
A Note from the Rockstar Games Team RE: Grand Theft Auto: The Trilogy – The Definitive Edition

Rockstar Games : We want to provide an update regarding the unexpected technical issues that came to light as part of the launch of Grand Theft Auto: The Trilogy – The Definitive Edition.

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chrisx980d ago

What a pity that rockstar of all people can fall so low. Lost a big chunk of respect for them after this scam.

-Foxtrot980d ago

Typical “f*** it they’ll buy our games anyway” attitude they’ve gotten

bloop980d ago

The next GTA installment was typically always the big one that I looked forward to more than any other franchise, and I don't think I could possibly care any less for VI seeing the direction they took with V regarding the online, to the Housers jumping ship, and then this absolute mess they somehow thought was ok to release. The suits have clearly taken over at R*, but I think (and hope) thanks to likes of Battlefront 2, Anthem etc. people have somewhat woken up to this bullshittery and it will hit them where it hurts....... in their pockets.

justadelusion980d ago

and sadly, they are correct

CS7980d ago

I’ve defended Rockstar many times on here for their seeming “quality first” approach.

It is a shame to see them put out this product.

Who is left that we can respect on the AAA scene? Naughty Dog?

jBlakeeper980d ago

Naughty Dog, Sucker Punch, and Insomniac are the only ones I can think of.

TheHan980d ago

Lmfao, neither of those cause they can’t even create a proper MP mode. Xbox would have the best studios, best MP and polished games over all. It’s why Xbox studios was the highest nominated gaming studio.

annoyedgamer980d ago

Have you seen The Last of Us 2? I don't think you can trust anyone.

ABizzel1980d ago


Yes, the second game in the series to win GOTY and be the most awarded video game of all time.

savedsynner980d ago

I would argue CDPR is still trustworthy. They had one major stumble but their other games have all been well supported and enjoyed. We'll see what Witcher 4 looks like and if its as bad as cyberpunk 2077 then ill no longer trust them.

rhcpfan979d ago


Shame about that Metacritic user score though. Maybe it's really low compared to the first game for a reason?

Rainbowcookie979d ago

There are a few on Sony still and a few others. If you look at previous Rockstar games it still feels like a company that looks for quality. I think the pressures of releasing this before someone else makes money off your product and trying to please a fanbase made them outsource or get someone in to help with this. , but someone must have slipped up. I won't just ake this one blunder and start thinking they tried to screw people over.

Hikoran979d ago

@rhcpfan Yeah because little crybabies couldn't handle it. FYI - YOU'RE SUPPOSED TO BE THAT ANGRY AT THAT SCENE. THAT'S THE POINT. lol.

KingofBandits979d ago (Edited 979d ago )

lol naughty dog is a soulless shell of their former glory. With just another pandering SJW d bag running the ship into the rocks. Naughty Dog died when Amy left.
imo all of these put out solid games and care about the product they give consumers:
Sucker Punch
BluePoint Games
Capcom's Dev team 1
Id software
Square-Enix (a few meh teams aside)
Guerrilla Games
Playground Games

seanpitt23979d ago

Yeah naughty dog broke my heart with TLOU 2.. never trust any developer

Viljong977d ago

Sony first party studios.

+ Show (11) more repliesLast reply 977d ago
Muigi980d ago

The gaming industry as a whole is screwed. CDProject, Ubisoft, EA, Activision, Rockstar. If its not some half ass release or money grab its a news breaking allegation.

ABizzel1980d ago

That's because they're all finally being held accountable collectively by their employees and by the "educated", "enlightened", and "woke" gamers.

When you play quality games you expect a higher degree of quality from every developer especially those who are on their 3rd or greater game within their franchise. Technical issues should have been a thing of the past during the PS4/XBO era, especially after developers finally learned how to optimize for the HD Era (360 and especially PS3).

So launching games with consistent / noticeable performance issues and frame-pacing issues deserves the backlash.

Launching incomplete games and patching later, deserves the backlash.

Doing cash grabs like this deserve the back lash.

We've seen too many game launch on lesser hardware, with great performance and bare minimum issues for this to be happening on PS5 and Series consoles. We've too many game launch with a complete package or at least the promised package and without major faults for this to still be happening. And we've seen too many GOTY / trilogies / collections / remakes / remasters for something of this level to be taking place.

KingofBandits979d ago

The companies you mentioned CDProject and R* aside have always been shit, its just that as online integration worked its way into all aspects of gaming their cash grab practices became more obvious. if you don't follow gaming news you won't know or care. the reality is most gamers don't care about "scandalous" headlines or SJW causes, its just nonsense to stir the pot. gaming has never been bigger and as it grows its always going to bring to light issues.

neutralgamer1992980d ago

Just please put the care in, take your time, pay attention to community feedback and do justice to these remasters. R* themselves should help and not leave this all to a developer known for making mobile ports

I wonder how many original R* members are there now because Leslie and even one of the houser brothers left the studio

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ToddlerBrain980d ago

Such bullshit. “It didn’t mean out standards,” but you released it anyway. Did anyone play the games before release? Seriously.

NoFanBoy980d ago

Rushed it out for the holiday season.

SullysCigar979d ago

Translation: "Oh crap, they're on to our holiday cash grab. Quick, run the emergency 'generic humble communication' to keep that money train chugging!"

You know R*, play testing is a thing - and you do it before giving something your seal of approval. Stick your apology and be better next time.

andron980d ago

Unexpected my behind. They f'ed up hard all the way..

ANIALATOR136980d ago

"The updated versions of these classic games did not launch in a state that meets our own standards of quality, or the standards our fans have come to expect."

Then why did you even release them? Surely somebody noticed how poor they were. But no it was simply a quick cash grab while you work on GTA6 for the next 2/3 years

Killer73nova980d ago

Money. That’s why. Perfect time for the holidays

-Foxtrot980d ago

They sound exactly like CD Projekt Red

“We didn’t know”


spicelicka980d ago

Sad thing is they're probably just working on GTA 5 online.

camel_toad980d ago

They certainly F'd up but at least they're coping to it and giving the untouched originals for free as a "we're really sorry" gesture.

They clearly know they really hurt their image as a dev you can count on.

jBlakeeper980d ago

I don’t see it hurting them much, but it is the first Rockstar product I can think of that is shoddy. I’m really hoping this isn’t the beginning of poor quality for them. RDR 2 may very well end up being the final memento of Rockstar as a company before they lost their way.

MajorLazer979d ago

Has anyone even read the whole thing? The trilogy was worked on by Grove Street games, R* had nothing to do with it other than approving it I guess and now they'll be working on it themselves. It says there'll be continued updates till it reaches the level of quality you'd expect from a R* product. Yes, it sucks they didn't do this before but silving lining is it will be improved a lot eventually.

SullysCigar979d ago

^ @MajorLazer, " R* had nothing to do with it other than approving it"

And that's the problem. The buck stops with them. They had one job to do (before counting the stacks of cash) - quality assurance.

If it doesn't cut the mustard, it's not ready. This is on R* and they're only getting their hands dirty and apologising because of the backlash.

Reputational damage should have been considered way before this stage.

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Grand Theft Auto: The Trilogy – The Definitive Edition is Still Not up to Standard Two Years Later

Worse still though, it appears as though The Trilogy has been abandoned by Rockstar and Take Two Interactive.

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Inverno221d ago

By today's standards, I'd argue that being half assed, having a couple patches, and being abandoned and ultimately left still half assed is infact up to standards.

VenomUK221d ago (Edited 221d ago )

Yesterday I watched a YouTube video that said the new Netflix iOS/Android versions have a series of visual improvements that significantly improve it and bring it much closer to the vision and mood of the original games.


banger88221d ago

That's just a f****** insult. They need to release that patch for console/PC asap.

Chard221d ago

If this gets applied to the Steam/console version then I’ll consider getting it

Cacabunga221d ago

Cash grabs have rarely been tuned

1nsomniac221d ago

It was beyond garbage. But we’re all over it now right? like it never happened!

anast221d ago

It's was supposed to be a mobile game.

Knightofelemia221d ago

This is what happens when you farm something out to the wrong people.

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Wow, Looks Like The Busted GTA Trilogy Is Better On Mobile

The Definitive Editions of GTA III, Vice City, and San Andreas look better than ever according to fans

-Foxtrot224d ago

Probably because it looked like it was made for mobile

Profchaos224d ago

I've checked it out and there's a toggle there for original lighting when that's on you get the sun saturation back orange hues of San Andreas and tons more atmosphere in vc.

Seems to be a huge factor you lose dynamic lights and the overly out of the box he engine feel and the whole thing seems more artistically driven.

I hope this comes to the actual console and ps release eventually

Knightofelemia223d ago (Edited 223d ago )

Better to enjoy the games on PS2 least they weren't a pile of shit.

shinoff2183223d ago

Out of curiosity what is the issue with this trilogy. I was looking to buy it cause san andreas is still my favorite and I've been itching for it. Is it broken?

PhillyDonJawn223d ago

The put little effort into the remaster. It's more of a port than anything. The graphics are barely any better while the colors make it look kinda cartoony