
1UP: Theresia Review

Those with a mind for puzzles and pestilence may be able to stick with Theresia, but discerning adventure fans -- who at least like their games to move faster than a snail's pace -- can skip it with little shame.


Top Ten Scariest Games (Just in time for Halloween!)

Halloween is a time to embrace the scary, spooky, and all around frightful. Join us on a journey of our favorite scary games, just in time for Halloween. - Gaming Precision

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RPGfan : Theresia Review

Kyle Miller writes "Mature DS games are pretty uncommon considering the target audience of the system. Mature rated games are almost unheard of, but Theresia tries to change that with a creepy, bloody, violent take on the Shadowgate-style graphic adventure. While the survival horror genre has yet to reach its potential, Theresia does little to remedy. Despite a strong storyline, Theresia offers a mediocre and unpolished experience overall."


VGC Review: Theresia - Dear Emile

VGC writes: "For me, survival horror games have lost their edge. I remember actually getting scared while playing Resident Evil 2 'back in the day' and have been saddened at the state of the genre. While I love games like Resident Evil 4 and Condemned, these series have begun to take a turn down 'action game alley' and have lost what made them so appealing to me in the first place. Recently while scanning a list of adventure games on the DS, I ran across a game I had never heard of. The game, Theresia: Dear Emile, seemingly came out of nowhere late last year from Aksys games and was flooded under all of the other holiday games on the DS. It is a shame though as Theresia is probably the scariest game I've played in a while."

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