
The most popular game console on Black Friday 2021 is the $300 Xbox Series S

The Series S is just $300, available and is capable of playing this holiday's biggest games: "Forza Horizon 5," "Halo Infinite," and "Call of Duty Vanguard."

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Orchard973d ago (Edited 973d ago )

They obviously didn't know the pandemic was coming (insert Bill Gates conspiracy theory here), but with the pandemic, the idea to release the Series S looks to be a shrewd business decision.

DarXyde972d ago (Edited 972d ago )

I think it has more to do with the positive reception of Halo Infinite and the low cost of next-gen(ish) entry. Why wouldn't people want to go into the holidays with a Halo machine? None of that surprises me, but I'm not convinced that the pandemic is really the decisive factor.

And for the record, Gates is a PoS. Separating him from Xbox, he's not nearly as benevolent as people seem to think he is. Conspiracies or otherwise, there is plenty KNOWN about him that makes him awful. I am quite attuned to his actions as an architect of the worst aspects of global pandemic response. From the humanitarian perspective, as someone working internationally in the development sector, there's a...pattern to his activities, I'll say that.

dbcoops972d ago

"Why wouldn't people want to go into the holidays with a Halo machine?"

Answer A: Not interested in Halo
Answer B: Already own a capable PC

Just a couple off the top of my head, since you asked.

DarXyde972d ago (Edited 972d ago )


Clearly rhetorical and already owning a capable PC is still, in no uncertain terms, going into the holidays with a Halo machine...

Again though, the cost of entry is low and Halo is super popular. I don't care for the series, but that's just me. I highly suspect it is a prominent driving force of sales. History tells us that high quality and/or highly anticipated software drives hardware sales (not exclusively, but certainly a contributor).

Orchard972d ago

@DarXyde You do make fair points, and Halo + Forza going into holiday is a pretty attractive proposition.

And agree on Bill Gates. Sketchy AF.

@dbcoops Halo and Forza are the biggest games this holiday, nothing else being released or which released recently really competes with them so I can see why people would want them.

For me, the S is somewhat appealing for its emulation capabilities. There’s a lot of old PS1, 2 and GameCube games I want to go back and play. But I’ll hold for a better price since it isn’t urgent, perhaps next Black Friday.

Also having a capable PC is a silly argument - most people aren’t spending 3k on a gaming rig, and a lot of people prefer the comfort and ease of a console + TV + couch (myself included, for most genres at least, FPS excluded).

By that logic I will never need a PS nor Xbox ever again because I have a gaming PC. And everyone is going to stop buying consoles because every gamer has a gaming rig…

Meanwhile, back in the real world, games consoles continue to fly off the shelf.

dbcoops972d ago

"Clearly rhetorical"

Clearly it wasn't.

"and already owning a capable PC is still, in no uncertain terms, going into the holidays with a Halo machine"

Never said it wasn't, just that you wouldn't need to buy an S to have one.

Imalwaysright972d ago

Pandemic causing an economic crisis and people wanting to experience the next few CoD and Fifa games at the lowest possible cost go hand in hand. As for Bill Gates, that dude is as amoral as they come as pretty much every billionaire is.

DarXyde972d ago


"Clearly it wasn't."

That's a you-problem then, lad. Can't help you there.

"Never said it wasn't, just that you wouldn't need to buy an S to have one."

Then why bring it up as if it is in opposition to my point? My point is that, if you don't own any hardware to play Halo Infinite and you're looking for something modern, the S is the cheapest point of entry. If we're talking about the cheapest way to play these games under ideal circumstances, Series S is a clear choice and Microsoft has positioned themselves well going into the holidays, hence, Series S did well this Black Friday.

What about that is worth being argumentative about?

jlove4life972d ago

Nah more available I could get one yesterday but not a ps5 and I have walmart plus 4hrs early and no xbox series x

Rude-ro972d ago

Has to do with what is available not “popular”

frostypants972d ago (Edited 971d ago )

Don't normally like non-gaming issues on N4G but with ya on Gates. He is part of the reason the Oxford vaccine was made exclusive to Pfizer and not open-sourced. He is a greedy, evil little man pretending to be a humanitarian because it's profitable (in ways beyond just money). Everything he does is to increase his own power/wealth. Nobody should be fooled.

+ Show (6) more repliesLast reply 972d ago
ABizzel1972d ago

A local store here was selling them for $280 and with an additional 20% off making them $224 New. I wanted to get one just to have as an emulation console, but I didn't need it, or much of anything this holiday.

Orchard972d ago

Do you have a link? At $224 it could be an interesting box for emulating GameCube and ps1/2 games.

ABizzel1972d ago

It's a local store here, they don't sell in-store stuff online, although they do have an ebay page, but it's awful.


Orchard972d ago

Dang, they have 20% off every thing in store… Black Friday here in the west coast is so lame by comparison.

Sad that they won’t ship, but thanks for the info!

ABizzel1971d ago

LMAO at the disagrees. Just being their normal bitters selves.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 971d ago
dbcoops972d ago (Edited 972d ago )

"Halo and Forza are the biggest games this holiday, nothing else being released or which released recently really competes with them so I can see why people would want them."

Doesn't mean everybody wants them.

"Also having a capable PC is a silly argument"

Its not silly at all you just dont want to hear it. You dont know "most people" so stop using that term that's whats silly. I didn't say anyone was "spending", I said already own.

"By that logic I will never need a PS nor Xbox ever again because I have a gaming PC."

Nah you'll still need a Playstation for its exclusives for the foreseeable future.

"And everyone is going to stop buying consoles because every gamer has a gaming rig…"

Did I say everyone, I simply suggested it as an option and as an answer to the question DarXyde made and apparently that triggered you for some reason.

"Meanwhile, back in the real world"

More snide comments and sarcasm from you as usual.

Orchard972d ago (Edited 972d ago )

And yet none of what I wrote was incorrect. In the real world, Nintendo, PlayStation and Xbox consoles are flying off the shelves and people are struggling to get them.

“ Doesn't mean everybody wants them. ”

Obviously not everyone, but given the numbers we’ve seen for Forza and the Series S selling the most on Black Friday, it’s safe to say a lot of people wanted them. Halo numbers are yet to be seen so we’ll have to wait on judging that one.

“ Nah you'll still need a Playstation for its exclusives for the foreseeable future.”

That seems less and less likely to be the case with every day that goes by. It’s very likely Sony are going to be doing day 1 launches soon, I expect within 2022. They are a corporation after all and they’ve seen how much money their IPs can generate on PC.

But regardless, I have a very high end gaming rig and I will still be buying PS hardware when their games come to PC day 1. The drama over PS games coming to PC is so overblown and silly.

For me, console is easier to use and couch + big TV is more comfortable and more social with family etc than PC gaming is.

TheRealHeisenberg972d ago

Lol, dbcoops is trying really hard hear. I see this stuff is really that serious some people.

dbcoops972d ago Show
TheRealHeisenberg972d ago


Yes I had some issues with grammar but you clearly received the message.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 972d ago
dbcoops972d ago

"And yet none of what I wrote was incorrect. In the real world, Nintendo, PlayStation and Xbox consoles are flying off the shelves and people are struggling to get them."

And? What does that have to do with anything I said?

"Obviously not everyone,"

So we agree.

"it’s safe to say a lot of people wanted them."

Its safe to say Christmas is coming and the S is a cheaper option and readily available because it wasn't being purchased anywhere near what x and PS5 are.If they were available to purchase on Black Friday there's obviously a reason for it.

"That seems less and less likely to be the case with every day that goes by."

That seems more and more like wishful thinking. You're using the fact a very small amount of Playstation exclusives have come to PC as an excuse to claim they all will.

"going to be doing day 1 launches soon"

LOL! Good stuff.

"But regardless, I have a very high end gaming rig"


"console is easier to use and couch + big TV is more comfortable and more social with family etc than PC gaming is."

So its impossible to connect a PC to a big TV near a couch? I think we're done here.

lonewolf10972d ago

I don't see the word impossible in Orchards comment about connecting to a TV.

Orchard972d ago (Edited 972d ago )

“If they were available to purchase on Black Friday there's obviously a reason for it. “

It’s no secret that S is easier to produce than X and PS5, especially during the shortage.

“That seems more and more like wishful thinking”

Does it? Sony have outlined PC as their target growth area for the year and have registered the PlayStation PC branding. We started the fiscal year with basically no PlayStation IP on the PC and now we have or will have very soon Horizon, God of War, Uncharted with countless more to arrive judging by the Steam database.

Why would they not do day 1 launches if they see that it generates a good amount of revenue? Like I said, the vast majority of current PlayStation hardware users will continue to buy PS hardware, so it’s a net gain for Sony.

So when (and I say when, not if) Sony exclusives start coming to Steam day and date, are you saying you’re going to stop buying PS consoles? Why do you even care if Sony release games on Steam? The more the merrier.

“So its impossible to connect a PC to a big TV near a couch? I think we're done here.”

Where did I say impossible? I said it isn’t a good experience as nor as accessible as console gaming.

Is it a good experience to use a PC at long distance, and to have to use things like Big Picture on Steam? And have multiple input devices sitting around in my living room for when I need a KB + mouse? And to have to install, update windows, diagnose problems with the OS and graphics drivers etc? No it isn’t, console is as easy as turn on and just play.

Also can I build a PC that can run games at 4k60 (native or upscaled from ~1800p) for $499 with a dual sense included? I doubt it.

Anyway, back on topic, it seems like MS is selling a lot of Series S on Black Friday - so congrats to them, their gamble seems to have paid off - unless you’re somehow going to try and tell us selling more is bad.

TheProblem972d ago

Does it really need to be said?

It was the only console available to buy

darthv72971d ago

No it wasnt. I got an oled switch from best buy so there was also that to choose.

neutralgamer1992972d ago

This has more to do with the fact that Xbox series s is usually available at retail price many times. Where is the higher end consoles are much harder to find

dbcoops972d ago

"It’s no secret that S is easier to produce than X and PS5, especially during the shortage."

Its not any easier to produce the demand has just been low overall which made them readily available for Black Friday.

"Does it?"

Yes it does.

"with countless more to arrive"

You just keep hoping.

"Why would they not do day 1 launches if they see that it generates a good amount of revenue?"

Because Sony prefers to value their console and they can do so and make the port beggars wait two to three years to play the games they claim to hate anyway. They don't need to do day one to still get a "good amount of revenue".

"So when (and I say when, not if)"

You can say until you're blue in the face it doesn't mean anything..

"Is it a good experience to use a PC at long distance, and to have to use things like Big Picture on Steam?"

You can use a PC on a large TV and not have to do any of that you're just grasping at straws now just to argue.

"unless you’re somehow going to try and tell us selling more is bad."

No Orchard I would never suggest selling more is bad, feel better? Lets see if those sales numbers hold up or if they diminish severely now that Black Friday is over.

Alright another back and forth argument session with you as usual, time to move on now. As before reply if you want but I won't be reading anymore of your nonsense regarding this topic.

MoonConquistador972d ago

You do realise you're one of the reasons the argument is going back and forth?

Now THAT was a rhetorical question.

No need for a reply, think enough internet space has been taken up with this :p

Orchard972d ago (Edited 972d ago )

“Its not any easier to produce”

Except it is. The shortage is silicon. It has less silicon, ergo it’s easier to produce more of. Facts matter - even if they don’t fit your narrative 🤷

“You just keep hoping.”

I do hope. Not because I’ll stop playing my PS5 but because more sales = more $$$ = more high quality exclusives or bigger funding for the existing studios.

“Because Sony prefers to value their console”

Launching on PC won’t affect their console sales, the majority of PS5 users will keep buying games there - so it’s a net positive ultimately for Sony - and Sony are a corporation in case you missed that one. It’s obvious what direction this is going in, you’re just choosing to ignore it because for some reason you think it’s bad for PS gamers. I am a PS gamer and I think it’s great.

“You can use a PC on a large TV and not have to do any of that you're just grasping at straws now just to argue”

The experience still sucks. Big picture on Steam isn’t great, other launchers have no equivalent. And the problems with windows and drivers etc still exist. You’re clearly crazy if you believe PC gaming is as easy as console gaming.

“ Lets see if those sales numbers hold up or if they diminish severely now that Black Friday is over. ”

They may, but that doesn’t somehow counter selling bucketloads on Black Friday - those sales don’t suddenly disappear or become negative in value.

“time to move on now.”

I guess that’s another discussion you lost - or did you run out of bubbles again? 🤡

TheEroica972d ago

Congrats Microsoft on the best selling console of black friday!

+ Show (5) more repliesLast reply 971d ago
Kgb1thegame972d ago

Already have an x, so i picked up one for my son who moved away due to his job. Also grabbed him an elite controller and 9 months of game pass for 75 bucks. He can get the 1 dollar for the month and have a total of 10 months. He already has a ps5 but he loves gamepass also.

Hawk198666972d ago ShowReplies(2)
MadLad972d ago

At $300, add in gamepass, you have a solid system with a lot of content to be had.
It's a good investment, and it's not a console that is too hard to find right now.

Actually grabbed two for the niece and nephew for Christmas.

John_McClane972d ago

I really like mine so far, fast, stable and the games look pretty decent too.

MadLad972d ago

I'm debating getting one, myself. Just for the past gen games.

Grabbed 2 first the niece and nephew. Wouldn't be hard to get one for myself.

972d ago Replies(2)
972d ago Replies(1)
Lightning77972d ago

I'm Not surprised. The X and PS5 are nearly impossible to find. The S is more readily available and easier to make because of tye chip it has.

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Neonridr1d 7h ago

still can't order the adapter and we are less than 2 weeks away from August 7th.

anast3h ago

It's bring more needed games to the PC ecosystem. It looks like PC only has 1 VR game.

porkChop3h ago

What are you talking about? Most VR games are only available through PCVR.

anast2h ago

They can't be that good if the only game they show is Alyx.