
5 KOTOR Remake Features We Need

KeenGamer: "KOTOR, arguably the best Star Wars game ever made, is getting a remake. Aspyr, the developer heading the project, have stated they are rebuilding it from scratch. How close to the original will it be and what changes will be made? Here are 5 KOTOR remake features we need."

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Orbilator888d ago

I'll settle for bugs free first and foremost lol. Anything else that works is a bonus

Bladesfist888d ago

I actually like the D&D style combat so I hope it remains a tactical combat system and doesn't turn into an ARPG but I'll give it a go if they do change it.

CorndogBurglar888d ago

Same. KOTOR had ghe perfect tactical system. Pausing the game, giving each of your squadmates up to 3 orders, and then watching it play out with the ability to pause again and switch up your orders if something unexpected happened. It was just perfect.

I'm a little worried because it's something they tried to mimic with the Dragon Age games but they fell very short on the tactical view and made it difficult to give orders the same way. No game has really been able to capture KOTOR's approach in a satisfying way, in my opinion.

And I really would rather it not be an action RPG. Not even like FF7 Remake, even though I enjoyed that game.

JokerBoy129888d ago

As much as I hate to say it, this remake is going to suck. It's being written by a woke feminist SJW who hates white men and pushes the mental disability mentality of the far left in her work. We already have a Kathleen Kennedy, we don't need another one.

MrBaskerville888d ago (Edited 888d ago )

Except it's not. That's just the understanding of people who willfully misinterpret tweets, because they want everything to be a stupid culture war.

JokerBoy129888d ago

I really hope you're right and I'm wrong. I was stoked for this game until I saw who was writing it.

MrBaskerville888d ago (Edited 888d ago )

I've seen the concern, and it's mostly people misinterpreting a sarcastic tweet where she claims to hate Kotor. In reality it's one of her favourite games, which is immediatly apparent when you go to the source of the outrage. The outrage machine milked it for content and left out this part.

Considering it's a remake of a Bioware game, it's probably going to have a lot of "woke" stuff, just like the original and all other Bioware games did.

I wouldn't worry too much, people always blow things way out of proportions, and it's gonna hapoen with this game as well. A background character is going to be gay and the internet will be super offended and unable to contain the rage and it will be as stupid as it always is.

888d ago
annoyedgamer888d ago

The current writer to be fired

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A Galactic Legal Battle: The KOTOR 2 DLC Saga

Aspyr Media faces a lawsuit over the canceled KOTOR 2 DLC for the Switch, amid claims of misleading marketing and a third-party objection.

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KOTOR II's Restored Content DLC Cancellation Sparks Controversy and Legal Actions

Exploring the controversy surrounding KOTOR II's canceled Restored Content DLC for the Switch and the subsequent class action lawsuit. Dive into the community's reactions and the unfolding legal drama.

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Sony Claims It Delisted The KoTOR Remake Trailer Due to Music License Expiring

Sony has attempted to clarify its recent removal of social media posts related to the Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic remake.

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porkChop261d ago

I've never heard of a trailer being delisted due to music licensing.

MrNinosan261d ago

Happens all the time, and even games get de-listed for same reason (GTA, Tony Hawk etc)

Blaze929261d ago

all the time? What other trailers has this happened to? Videos get re-uploaded 100x over, there's no way everyone complies.

bradfh261d ago (Edited 261d ago )

YouTube enforces strict copyright rules. Even PewDiePie, who owns the rights to "B*tch Lasagna," had his video taken down.

bloop261d ago

All depends what licensing rights were agreed upon. If it was timed then they'd have to pull it due to not having rights anymore. Having said that though, it is a little bit bizarre to have a timed agreement on music for a trailer 🤔

porkChop261d ago


Bro, that's when you don't *have* the license to the music. I have never heard of a trailer being taken offline because of a music license expiring. Show me one example where a trailer disappeared specifically due to music licensing.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 261d ago
mkis007261d ago

I mean if it was canceled they would say it right? What would be the reason to not say it at this point. And if they have as much control as it's claimed, why would they cancel it over just releasing it eventually?

Becuzisaid261d ago

Did they ever admit that Agent from Rockstar was cancelled?

EvertonFC261d ago (Edited 261d ago )

Do rockstar still owe Sony a game with the LA Noire situation? Obviously it was supposed to be "Agent".
My guess is Sony will try and get a 1 year exclusive deal for GTA 6 maybe for the game they owe them unless that's been sorted ages ago.

slate91261d ago

1 year GTA exclusivity because of Agent. 😂. Some things never change.

Eonjay261d ago

I'm not sure how much control Sony has given that it's just a timed exclusive.

talocaca261d ago

Waiting for the updated trailer with new music then 🥰

(Obviously being sarcastic, this game is dead)

Hofstaderman261d ago

Please let this game still be happening. Even better give it to a Sony studio.

Michiel1989261d ago

cause Sony studios make rpgs.....oh wait, they don't

Hofstaderman261d ago

Cause Sony has studios under their belt which are renound for releasing quality titles. Not an opinion, fact. Their offerings don't score 71%.

Michiel1989259d ago

yes Sony 1st party studios make awesome games, just not rpg's. The best choise is ofc a studio that has never made an rpg, instead of say....Obsidian...who actually made a Kotor game

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