
PS Now November Mafia: Definitive Celeste Final Fantasy IX Totally Reliable Delivery Service

Crime sprees, perilous mountain climbs, fantastical battles, and questionable delivery skills await with PlayStation Now’s November lineup. Mafia: Definitive Edition, Celeste, Final Fantasy IX and Totally Reliable Delivery Service all await subscribers starting tomorrow, Tuesday, November 2.

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Orchard998d ago

Mafia is a great remake - if you haven't tried it out yet, you totally should.

TheColbertinator998d ago

Will do so. Seen a few cutscenes on YouTube for Mafia DE and it looked sharp

CR7JUVE1897997d ago

This is actually another good month for PS Now.

SyntheticForm997d ago

Mafia Remake is excellent.

Also, you should beat the entire game on Classic; don't lower difficulty for the race.

FallenAngel1984998d ago

Sad to see Streets of Rage 4 leave the service

Ready4nxtgen997d ago

Everyone should have brought SOR4 by. It's only $21 for the game and DLC. Whoever doesn't just missing out. One of the best remade beat em ups ever..

997d ago Replies(2)

The Cloud Gaming Graveyard: Dead Cloud Gaming Services

We take a walk around the Cloud Gaming Graveyard - listing all the failed cloud gaming services over the last decade.

We discuss the ups, the downs, and overall history of this technology. Turns out running a successful cloud gaming service that addresses the various technical hurdles and actually makes money is a real challenge.

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Chocoburger5d ago

I'm sure that there will be more to come in the future.

UltimateOwnage4d ago

Latency and video compression will always make cloud gaming an afterthought.


Final Fantasy 9 Remake Wish List

With its existence looking more and more likely, there are several points the Final Fantasy 9 remake should hit to ensure it was worth the wait.

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shinoff218332d ago

Nah. Ff9 was a better game that many slept on when it released. Ff8 was a good one to, I hated the level scaling though. Still up there in the top 5 though. They sure don't make them like they used to unfortunately

Miraak82 32d ago (Edited 32d ago )

FF9 just represents the best of the series , I really hope it gets like the Link Awakening/Super Mario RPG treatment . FF8 on the other hand would need a complete overhaul from the combat to the story telling (because the story was really silly) , I remember hardly ever using magic as it was basically losing stats every time you used them especially the rarer junctions , the combat was basically attack, limit breaks, summoning and 80% of the time drawing magic . Only thing 8 had better was its card game .

Michiel198932d ago

you can't change that much about ff8 without completely demolishing it. Everything was connected, the junctioning, the combat, the gf abilites like turning cards into items and way more, you could do so many cool shit in ff8 and that would be lost if you make too many changes. Junctioning and magic was counterintuitive yeah, but it was all part of the minmaxing you could do. I think a change like when you junction something it takes how many you collected of that magic instead of your current amount (up to 99 ofc), I think that single change would solve a lot of problems already. You would have to draw less, you can use magic a lot more and you can still junction to the max like before.

Miraak82 32d ago

@Michiel1989 ya probably but it's also the reason why I'd rather just get a FF9 remake , it caters to the fans who've wanted to play a more traditional FF in the 3d realm since like FF10 almost 25 years ago . It has a more colorful and diverse cast of characters and world with a fun battle system with ability/spell progression that's tied to your equipment . FF8 the whole cast aside from their limit breaks and the world aside from Esthar city and the final areas didn't really do it for me , the towns , gardens and ruins all just had the same-y feel to them ( maybe it's just the color pallet) . With 9 I just feel like every character was unique within their role in a party and everywhere you went was a wholly different setting and experience .

Terry_B32d ago

Make it an actual remake of the game and not a reboot of the first hours of the game just to release the next hours some years later and nothing of it feels like FF9 actually aside from the same characters and locations used.

Puty32d ago

This! Don't wanna fanfic or reimagining.

solideagle32d ago

I just hope they don't divide into trilogy please...Full game from start to finish? Maybe in 2 parts maximum?

andy8532d ago

Seems like this is just one game thankfully and not on the scale of FF7

solideagle32d ago (Edited 32d ago )

Thank you for your reply! that's awesome news. I wish it was VIII first as I like 8 more than 9...

VersusDMC32d ago

It will probably be one game but will look like the secret and trails of mana remakes. Probably even one of those teams working on it.

Lolyta32d ago (Edited 32d ago )

I thought FF8 was the superior game to get a remake treatment ? whoever that shareholder that forced SE to make FF9 Remake he must've spent a lot of budget backing this to happen , pretty strange shift from 7 to 9 but hey .. FF8 was a much deserving to be remade since the story needs expansion between Squall and Laguna and it left on a cliffhanger note

343_Guilty_Spark32d ago

8 is a fantastic game but it’s no 9

Michiel198932d ago

it was only the swanswong of the ff creator, don't think much money was involved with that decision. Also ff7 and 8 have a similar, modern setting compared to ff9. I think ff9 makes much more sense

ff9 is also way more accessible than ff8

ff8 is one of my fav games of all time but the one thing that still bothers me a lot is how they pulled a cheap anime move, that in the last episode when you defeat the villain SURPRISE SURPRISE I was not the real villain but a servant of another bad guy. Not exactly the same as ff8 with Edea and Ultimecia, but same idea but instead of a bad guy she was their nanny

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15 Amazing Open World Gangster Games You Need to Experience

GB: "With this feature, we take a look at 15 of the best open world games that have a gangster theme."

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Agent75124d ago

I sort if disagree with The Getaway. Playing it all those years ago, it had a dodgy control system, more so vehicles, was slow and was graphically unfinished. The sequel was even worse and the third game on PS3 was canned. I think Sony should take both games and merge them into one (as with the soon to be released Max Payne 1 and 2). Weird how Sony messed up The Getaway never to be seen again.