
Most Disappointing Game of 2021

VGChartz's Christian Evans: "‘If you expect disappointment, then you can never really be disappointed’ may be the mantra to live by for MJ, but within the machinations of gaming's hype-machine we're promised the best, thus we expect the best. Of course, as if the universe expects balance, what the gaming gods give with one hand, they taketh away with another, and some endeavours inevitably fall short of our lofty expectations."

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SoulWarrior919d ago

Oddworld Soulstorm for me I think.

slayernz919d ago

for me it was phoenix point on PS5, got it on release day and the amount of bugs and constant crashes made the game impossible to play.....even the PS5 update released lately crashed out on me after the 1st mission i went on so quickly deleted it and will never return

Tacoboto919d ago

This wasn't a 2021 release, but I did only play it in 2021 and it did come to PS5 and Switch in August.

The Falconeer as it released on Xbox. The voice actors all sounded the same, there was so much open space that every mission I played up to had a "Skip" button appear almost right after you'd start up. You would fly for minutes to get to the mission and the missions were all the same. Checkpoints were infrequent, the feedback didn't feel right when shooting or getting hit, and the flying just wasn't fun to me.

To date, it's the worst game I've played on Game Pass.

gangsta_red919d ago (Edited 919d ago )

I have Battlefield sitting on my table from Gamefly, not even opened. Been hearing nothing but disappointment from the game.

Will probably return it and get Guardians of the Galaxy which in turn people have told me it's excellent.

Viva La Gamefly

coolbeans919d ago

I heard 2042 (on console) has been... not too bad. But considering how slow important updates have been taking (even according to a DICE dev), bouncing to Guardians is way more reasonable.

gangsta_red919d ago

I should just give it a whirl since I have it...but yeah, I definitely would rather just skip to GoG

Orchard919d ago

Battlefield and COD Vanguard for me. Both were very disappointing.

GTA was pretty broken at launch, but I still had great fun with it, mainly for nostalgia reasons.

rataranian919d ago

Who has high expectations for annual COD/BF games?

NoFanBoy919d ago

The millions of people that buy them maybe ?

coolbeans919d ago

Battlefield games aren't annual releases.

TheColbertinator918d ago (Edited 918d ago )

I expected much of COD Cold War since I had big hopes for an SP with 60s/70s weapons. I expected much from Vanguard and I was disappointed in the SP and MP map designs


Battlefield 2042 "Letter of Commendation" Given to Players Who Complete Season 7 Battle Pass

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Tankbusta4012d ago

Damn does that grant me the keys to any city???


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Psychonaut8521d ago

This is like when Ubisoft put Sam Fisher in Ghost Recon. Like breh. Not what we want, give us an actual fucking game.

TheNamelessOne21d ago

Will get a handful of new people to give the game a shot via gamepass. Little else will come of this.

TheColbertinator21d ago (Edited 21d ago )

Battlefield Zombies? DICE can't even come up with original ideas anymore. They should have created that dinosaur mode fans asked for years ago.

Mroc1321d ago

They are just doing the bare minimum at this point


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