
Hands-on with the new PlayStation 5 CFI-1100 series console

Richard Leadbetter:

The new CFI-1100 series revision of PlayStation 5 is now making its way to market, bringing with it a wave of controversy. It began with the intriguing news that beyond revised WiFi and a new screw for the stand, the CFI-1100 model weighs 300g less than the original - an interesting puzzle that could only be solved by going hands-on. The first journalist to do that was Austin Evans, whose teardown and analysis answers a lot of questions, but raises others. Last night, I procured a unit myself, so I can add some initial insights based on my first few hours with the machine.

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Jin_Sakai1060d ago

“According to Digital Foundry after an hours long hands-on that does not seem to be the case.“

Great to hear. So much for Austin Evans claims.

Eonjay1060d ago

But the point was never to be accurate or truthful. Never. It was to take a shot at Sony and get the clicks that come along with breaking a big story against the number one competitor. Every three days or so there is another attempt. Its just incredibly obvious at this point. And therefore boring.

Silly gameAr1060d ago

The people that call it out are considered trouble makers, and brand loyalists.

The fact that most of the media took something some youtuber said as fact, and ran with it, should tell you the state the industry is in.

darthv721060d ago (Edited 1060d ago )

Despite how people feel about Austin, what he showed was still correct. the heatsink was reduced in size and surface area and the output temperature was slightly warmer. Like i said before, that doesnt make it better or worse, just different as revisions usually are.

The changes made result in normal operating range for the system. That should be the takeaway. The fact the guy who did this reveal is a shill or not is incidental. Point is someone was going to find out why there is a difference and he was it. I dont really care about his personal views, only that we were able to compare side by side the physical differences between the two. That is something that cannot be contested because it is right there in the open.

How he phrases his words... that's on him. And take it or leave it, this is a change that can benefit Sony (reduced costs) and still stay with in the norm.

1060d ago
SullysCigar1060d ago

This. Austin Evans just cemented his (terrible) reputation.

Eonjay1059d ago

Most telling of all is that Richards conclusion seems to be that the heatsink in the PS5 never needed to be that large. So remember back before the consoles launched and the rumor going around was that the price of the PS5 would be driven higher due to the cooling system?

Richard wonders why this revision wasn't included in the original system and explains how these separate components are iterated on

Rhythmattic1059d ago

You'll never run the empire.

Sarcasm1059d ago


That's the problem, he didn't just put out a video and say "Here's the differences, it is what it is"

No, the video title is "The new PS5 is Worse"

The word "Worse" already implies the original PS5 was bad.

Obviously designed as clickbait.

NeoGamer2321059d ago

Ya, "news" is becoming very, very sketchy all over. Seems like the influencers in the news are becoming more and more about fear, uncertainty, and doubt, and less about facts.

ElvisHuxley1059d ago (Edited 1059d ago )

@Silly gamear This is exactly how the "news" media behaves. They'll make any claim, no matter how ridiculous, on the flimsiest grounds. All you need is an "anonymous source" and you can claim anything, random internet person is kind of the equivalent in gaming media. It's not a huge issue in gaming media, apart from being annoying and frustrating, but when they openly lie about serious matters going on in the world, it just causes confusion and division. Everything is driven by traffic and revenue, integrity and honesty are dead, unfortunately.

The Wood1059d ago

There's always one guy fighting the fight.....smdh

Outside_ofthe_Box1059d ago

Once again people acting like they are better engineers than Cerny.

On to the next made up controversy.

+ Show (8) more repliesLast reply 1059d ago
gravedigger1060d ago

Austin Evans, the Xbox shill idiot.

BrettAwesome1060d ago

Yup. Punchable dork. Like that annoying kid down the road who'd yell shit and then run home and hide behind mommy before you could get him.

Zulu1060d ago


I wish I was as tough as you. Calling someone a punchable dork because they made a video about a heat sink in a games console shows how mature and downright awesome you are. Well done sir.

BrettAwesome1059d ago (Edited 1059d ago )

Did you just call me "sir"? 😂
"Sir, I'm afraid I'm gonna have to respectfully ask you to apologise to the gentleman you just offended" 😂 you're killin' me, man!

gravedigger1060d ago


"The heat sink has fewer heat pipes (four vs six) and is built with an overall reduction in the copper content - aluminium only has 60 percent of the thermal conductivity of copper. There is another interesting change to the design: the fan has been replaced by another that has more blades, potentially capable of pushing more air out at the same speeds."

There are 6 heatpipes in the new PS5. LOL How DF missed that, but they have new PS5 in front of them :



neutralgamer19921060d ago

MS pay people like them to stir up negative stuff about playstation. MS admitted that much back with Xbox one and even used KZ shadow fall screen shot to promote Xbox one. This is nothing new

They simply lost the market share to playstation and no matter how desperate they become that won't change. They invested billions and have yet to get their money's worth yet Sony spent $256 million on insomniac and got all their money's worth and than some.

darthv721060d ago

this has nothing to do with them though. Stop trying to make everything seem like XB vs PS.

Zulu1060d ago

What has that got to do with a video about a PS5 heat sink? I swear everyday this site gets worse

Stanjara1059d ago

That dweeb always makes a clickbait video full of bs.

DarXyde1059d ago

I think, in general, it's a good idea to really take the time to stress test, which I think neither did.

Even if it was a bit hotter, it doesn't matter if it's within normal operation range. Either way, Austin Evans' evaluation was shoddy. DF's is perhaps not comprehensive enough.

Ninver1059d ago

That man child is a troll. Never believe a word he utters.

hangdang1059d ago

If there is an acceptable temperature RANGE, then it can still run hotter than the OG model and not be an issue. What he said is factually correct, it just runs hotter. It isn't inherently bad

TheDibbler1059d ago

The piece from DF doesn’t say there is no difference in temps from new and old version. Just that it still seems within spec and there would be no difference to the user as they perform equally. The new version still produces more heat and probably runs a bit hotter. Austin’s findings weren’t debunked…..just that it shouldn’t be considered worse than the original.

ElvisHuxley1059d ago

Imagine my shock, lol. People will do anything to gin up controversy, good idea to be skeptical of just about anything on the internet.

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Ron_Danger1060d ago

So can we put this to bed yet? Unfortunately for one camp, this is not the news they hoped for. Your hopeful RRoD equivalent problem is in another castle.

iplay1up21060d ago

I don't think most Xbox fans would want PS5 to have the equivalent of RROD. Judging from any positive Xbox article, I couldn't say the same for fans of other systems.

1060d ago
DivineHand1251060d ago

I don't think any reasonable people were thinking this would lead to rrod or something similar. The original launch unit was not perfect and what I am most eager to see is if the memory modules are being cooled better than the original.

ABizzel11060d ago

You underestimate how few people are actually reasonable. Many of these people are flat-out ignorant.

JackBNimble1059d ago (Edited 1059d ago )

You must be referring to psfanboys, truly the biggest console simps , defending sony no matter what sony does.

It's laughable to the extent you sonybois go .

If you shrink a heatsink you don't get less heat you get more.
Maybe the original heat sink was over kill and the new version is adequate. But there is now way a smaller heat sink that use less copper is going to dispel more heat, any pc enthusiast would tell you that.

Waiting for gamer nexus to test the new ps5.

Smellsforfree1059d ago

I kinda agree with DFs analysis: concluding that a loss of mass in the heat sink will lead to actually better cooling isn't founded in reason. More likely, the original heat sink for the PS5 was overkill and it was an area they could reduce costs without effecting performance. In the end if you get a new PS5 it is just as fine as the release ones because they are all operating within their specification limits.

ElvisHuxley1059d ago

Sony have always made pretty high quality hardware, wish more people would take things they hear from the internet and media with a grain of salt, as it's usually warranted.

cbuc11251060d ago

This story is starting to "heat up".

Ron_Danger1060d ago

You forgot to slowly lift off your shades as Pete Townsend yells “YYYYYEEEAAAHHH!!!”

1060d ago
GhostofHorizon1060d ago

Most of us knew this all along. The new one is warmer but there is no significant performance or heat issues.

Few degrees one way or another aren't going to break or make the machine.

1060d ago Replies(2)
ocelot071060d ago

How's it warmer? The way I'm thinking is. The new fan is pushing out the hot air at a faster but quieter rate. Meaning cpu is likely cooler but the exhaust of the console is hotter because the fan is pushing it all out quicker.

navi871060d ago

If the CPU is the source of the heat, how can it be running cooler if the PS5 has warmer air inside it? Smaller heatsink means worse cooling performance.

Apparently the fan has less fins now too as well, so the extra 3-4mm length of the fins probably cancel it out.
But 55 degrees is well within thermal thresholds, its nothing to worry about at all. Who ever said thermal throttling could be an issue is just an idiot.
Cant deny the facts though, this is a slightly worse performing device in regards to cooling.

GhostofHorizon1060d ago

Navi sums it up pretty well there.

darthv721060d ago

My theory for why the exhaust is warmer actually stems from a lower spinning fan (hence quieter) that is able to move the air at nearly the same rate. By reducing the rotation speed (slightly) not only do you get a quieter sounding fan but also increased exhaust temps as the air inside is staying inside for just a tiny amount longer.

The notion that the fan is moving the air through quicker would result in cooler exhaust, not warmer.

Eonjay1060d ago (Edited 1060d ago )


You are saying that you don't understand the purpose of a heatsink.
The CPU is running at the same power level as the original according to DF. This means that by itself the CPU produces the same heat. Therefore if it's the same and the exhaust is hotter then it means that the cooling (heatsink and fan) is pulling more heat off of it meaning it's better.

Where do you think the warm air comes from?

Nitrox1059d ago

Less surface area to dissipate the heat results in it building up. Yes the cpu will produce the same amount of heat, but now it’s being stored in a smaller area while waiting to be expelled.

Same thermal output going into a smaller surface area. It’s not the end of the world and I’m not sure why so many people are trying to spin it so hard.

I’m sure Sony knows what they’re doing. Looked at the thermal tolerance of the components and determined they had room to comfortably cut some of the heatsink to save on manufacturing and shipping costs. It wasn’t some arbitrary decision that wasn’t thoroughly tested before finalizing the design.

The “it's more efficient” rebuttal is a little silly. Thats not how cooling works.

I’m a huge Sony fan myself , but a little disappointed so many have jumped on the “efficiency” bandwagon instead of focusing on the argument that a few degrees isn't going to matter. It’s just flamewar fodder.

OB1Biker1059d ago (Edited 1059d ago )

Less surface but better air flow.
The jury is out

Eonjay1059d ago


It clearly is more efficient. That's why people keep saying that. If a smaller heatsink concentrates more heat from the CPU that can expelled via the fan it's more efficient. It is better than the original PS5 because it is pulling more heat from the APU. The APU isn't hotter. In fact it's probably cooler.

I hate it when people prey on others lack of technical knowledge.

VariantAEC1059d ago

55 degrees?
Just 55? For the whole SoC!?

What were people freaking out about?My laptop doesn't even run that cool with both built-in fans running at nearly 6,000 RPM!
Now obviously I don't run the fans that fast (as they die real fast when they're running full-boar, learned that rendering animations). Even though those components are cheap and very easy to replace (myself), it's not something I want to repeatedly waste $14 on every year.

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It's 10 years too late for a BioShock film. The world of Rapture would have been perfect for a film. It's actually a good candidate for proper utilization of 3D, for increased depth rather than bullshit popping out of the screen. It could really show off the underwater city that way. But BioShock as a brand is so irrelevant these days that a film just doesn't make sense. Especially considering it would need a big budget and top notch effects to really take advantage of the IP.

gold_drake23h ago

i agree on the bigger budget. all the cgi they'd need for the background.

but i think it would work better as a show. a movie would be too short to establish the story

TheNamelessOne23h ago

Netflix greenlights anything, so that shows me very little faith in the project. Enough to just crap something out as they're, more and more, known to do.

Knightofelemia23h ago(Edited 23h ago)

I'll laugh if it turns out to be better then the Borderlands movie

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