop!
Wanna join my team?? I think you'd make a great Defenseman 😉😏

ScootaKuH829d ago

But all of those can be turned off. Don't like the auto brake? Switch it off then, likewise the racing line, ABS, fuel consumption. Pretty much every aspect of the game can be tweaked in some way so the "annoying hand holding" really isn't a valid criticism. They're they're for those that want assistance but by no means are they forced

porkChop829d ago


Seriously, guys, just read the review because it's obvious none of you have. When they talk about hand-holding it has nothing to do with auto braking, racing lines, ABS, etc.

"This is, in fact, a very slow-paced, extremely hand-holdy, and very linear series of mandatory objectives which basically dictate which race you should attempt next, which cars you should buy, which categories to explore. Most of the game’s car categories, modes, stores, and tracks can only be unlocked by accepting these linear objectives, so the café acts more as your quest hub. Gone is the possibility of just choosing your own path, as long as you had the appropriate racing license. While I do understand that this makes GT7 more appealing to newcomers, it turns this entire career mode into a borefest for veterans."

This isn't just some guy talking shit. It's valid criticism from someone who has clearly played and enjoyed previous GT games.

IRetrouk828d ago

It only handholds you untill you unlock all the modes, once that's done its a case of choosing to do more menus or entering whatever events you want, there is plenty to do beside the menus including championships and missions.

yeahokwhatever827d ago

"dated controls" = completely customizable controls and highly advanced force feedback
"annoying hand holding" = has a tutorial
"irritating UI" = has a deep menu system
"single worst third-person camera system in a modern racing game" = single worst third-person camera system in a modern racing game

+ Show (5) more repliesLast reply 827d ago
ChubbyBlade829d ago

It’s pretty obvious you didn’t read because he’s not talking about the graphics….

Jin_Sakai829d ago (Edited 829d ago )

“but in many reviews graphically say they are even better than Horizon 5, which looks amazing“

I think the lighting and cars are the best I’ve ever seen in a racing game but the tracks aren’t that great looking.

The interior view is nice and I really like the wobble effect but they outside view is stiff as a board which kind of sucks.

As for the UI, they need to ditch the outdated mouse pointer used to navigate the menus.

Om4ever829d ago

Honestly every man that played horizon 5 will disagree with you ...horizon 5 is a better looking game AND it's an open world !!!

Latex74828d ago

Sorry but I've played forza 5 infact all of them an gt has always been better with graphics far better infact gt7 looks blood amazing on my oled tv . And yes I love forza 5 it's a great game . Yes it's open world

MadLad828d ago

Not to mention it's in an actual open world. Not on linear tracks.

Racing games have always been one of the easiest games to pretty up, simply because you didn't need to render a whole bunch at one time.

senorfartcushion828d ago

They are when you zoom in. Everything else has overall less polish. I have GT7 but have not played any Forza game. I prefer tracks to open world games. I know from just playing one which is the better looking game.

GT7 is accurate though. I was watching a film yesterday with a race track in from the game and recognised each turn 😂

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 827d ago
kayoss829d ago

“The glorified ps3 game…and dated controls”. It’s a racing game that have the option to connect a steering wheel. How would try to reinvent the controls for a racing game that requires you to press the gas, brake, and steer?
For the hand holding critique, he should turn off the assist.

elazz829d ago

R2 drive, L2 brake, left analog steering...like all racing games :p
Controls are good. And you can modify almost everything to your liking or use a good steering wheel.

sagapo829d ago

Back in the day with GT1 I used left stick for steering a right stick for gas/brake, ‘cause L2/R2 were just buttons then, not triggers like now. Took some time to adjust to it, but in the end got better laptimes because of smoother riding and better control of gas/brake :)

Kurt Russell829d ago

@sagapo - I am so annoyed I didn't think of that back in the day myself!

Charlieboy333829d ago (Edited 829d ago )

You can even use motion control for steering which is even better than the analogue stick in my opinion.

yeahokwhatever827d ago

sagapo - ps2 GT was awesome because the PS2 had a completely analog controller. I used the d-pad and face buttons, all of which were pressure sensitive. it was perfect. it really bothers me that the ps5 has worse buttons than the ps2.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 827d ago
Father__Merrin829d ago

His reasons scream fanboy Ness the controls? If anything it's got the best controls out there not only full wheel support but dual sence support. This site should be struck off n4g it's OK not liking a game but at least be realistic about it

-Hermit-829d ago ShowReplies(1)
coolbeans829d ago

-"This site should be struck off n4g"

You know you can just challenge the review, right? We're not going to muzzle sites just because they bother you.

John_McClane828d ago

Yeah, I'm not a fan of censorship.

MadLad828d ago

It's Merrin.

He has many strong takes.
Not always necessarily good ones; but strong ones.

Michiel1989828d ago

just because it supports a wheel + dual sense doesnt mean the controls are great...so every steam game that supports gamepads + mouse and keyboard also automatically have the best controls out there?

yeahokwhatever827d ago

the controls in GT are completely customizable. calling the controls "dated" is inexcusable.

Michiel1989827d ago

you missed my point, he says they are the best controls just because they support both the ps5 controller and a wheel, which is in my opinion the bare minimum for a racing game on ps5. Maybe the customization of those are great, idk im not a racing game fan. but with his logic anything that supports basically the bare minimum controllers is "the best controls".

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Gran Turismo 7 update 1.48 features 5 new cars, Café Menu, and World Circuit Events

Latest update brings back a combination of JDM legends and classic Swedish designs.

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Gran Turismo 7's Next Update Set to Arrive May 30, Adds Five New Cars

The next game update for Gran Turismo 7 looks set to land on our consoles this coming Thursday, May 30, with series creator Kazunori Yamauchi posting his traditional pre-update teaser on Twitter.

It's a date we've been expecting for a little while, with content updates coming far more commonly on

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Gabrielmpf20d ago

Cars, and more cars... Yet, they rarely add new locations where we can drive all those cars... smh.

MajorLazer20d ago

We may get a new track this update. The teaser never hints at anything more than the cars, gotta wait for the trailer to know more.

IRetrouk20d ago

There's over 110 layouts in the game, you raced em all? I know I haven't and I have 900 hours playtime

Gardenia20d ago

With the daily races they only use 4 tracks it feels like.

IRetrouk18d ago

That's true, cant lie lol, but I assume you have buddy's to play online with, if not, I got a group you can join, we race every weekend, tracks are random, we even throw weather in sometimes lol

CobraKai19d ago

Wow. That’s one entitled ass comment.

Gabrielmpf19d ago

I paid €70 for way less content than the previous Gran Turismo. Yeah, I'm entitled. Bunch of PS cult boys.

CobraKai19d ago

Wah wah wah. I can’t get more free stuff than what they’re giving me. Wah wah wah

Father__Merrin20d ago

Truly a purchase once and last all gen type of game

purple10120d ago

yes it is!, however I do hope they have a GT8 ready soon, because 7 its a cross gen, so there's more to be extracted for sure,


GT7 update 1.46 features an all-electric concept racing car created exclusively for the game

Today’s 1.46 update includes ŠKODA Vision Gran Turismo, two other cars, new Café Menu, and World Circuit Events.

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Babadook720d ago

Ok, sure. I’ll take more. There’s a lot of tracks already

Sgt_Slaughter20d ago

When you boil down the layouts/configurations, it's 38 tracks. Of those, only 19 are real-life tracks. That's a pretty low amount when there's hundreds of thousands of circuits that are available to add.

Babadook720d ago (Edited 20d ago )

That’s not low though. I don’t have a big preference for real world either, as GT7 has some very good original tracks too.