
Brand new screenshots for Grand Theft Auto: The Trilogy – The Definitive Edition

The Xbox Store page for Grand Theft Auto: The Trilogy – The Definitive Edition has revealed some new screenshots from it.

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BrettAwesome994d ago

DSOG. I always hated their lame ass clickbait.

Magog994d ago

Looks like a PG-13 "The Sims" mod.

Flawlessmic994d ago

Are they really not going to show us any further gameplay videos before release...

Magog994d ago

Don't buy it day one. By day 2 there will be thousands of hours of footage on YouTube.

wwinterj994d ago

I'll be waiting for the physical version anyway so by the time that's out plenty of footage will be available.

G3ng4r994d ago

Wait and see just how much is stripped away from these games. The soundtracks are the biggest deciding factor for me but it would also be cool if censorship isn't too prevalent for the sake of emotionally fragile people who aren't going to play this anyway.

giveyerheadawobble994d ago

You'll get disagrees for this, but you're right. This is one of the things that concerns me about GTA going forward. People say that the success of V is the reason why GTA VI hasn't been announced yet, and they'd be correct. But I also think red tape over "sensitive" issues is another reason why R* are being a bit hesitant. The toxic political climate of the previous few years, and the rise of so called "cancel culture" in media. GTA has always been pure satire, and listening to the radio talk shows in V proves that to be at its most hilariously brilliant truth. Even the NPC's in certain areas are political stereotypes, as well as the police. If you have to tip-toe around these things, it literally kills what makes GTA GTA.

neutralgamer1992994d ago

The developers have said there will be no cut content so let's see

Pocahontas994d ago

They don’t have to tip toe but calling it now you’ll play as a girl.

giveyerheadawobble994d ago


Wouldn't have a problem with that at all. In fact, that sounds good if she would be a part of a selection of characters like in V. Rockstar are generally very good with how they handle characters.

-T9X-69-994d ago (Edited 994d ago )

You guys must be super young if you think R* is now stooping to being "censored". GTA 3 entire cover art was changed along with the game being delayed by months. Why? Because the elements of what happened on 9/11 could be seen on the original cover and the game had "planes" in it, which was removed. Plus the police cars being changed from blue and white (NYPD) to black. Them removing the ability to fly planes is far worse then the most recent example of "censorship" which is them removing the confederate flag from Phil Cassidy in Vice City, which has no affect on the game what so ever. Minimal changes like this are just far better to do than deal with all the BS sensitive people from both the early 2000's and now. And being 100% honest, anyone who actually has a serious issue with this type of "censorship" might as well be thrown in with the crowd of sensitive pansies of this generation. Mostly because that type of change is so miniscule.

For anyone who wasn't aware. Here's an article about GTA 3: https://today.in-24.com/tec...

G3ng4r994d ago

^ You miss the point but it's probably better you aren't given pointy things anyway. It's principle. Sure, some elements of GTA3 were removed before release but we were still happy with what we got. If we purchase this game again and some missions are missing, some voice acting is removed, any number of of things more noticeable than a confederate flag on a t-shirt, we bought a lesser game and really for no better reason than the feelings of a fraction of earth's population. The more appropriate response to this competitively woke crowd would be to say that fire is hot so don't play with it, it'll burn you and you'll be offended.

-T9X-69-994d ago

Do you know what principle means? You can't say it's the principle and "happy with what we got" in the same sentence. The only confirmed "censorship" is the T-shirt in Vice City. You're over here speculating about removing mission and features, which nothing they've shown even eludes to that. The soundtrack is more understandable due to licenses. But let's wait for it to release instead of making wild accusations with 0% evidence of what your mentioning.

G3ng4r993d ago

"It's principle" was actually the entire sentence. You okay? I stated that we were happy as if to insinuate there's a point where we may not continue to be happy but then I'm not here to help you read my posts. I don't think any concerns of censorship are so unfounded when one considers the case of Umberto Robina. Check the start of the mission "trojan voodoo" in vice city. Examples of censorship like I've mentioned have happened before, I'm merely hoping as much of the trilogy as possible stays intact. My apologies if that hurts.

-T9X-69-993d ago (Edited 993d ago )

Lmfao ironically the one who seems hurt is you. The only thing removed was a few lines of dialog that specifically mentioned Haitians. Do you need to hear "I'm gonna kill me a Haitian" to still have the same experience? Nope. Does it need to read "Kill all the Haitians" to have the same experience? Nope. So who's feelings are really hurt here if your the one worried about such "drastic censorship"? But it's okay right, cuz you'll be happy with what you get 😅

Point proven. Rockstar isn't just now bowing down to censorship. They've always had a small amount of it since the birth of GTA 3, your example in Vice City, plus Hot Coffee in SA. None of these changes structure the missions differently or change the gameplay (outside of Hot Coffee, which was only changed to remove the AO rating to bring it back to shelves).

So you really have no reason to worry or be upset. Unless the potential removal of useless, derogatory terms bothers you. In which case, that's a weird sense of empowerment you seek.

Mr_Writer85993d ago


T9 has a point. You're speculating that missions etc could be cut from the game based on what? A t-shirt being changed?

That's more a cosmetic change, which we're getting anyway with the updated graphics.

But I don't know where your getting the idea missions would be changed/cut from, what's led you to believe this?

Amplitude993d ago (Edited 993d ago )

I don't think G3ng4r is saying that he thinks they're going to cut content - just that, if they do, it's a lesser product

Cutting whole levels would be extreme, but with cutting a shirt out, the possibility of certain jokes and lines being cut is worth thinking about.

If* they do cut dialogue, im really surprised a bunch of y'all are just cool with it after they even pulled the original games from digital stores. Defending that is pretty weird ngl

-T9X-69-993d ago (Edited 993d ago )

@Amplitude Personally, I wouldn't say I'm "cool" with it either. I'm indifferent on the matter. As long as it doesn't change the gameplay, flat out remove characters or missions, then it really changes nothing. Do I "need" to see Phil in a confederate flag t-shirt to feel nostalgic? Absolutely not. If he did have it, would I care? Absolutely not. Not hearing a couple extra lines of dialog from Umberto isn't going to change the way I play and enjoy the missions that follow. Truth be told, if half of these "censorship" changes weren't pointed out to people, they wouldn't even notice because they would be too busy enjoying the game.

Which circles back to my original point. Rockstar has always had some form of censorship, from 2001 to 2021 and even before that. And even with those "censorship" changes, it doesn't negate the fact they're considered some of the greatest open world games of all time. No one has ever said San Andreas is a much better open world video game when they had Hot Coffee in it. Which also happen to be their biggest censorship considering "gameplay and features" were completely removed. Huffing over a few lines of dialog or a t-shirt is just childish nitpicking.

+ Show (9) more repliesLast reply 993d ago
SimpleSlave994d ago

Where are the gameplay videos ya' twerps?

iplay1up2994d ago

The comparison 40 second video Rockstar released was underwhelming.

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Grand Theft Auto: The Trilogy – The Definitive Edition is Still Not up to Standard Two Years Later

Worse still though, it appears as though The Trilogy has been abandoned by Rockstar and Take Two Interactive.

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Inverno221d ago

By today's standards, I'd argue that being half assed, having a couple patches, and being abandoned and ultimately left still half assed is infact up to standards.

VenomUK221d ago (Edited 221d ago )

Yesterday I watched a YouTube video that said the new Netflix iOS/Android versions have a series of visual improvements that significantly improve it and bring it much closer to the vision and mood of the original games.


banger88221d ago

That's just a f****** insult. They need to release that patch for console/PC asap.

Chard221d ago

If this gets applied to the Steam/console version then I’ll consider getting it

Cacabunga221d ago

Cash grabs have rarely been tuned

1nsomniac221d ago

It was beyond garbage. But we’re all over it now right? like it never happened!

anast221d ago

It's was supposed to be a mobile game.

Knightofelemia221d ago

This is what happens when you farm something out to the wrong people.

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Wow, Looks Like The Busted GTA Trilogy Is Better On Mobile

The Definitive Editions of GTA III, Vice City, and San Andreas look better than ever according to fans

-Foxtrot224d ago

Probably because it looked like it was made for mobile

Profchaos224d ago

I've checked it out and there's a toggle there for original lighting when that's on you get the sun saturation back orange hues of San Andreas and tons more atmosphere in vc.

Seems to be a huge factor you lose dynamic lights and the overly out of the box he engine feel and the whole thing seems more artistically driven.

I hope this comes to the actual console and ps release eventually

Knightofelemia223d ago (Edited 223d ago )

Better to enjoy the games on PS2 least they weren't a pile of shit.

shinoff2183223d ago

Out of curiosity what is the issue with this trilogy. I was looking to buy it cause san andreas is still my favorite and I've been itching for it. Is it broken?

PhillyDonJawn223d ago

The put little effort into the remaster. It's more of a port than anything. The graphics are barely any better while the colors make it look kinda cartoony