
New Glimpse at Project Awakening & Its Powerful Cyllista Engine Showcased by Cygames

Today Cygames hosted a panel discussing the Cyllista Game Engine that used for its still mysterious title codenamed Project Awakening.

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Magog1045d ago

Looks pretty but for a game that won't be out for 4 or 5 years it should be.

IanTH1045d ago (Edited 1045d ago )

It looks great, but many tech demos do.

For example, Unity has had several showcases of their big engine updates over the years, and they always look more incredible than any game that ever comes out using that tech. Even tech demos from 5 years ago look better than any game you can actually play today. Just the nature of the beast.

Ramboforlife1045d ago

As pretty as it looks, if it doesn't deliver on the gaming experience it won't do well. We hear the debates all the time about graphics, etc. But most gamers will play a game that doesn't look great but is a fun ride.

IanTH1045d ago (Edited 1045d ago )

100%, and the thriving indie scene proves that. Lots of more visually simple 3D games, or even basic looking 2D games, that have fun mechanics can even outsell the most glistening of AAA games these days. And good art direction or a unique visual style tends to be worth more than pushing for flat photorealism anyway.

But I'm also a fan of games that look amazing (and play great, of course), so I'm always interested to see who's pushing the envelope. And these kinds of tech demos are meant to impress on the visual front, and generally they do, but it's just a bit of a bummer we've all kinda gotten to a point with them that's basically "Yeah, that's nice, but what will you have to cut down once you have to create those assets for an entire world, populate it with characters and logic, and target a wider range of systems?"

Ramboforlife1045d ago

Looks amazing. But, in the end, the gameplay is what will make it or break it.

Lore1044d ago

Has Sony seriously not acquired this studio yet.

Ninver1044d ago

This will turn into shovel ware

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Just Where is Project Awakening?

After years of development, Project Awakening is still nowhere to be seen. What exactly is going on?

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ApocalypseShadow134d ago (Edited 134d ago )

I was impressed with the trailer and hoped to find out more and then it fell off the map with no new information. Not sure if it's vaporware or not but I stopped thinking about it and moved on. Maybe it was moved to a new and improved engine, moved to PS5 development and suffers the long Dev times that many games had/have suffered from lately. Who knows. But we'll see.

As for gaming bolt, that video was trash. A long winded video that says nothing for 7 minutes going back and forth on it may or may not still exist and just kept going and going and going trying to produce an informative video with barely any information. Like an article with a word quota that's just paragraphs of nothing. Showing me that they haven't gotten any better at game journalism. If we can even call it that.

Eonjay133d ago (Edited 133d ago )

Gaming bolt is a low effort scam that only exists to collect ad revenue. They don't play the games they review either and everybody knows

XiNatsuDragnel134d ago

I'm interested in project awakening still

lodossrage134d ago

One of the directors for the game already said that game was still being worked on just last month....


DOMination-134d ago

It's coming out next year with Deep Down, Agent and Pragmata!

Eonjay133d ago

Completely forgot about Pragmata!. You know what's gunny is that Deep Down was a Vspcom property too. It's like once generation one of Caps games ho awol

Christopher134d ago

It's trying to not go woke. Okay, I'll see myself out.

coolfool133d ago

Don't get people started! ;-)

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Project Awakening Creators Discuss Development & its Advanced Engine “Cyllista” on Famitsu

The developer of Project Awakening (originally announced for PS4, but who knows now) discussed its development and its engine Cyllista.

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lifeisgamesok1223d ago

We know this will be on the PS5. It's crazy that they're saying it looks even better now graphically

1223d ago
1223d ago Replies(1)
Relientk771223d ago

I'm wondering when we are going to see more from Project Awakening because I'm interested.

Vithar1223d ago

sheesh had completely forgotten about this lol, glad it's still happening

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Muv-Luv Developers Discuss The Series, Future Plans, Upcoming Games, and More

Today, during the Muv-Luv Expo livestream, the developers of the series answered quite a few questions from the fans, providing interesting details.

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