
Xbox Series X Mini Fridge Releases Early, Probably Easier to Find Than Actual Console

Xbox and chill.

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Futureshark972d ago

I heard it's 'The world's most powerful fridge'...

anast972d ago

I heard it can run Doom at 200 fps.

SullysCigar972d ago

I'm just amazed a fridge considered gaming news by the folks we're trusting to approve articles here on N4G, while anything relating to VR headsets gets failed as "tech, not gaming".

Sorry my comment is no fun, but the system here is plain broken. That at least is laughable!

SullysCigar971d ago

Lmao! Disagrees without retort just show you don't like what I said. Tell me how I'm wrong about this double standard and quit hiding like a worm. I won't bite lol

darthv72971d ago

Interestingly enough is you can fit a series x system inside the series x fridge.

l33t_haxx0r972d ago

With the power of the cloud this can store 10x the amount of monster drinks

FanboysKiller972d ago

Still cool either ways and doesn’t overheat.

slowgamer972d ago

Next up: Digital foundrys inside and drink temp test. Including thermal pictures.
Can it keep it's cool? We will find out.

972d ago
972d ago
anast972d ago

Not gonna lie, it looks cool. At the same time, it is absurd.

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New Android game lets us play The Sims with our own Kpop idols

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A Leak Reveals Interesting Details About the New Xbox controller

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Zeref2d ago (Edited 2d ago )

I don't think this is Sebile. I doubt they would release a new generation Xbox controller with a blue transparent casing as the main color?? That makes no sense. It doesn't fit the aesthetics of the current Xbox design language.

2nd of all. A new generation controller named Sky Cypher?? I know Microsoft is bad at naming things but come on lol...

This is isn't Sebile, this is 100% just a special edition color for the controller we have now.

Tacoboto2d ago

A Sky name and color wouldn't make sense for a Microsoft currently marketing Xbox on Fire Stick and releasing ports onto PS?

It's such an awkward move it sounds totally in the modern Xbox playbook. Release it as a special edition first, before adding it as the pack-in controller for the "updated" consoles releasing in the fall.

... I do hope this isn't the refreshed controller though. Microsoft will have missed the point if it's only haptics they're adding and not gyro sensors as well.

OlderGamer171d 15h ago

And Haptic Feedback, just like the PS5 DualSense woukd make no sense, none zipp nadda Xbox is supporting it....

DigitallyAfflicted1d 18h ago

maybe it will work with ps5. that would be amazing !!!

Profchaos1d 12h ago

Agree it's more likely that a next gen controller is launched alongside their next gen console in 26

ChasterMies2d ago

Transparent blue controller? Yes, take me back to the glory of the Bondi Blue of the late 1990s!

YourMommySpoils2d ago

The new controllers, they have ass. Hopefully they don't leak.

gold_drake2d ago

a new blue transparent controller?

nah dont believe that's Sebile at all.
maybe a special edition one.

Eidolon1d 20h ago

Had to look it up. Damn, Dreamcast had them back in 98, talk about ahead of its time(even more so).

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Halo Combat Devolved Coming To Gameboy

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