
Halo Infinite Campaign Re-Reveal Analysis: A Big Improvement Over Last Year's Showing?

Digital Foundry : Massive Halo fans Alex Battaglia and Adam Taylor - aka EposVox - sit down to discuss the recent campaign re-reveal for Halo Infinite. What's improved since the game's showing last year and what are their concerns for the final single-player game?

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LordoftheCritics1052d ago (Edited 1052d ago )

Very Nice, lots of improvements.

Did not know that the entire game/map had day night cycles. That makes things much more immersive and fresh.
Also that makes sense why it can be so artist heavy to make sure the entire map during those cycles look right.

Minor compromises to achieve 60fps but still looks good.

Looking forward to it.

gravedigger1051d ago (Edited 1051d ago )

Which lots of improvements? Why spinning?

Summary :

Talk a bit about the open world, RPG skill tree and "resource management" aspects. "Grinding to level up". Alex says he is "worried" about the campaign because he wants more classic Halo level designs.
-Beach blonde dude is "cautiously optimistic". 343 only shown off one area. Wants to see more of other areas.
-Open world graphical ramifications. "Less artist driven game". Concern over night-day diminishing artistic aspects.
-More realistic looking than last year's reveal. Less "plastic" looking.
-No pop-in like previous version
-Better cloud rendering
-Improved lighting, especially reflective lighting on structures
-Characters in shadow are fully lit
-Some animations are 30fps
-Complains about sparks when ship falls on platform
-Missing ambient occlusion in areas
-Shadow-casting on foliage/trees is off
-No motion blur, depth of field
-Alex says this is a better showing than it was before, but still skeptical of campaign gameplay

Alex on ERA :
"That was in reference to the cutscenes definitely looking worse on average, unfortunately. Depth of field, shadow casting lights being the biggest hit. And performance of course, most of the cutscenes in the trailer are constantly dropping frames."


Still can't believe that Microsoft really really wanted to launch this last year

This gif is hilarious


LordoftheCritics1051d ago (Edited 1051d ago )

Very nice. You detailed what I mildly summarized. Improvements and compromises.

No need to watch the video.

I'm still confused about what you were trying to say. And what do you mean by spinning?

Are you here to just spread negativity? Is that what this was? You did good I think.

4Sh0w1051d ago (Edited 1051d ago )

Yes its much improved...not a next gen Crysis visually but thats fine. Like he said in conclusion that even though he was very harsh in the DF Direct the game has improved visually alot and Halo itself is evolving. Its open world 60fps shooter so there are of course comprmises but the game still looks great. I dont get it I love graphics just as much as anyone but I also realize it does not have to be tge top priority, lots of other great games on Xbox & other consoles, that arent visually the next gen Crysis either yet people love 'em, so I just want a great overall Halo game. The part I really didn't understand his why he's so concerned more about the gameplay in a open world setting, OK so the world is bigger, likely with side missions, still the gameplay & main story flow doesnt have to suffer....I bet if it was linear he complain about that too.

gravedigger1050d ago


"Very nice. You detailed what I mildly summarized. Improvements and compromises.

No need to watch the video.

I'm still confused about what you were trying to say. And what do you mean by spinning?

Are you here to just spread negativity? Is that what this was? You did good I think."

In your eyes it is lots of improvement. In general it is not. Which Alex surely implied too.

Lightning771052d ago

What are DF are nervous about? They are nervous about Upgrade/ RPG elements, resource management, open world mission structure. I don't understand the obsession of keeping this IP the same thing that we've played in the past 20 years Halo 1 and 2, we've been there done that we need something new for Halo. I would pass on if they gave us the same thing again, that would be my biggest issue.

Profchaos1051d ago

I think it's nervous about the game adopting open world and all the junk that normally comes along with it. At least that's what I gathered from the video.

chronoforce1051d ago

Why wouldn't they be nervous? Upgrade systems and outpost clearing etc has become a standard template for cookie cutter open world games.

In trying to add freshness to Halo Infinite, 343i may have done the exact opposite.

slowgamer1051d ago

I've been rushing halo games on easy on master chief collection lately. I've finished 1,2 and 3. They were alright but they surely do show their age. Even though 1 and 2 had pretty serious texture and graphic overhaul compared to original but Imo the levels haven't been exceptionally good or memorable. Except ending driving missions. =p The structures and places could work rather well in open world. Best levels have been kinda semi-open world already. I welcome all the rpg elements.


Halo Infinite Has Been Profitable For Some Time, Xbox Is Investing In The Next Game

Xbox Game Studios and 343 Industries first-person shooter, Halo Infinite, has been profitable for some time.

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VenomUK1d 8h ago

The ‘source’ is Jez Corden! 🤣

Lightning777h ago

The games loaded with micros I can't see how it's not profitable. Ppl love their little skins and goofy cat ears nonesense.

trez10826h ago

As much as people wanna believe halo infinite isn’t a financial failure… there are gamers there that spend a lot of money on multiplayer games and on nonesense like you said. As long as the core gameplay is good there will be people spending on it.

Rude-ro3h ago(Edited 3h ago)

The game launched with $20 basic color microtransactions like “red”.

But, most importantly, it launched with Microsoft’s marketing including sponsored streamers “having fun”.

Reason why the game currently averages 3k daily player 5 months after launch

Obscure_Observer4h ago

"The ‘source’ is Jez Corden! 🤣"

Nobody needs Corden to inform anybody on how successful Halo Infinite is.

We known about the next Halo and how it will be powered by UE5 rather than Slipspace for quite some time now.

And yes. 343i will continue and lead Halo projects despite fake rumors claiming they would be replaced.

XiNatsuDragnel1d 7h ago

Jez kun oh Jez kun I don't if it's true or not

RaidenBlack1d 7h ago

Is the next game, the Infinite sequel made using the same slipspace engine or Halo 1 remake made using UE5?
Likely former.

Jin_Sakai7h ago

Source: Jez Corden.

Take anything this guy says with a grain of salt.

Obscure_Observer4h ago

"Take anything this guy says with a grain of salt."

Have you been giving such warnings when he was spreading rumors about Xbox games coming to Playstation?

Genuine question

Christopher4h ago

Jez is one of those people who is 50/50. I never take his rumors as legit until other vetted sources pick it up.

Obscure_Observer4h ago


"Jez is one of those people who is 50/50. I never take his rumors as legit until other vetted sources pick it up."

Yeah... 50/50 is exactly on point with his reputation as an "insider" on Reddit.

However, to claim that Halo Infinite is successful and profitable when the same studio behind it will continue and develop one of Microsoft´s most important and expensive franchises to produce, is nothing but attest the obvious.

tay87017h ago

No way it has made the 500 million dollars back it took to make it. Lol.

Reaper22_1h ago(Edited 1h ago)

Lol..I agree because it didn't take 500 million to make. That BS was shot down way before it was released by the project lead. Don't confuse the budget for the game with development cost.

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Halo Infinite: Operation FleetCom To Introduce Classic Game Mode

Get ready for the new Halo Infinite Operation FleetCom update! Discover the return of the fan-favorite Halo 3 game mode and exciting quality of life updates.

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Xbox-exclusive Helljumpers could be competing with Helldivers 2 very soon

The absence of Helldivers 2 on Xbox continues to be felt by its players, as Arrowhead Game Studios’ team-based shooter remains one of the year’s most popular games. However, that could soon change with the impending arrival of developer The Forge Falcons’ Xbox-exclusive Helljumpers.

rlow196d ago

Didn’t know about this one. Will keep an eye out for it.

Cacabunga96d ago

Very original title.. wonder how they came out to that

Kurt Russell96d ago

It's just people having fun in forge, calm down

RaidenBlack96d ago

'Helljumpers' is the nickname for Halo's ODSTs (Orbital Drop Shock Troopers) and predates Helldiver franchise by about 11 years.
calm down.

PhillyDonJawn96d ago

I can enlighten you. ODST a type of marine in Halo orbital drop shock trooper. Aka helljumpers.

Christopher96d ago

Yeah, Helljumpers existed prior to Helldivers.


Ok, so Helldivers guys want to fight Helljumpers guys... I'm just gonna leave this here.

babadivad95d ago

Halo ODST soldiers are called HellJumpers.

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 95d ago
darthv7296d ago

so... this is a mode for Halo?

gold_drake96d ago

"As always, we look forward to bringing the Helldivers 2 experience to Halo Infinite"

should you be chasing someone elses concept? make your own and stand out.

this is a lazy, imo, thing to do.

Redgrave96d ago

In this case, I will say that's a poor argument because look at all the soulslikes and such. There will always be the first, and then all the imitations/inspirations that follow.

gold_drake96d ago

sure, they specifically call out helldivers tho ha

repsahj96d ago

Even the name is so unique?

dumahim96d ago

Following a game type trend is one thing, but to do that and come up with a name that's very similar as well takes it to a whole new level. In the movie biz, they call stuff like this a "Mockbuster" movie, kind of like Transmorphers.

RaidenBlack96d ago (Edited 96d ago )

ODST ('Helljumpers' is their nickname) as a concept existed way before Helldivers 1 (by about 11 years) ... it was never properly executed in the Halo FPS games' multiplayer ...

PhillyDonJawn96d ago (Edited 96d ago )

It was revealed 343 actually had plans to release a side halo game with that concept but MS turned it down.

To those making comments about the name, thinking theyre ripping it/copying. Yall clearly don't play Halo 😂

DustMan96d ago

Hasn't really been worth revisiting for quite some time now.

PhillyDonJawn96d ago

@dustman True or not doesn't change anything I said. Anyone that was around during halo 3 and after knows what ODST are. They even had visor colors called helljumper.

isarai96d ago

I don't think a forge map is going to match Helldivers 2 🤣

jznrpg96d ago

Funny. Reminds me of Chinese knockoff games

Relientk7796d ago

When I read the title, that's what I thought it was.

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