
Scorn Director Apologises After 'Hostile' Delay Statement

IGN : The creative director for Scorn has publicly apologized after a "hostile" update was sent out about the game's delay.

Snakeeater251051d ago

Don’t worry, I was not planning to buy ur game.

4Sh0w1051d ago

They could of definitely responded better to the delay questions from fans though. That said I do prefer a studio talk less snd work more on their game and ONLY show stuff when they have something significant to reveal.

EvertonFC1051d ago (Edited 1051d ago )

I liked what the devs said, basically calling them a bunch of fannies and explaining the world will still spin if the games delayed.
Edit: having said that though it is a kickstarter project so yes comms could have been better for sure

shaenoide1051d ago

I played the demo back in 2017 and it was bad at best.

EvertonFC1051d ago

Yet felt the need to comment? How bizarre

TheDoomedGuy1050d ago

And click on something he's totally uninterested in.

TheDoomedGuy1050d ago

Yet here you are in an article about a game you had no interest in.

Snakeeater251050d ago

Yeah I wanted to see if they were lazy dev that use covid as the excuse for the delay. That’s all because like most people I don’t care about that game if it come out or not

Elda1051d ago

He's apologizing because several people that bought into their project were totally offended after reading their shady verbal update & those folks that were offended asked for a refund.

barom1051d ago

Read the original post, people get offended by that? I rather devs be more upfront and honest if you ask me.

IanTH1051d ago (Edited 1051d ago )

It appears from the comments in the KS post that most people are not offended, so much as they don't appreciate the tone & content of the message.

I personally only felt like "that's a bit odd/out of line" a couple of times. But that's also coming from someone who didn't back this game over 4 years ago with their own money, who hasn't been following development intently, who hasn't been waiting for some kind of update for over a year for this to be the message they put out.

The excuse of staying silent to work on the project reads very bogus to me - it would take someone on the team 60 minutes once every few months to just say "Hey, we're not dead. This is what we've been up to. Here's a couple screenshots/concept art". Truly, the last line of the post was just kicking the beehive, and I'm sure what mostly put the chain reaction of asking for refunds into motion.

Anomander1051d ago

Hmmm can someone name another game that people have dumped 100s millions into that have teams of people working on been in development longer and still no end in sight?

barom1050d ago

@Anomander, yes, that space ship game that's I'm pretty sure still holds the record for highest funded game on Kickstarter. Don't remember the name anymore but it was Star something.

dbcoops1051d ago

We definitely live in a different time. People like David Jaffe back in the day would say whatever he wanted in whatever tone he wanted and wouldn't feel the need to apologize for it. Nowadays its all PC culture and dont hurt anyone's feelings.

CosmicTurtle1050d ago

What is politically correct about this? I don’t think you know what PC means, This was considered a poor and unprofessional tone towards people who are funding the development of their game. He used the tone he wanted, some people that have given money thought it was shitty and they called him out for it, sounds fair enough, politeness and professionalism have existed in society for a long while. He’s clearly decent enough to see that the tone was not great and apologise. Stop bringing culture wars nonsense into every conversation.

dbcoops1050d ago


You haven't seen me in every conversation so stop bringing hyperbole and personal attacks into this conversation. What happened to that politeness you were referring to?

IanTH1050d ago (Edited 1050d ago )

For someone who was talking about how nowadays it's all "don't hurt anyone's feelings", the fact you read CosmicTurtle's response as "personal attacks" seems puzzling. His comment was, at worst, very similar in tone to the message the Scorn dev wrote that you were indirectly defending. Perhaps I'm just overlooking something, what did you feel were personal attacks?

dbcoops1050d ago


His comment was "similar in tone" to the message the Scorn dev wrote? Oh well I guess he owes me an apology then.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 1050d ago
sourOG1051d ago

Crowdfunding sounds good on paper but in practice it rarely works in bigger projects. And relaying a message to investors in written word isn’t the best way to go about it. People misrepresent “tone” all of time. People here think I’m angry when I’m literally laughing. It’s just the way some people type.

The devdiary vids are the most effective tool the developer has in my opinion. Even if you don’t show much you are showing what you want to show to keep the hype alive. And voice is much easier to get rid of the “tone” situation. People think they are mind readers through text. “You said this but meant that” is much more common than with speech.

Ethereal1051d ago

Not an ideal update to backers as it appeared to be a bit of a soapbox. We get it, game development is hard but I can understand the backers being a little peeved that they seem to have taken the frustration out on their biggest fans.

IanTH1051d ago (Edited 1051d ago )

Yeah, that's what happens when small studios are left to do their own "PR". In this case, they just needed someone not immediately involved with development to read over & edit it. If this guy is dealing with the stress of development & trying to cope & felt the pressure to finally send out an update, it's no wonder it came out a little testy.

Definitely not absolving him, but we're all only human. Just gotta hope this guy learns to either have someone else read over updates from outside the dev team, or at least to wait a couple of days before posting anything and then re-reading it then. A little bit of space can usually give us the clarity we lack in the moment.

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The philosophical atmospheric horror game “Scorn” is now available for the PS5

"The London-based (the UK) indie games publisher Kepler Interactive  and Belgrade-based (Serbia) indie games developer Ebb Software, are today super thrilled and proud to announce that their philosophical atmospheric horror game “Scorn”, is now available for the PS5 via PSN." - Jonas Ek, TGG.

CappyBlack357d ago

Very lackluster game. Had high hopes for it, but it didn't cut it. Really only for people who appreciate the art of it all. It really doesn't deliver as the Myst title with obscene imagery it was trying to be.

jznrpg357d ago

Some Xbox sites were giving it 10’s

Tacoboto357d ago

The Xbox version's highest review score on Metacritic is an 80.

One review site gave the PC version a 10. One. Not some. One. That same site gave 100s to BG3, Starfield, Horizon Burning Shores, and FFXVI as well.

ModsDoBetter357d ago

Which sites?

As Tacoboto said, only one is showing a 10 and that's for the PC version. I'd also question that publications credibility given they gave Starfield and a dlc a 10 as well.

coolbeans356d ago (Edited 356d ago )

You're a big reason why N4G should add a Community Notes feature.

Tacoboto357d ago

I agree.

The opening puzzle was a little too vague because I missed something super obvious once I realized what it was. The few attempts at combat back at launch were very rough. It gave me one bout of motion sickness in a section of the game was was especially grey and linear.

But when puzzles felt not-too-obscure and you got out of the grey-on-grey corridors, the experience was unique at least.

I didn't have as much fun as something more whimsical and colorful as Call of the Sea, but it wasn't a waste of the 6-8 hours I put into it. A solid 6/10.

TGG_overlord357d ago

Fair enough. Even so, I had a real blast watching the world's most famous e-begger cry over this game though lol.

TGG_overlord357d ago

Imo, it's a very mixed bag of a game...To be fair though, I didn't walk into it with very high expections...

shinoff2183357d ago

To anyone that is interested this does have a physical release coming.

Vits357d ago

This game is great, but it's not for everyone. It doesn't hold your hand nor does it try to be accessible, combat is slow and you are always at a disadvantage so if you do engage you must make your shots count because the penalty for missing is often dying and that can reset a lot of your progress. Puzzles are in my opinion the best part, there are enough of them, they offer a good challenge and are also the best moment to appreciate the art style of the game.

The closest comparison that I can give would be with the original Echo Nights. And just like that game, I feel that you have to approach it with the mindset that it's not an action game and that you will get frustrated if you try to play it as one.

TGG_overlord357d ago

Do you remember old game "Bad Mojo"? That game wasn't for everyone either...This is the same kind of game in that aspect. Besides that, I agree with what you wrote.

Vits357d ago

Oh, Bad Mojo. Completely forgot about it and I definitely agree about it not being for everyone. If I recall correctly I couldn't stomach it for very long and I played it as sort of a challenge.

Concertoine357d ago

I agree, the game has stuck with me in all aspects of presentation: sound and visuals were on point.

crazyCoconuts356d ago

I thought it was pretty good for what it is. Neat how they tell a story without any words. I thought the combat/stealth part was the weakest part of the game. Imo the price should be more like $30 for this one

LordStig357d ago

Tool album cover: the videogame.

TGG_overlord357d ago

The art is on point at least ;)

Elda357d ago

Solely PS5 owners don't bother.

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Fear Fest Horror Game Awards 2023 has just announced its winners

"Feardemic are today very thrilled & proud to announce the winners (yes, "Resident Evil 4 Remake" is on the list) of its Fear Fest Horror Game Awards 2023 event." - Feardemic.

roadkillers381d ago

Either REmake4 or Dead Space deserved it.

TGG_overlord381d ago

Well...Life is far from fair...

roadkillers381d ago

Well, REmake4 won so... it was fair today :)


The philosophical atmospheric horror game “Scorn” is coming to the PS5 on October 3rd, 2023

"This October, PlayStation 5 devotees will at last be able to delve into the unsettling universe of "Scorn", the acclaimed first person horror adventure. Ebb Software in collaboration with Kepler Interactive revealed the Tuesday, October 3rd release date during the Future Games Show at this year’s gamescom." - Ebb Software and Kepler Interactive.

Obelisk92398d ago

Glad it comes to PS5, it was a really interesting experience.

Some parts were awfully bad, but it reaches some remarkable peaks. I think I'll replay it someday.

TGG_overlord398d ago

I know right? That is true...The balance actually reminds me of "Bullet Witch", some parts of the game is just pure awesomeness, while other parts of the game is anything but great...And to this very day, I'm still scratching my head over what actually took place during the development process of "Bullet Witch", since the game is so extremly unblanaced.

jznrpg398d ago (Edited 398d ago )

50$ is a crazy asking price. When it hits the 5-10$ bargain bin I may grab it then. I doubt it takes too long

TGG_overlord398d ago

Based on what? Isn't that the standard launch price more or less? In that case, don't hold your breath ;)