
Take Two CEO Admits Grand Theft Auto The Trilogy - The Definitive Edition Had Quality Issues

Strauss Zelnick admitted the game collection had quality issues and was disappointed with it initially.

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LucasRuinedChildhood898d ago (Edited 898d ago )

I appreciate that Strauss is deeply regretful.

He didn't knowingly rush it out the door just to have something to boost quarterly revenue while waiting for a new GTA5 port. It was all an accident and they genuinely didn't even know about the bugs, just like CD Projekt RED.

The mock reviews were all good and the game being a horrendous POS was a complete shock. Thanks for doing the tough thing and being honest, Strauss.

-Foxtrot898d ago

Right thing?

Do you not remember what he was first saying a month back?

Downplaying it completely


smashman98898d ago

He’s clearly being sarcastic

-Foxtrot898d ago

There's a symbol for that....


yuukiliu898d ago

your sarcasm meter is broken.

898d ago
MadLad897d ago

You really just need to learn to read sarcasm, dude.

That was so blatant.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 897d ago
0hMyGandhi898d ago

I gave you an upvote just for not including the "/s" tag at the end. Thank you for believing in us to read "between the lines". :)

Seriously though, putting "/s" at the end of a sarcastic statement is the equivalent of Borat saying, "....NOT!" at the end of the joke. It destroys the impact.

Profchaos898d ago

He's not regretful he is backtracking his last statement slightly because he was abused so much by saying they were fixed that he quit Twitter.

His wordings indicate that there is very minor fixes inbound and they won't address many of the criticisms

Atticus_finch898d ago

My biggest issue was the fact they used the mobile version as base for all 3 games.
These games were doomed from the beginning.

Ethereal898d ago

Which was a port of a port of a port I believe. Not surprised these were complete garbage. But it's okay, they were disappointed initially until the sales numbers started pouring in. Now they are dancing their way to bank. All is good!

jambola898d ago

admitting the painfully obvious
what a big step......

Orchard898d ago

He'd need to be living in a fantasy world to try and deny that it had issues.

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Random: Hideo Kojima Highlights The 21st Anniversary Of 'Boktai' On GBA

No sunlight that day, apparently.

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OtterX9d ago

They should release it on NSO's GBA lineup. The Switch has a light sensor afterall! (Switch Lite owners would be out of luck though)

Chocoburger8d ago (Edited 8d ago )

I don't think games would be able to 'hook into' the light sensor for automatic screen brightness.
The best way to play the game is with the fan patch that lets you adjust the amount of light the game is receiving at will. Make sure not to play at max sunlight for too long, or the game will punish you, keep the sunlight meter lowered in order to keep playing longer.
