
Grand Theft Auto: The Trilogy Gameplay Video and Screenshots Arrive Ahead of Release

Users with early access to Grand Theft Auto: The Trilogy - The Definitive Edition have uploaded a slew of fresh gameplay videos and screenshots.

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Orchard989d ago

The gameplay and visual improvements look good while not losing the feel of the original.

Looking forward to replaying the trilogy on modern hardware.

Profchaos989d ago (Edited 989d ago )

From what I've seen on YouTube I'm actually very impressed it's a significantly better looking game(s) than the early rumours and leaks had us believe.

ABizzel1989d ago

I mean it's not hard to make PS2 games look better in a remaster on PS4/XBO level consoles.

The reason people were downplaying this is because there was already a group of people modding the PC version of these games and made them graphically close to what Take2 / Rockstar a multi-billion dollar company did for FREE. Then there are the mods people made that revamps all of the textures, events / characters, HUD, and more of GTA V into GTA 3, again for FREE. I think that's the big issue. The PC players had no need for this, but instead of just releasing this they flat out took down all the PC versions of the original games, so modders wouldn't outdo the billion dollar company, again for FREE.

GTAV -> GTA3 mod

kevinsheeks988d ago

Publishers hate modders they only tolerate them because the community loves and appreciates them.

Dandalandan117989d ago

To be honest I wasn't sold at first but I'm curious since GTA3 is the only game that I've played in the trilogy. I was even more curious after seeing the trailer. Now, after watching the gameplay vids, I think I'm finally sold. It's finally time for me to experience Vice City and San Andreas.

Fntastic989d ago

The other 2 games are a lot better than 3.

SullysCigar989d ago

The music in Vice City on it's own makes it better, let alone everything else.

Hofstaderman989d ago

@Sully yeah I agree but do they still have the licenses for those tracks or are they going to be excluded from this version of the games?

SullysCigar989d ago

^ God knows, we can only hope because that was where the game's personality came from.

roadkillers989d ago

I mean... got my hopes up too high. Watching Vice City, you can't climb over walls. This was something introduced in San Andreas and was a huge quality of life improvement.

I'm still going to buy it because nostalgia, but damn. I was hoping this would be a bigger improvement until 6 eventually hits winter 2032.

andy85989d ago

GTA 3 looks pretty much the same as the original but the cars and characters are polished. I wouldn't even have realised it was the new version if you didn't tell me. The San Andreas world looks fantastic though, it's in a different league to GTA 3 improvement wise...what's that about. Not sure why they said GTA V controls though. Its basically the same apart from a weapon wheel.

Flawlessmic989d ago (Edited 989d ago )

Lolll u clearly havent played the them, its a stark difference to game i played on ps2 mate like huge difference

andy85989d ago

"Them"? I just said San Andreas looks fantastic. I've been watching 2 playthroughs of both most of this morning. GTA 3 is barely distinguishable from the original and San Andreas looks astonishing for a remaster.

StoneyYoshi989d ago

You might want to watch this video if you really think you wouldnt be able to tell the difference between this version and the original release. 🙄 https://youtu.be/K8xphTI_Xe...

andy85989d ago

Obviously a side by side it'll be easy to see but GTA 3 personally didn't look much of a change. At least compared to SA where its night and day

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Grand Theft Auto: The Trilogy – The Definitive Edition is Still Not up to Standard Two Years Later

Worse still though, it appears as though The Trilogy has been abandoned by Rockstar and Take Two Interactive.

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Inverno221d ago

By today's standards, I'd argue that being half assed, having a couple patches, and being abandoned and ultimately left still half assed is infact up to standards.

VenomUK221d ago (Edited 221d ago )

Yesterday I watched a YouTube video that said the new Netflix iOS/Android versions have a series of visual improvements that significantly improve it and bring it much closer to the vision and mood of the original games.


banger88221d ago

That's just a f****** insult. They need to release that patch for console/PC asap.

Chard221d ago

If this gets applied to the Steam/console version then I’ll consider getting it

Cacabunga221d ago

Cash grabs have rarely been tuned

1nsomniac221d ago

It was beyond garbage. But we’re all over it now right? like it never happened!

anast221d ago

It's was supposed to be a mobile game.

Knightofelemia221d ago

This is what happens when you farm something out to the wrong people.

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Wow, Looks Like The Busted GTA Trilogy Is Better On Mobile

The Definitive Editions of GTA III, Vice City, and San Andreas look better than ever according to fans

-Foxtrot224d ago

Probably because it looked like it was made for mobile

Profchaos224d ago

I've checked it out and there's a toggle there for original lighting when that's on you get the sun saturation back orange hues of San Andreas and tons more atmosphere in vc.

Seems to be a huge factor you lose dynamic lights and the overly out of the box he engine feel and the whole thing seems more artistically driven.

I hope this comes to the actual console and ps release eventually

Knightofelemia223d ago (Edited 223d ago )

Better to enjoy the games on PS2 least they weren't a pile of shit.

shinoff2183223d ago

Out of curiosity what is the issue with this trilogy. I was looking to buy it cause san andreas is still my favorite and I've been itching for it. Is it broken?

PhillyDonJawn223d ago

The put little effort into the remaster. It's more of a port than anything. The graphics are barely any better while the colors make it look kinda cartoony