Nintendo trademark puts Wii on its head

It seems that Nintendo of Japan (which, it has to be said, has been more than a little frenzied on the trademark front of late) has registered a bunch of new names, all related to its forthcoming Wii console.

While 'WiiPointer' and 'WiiCulture' would seem relatively straightforward (presumably referring to the controller and some mysterious new offshoot of non-games respectively), the one that's got slathering internet mouths a-flapping is '!!M'. Eagle-eyed readers will spot that what we have here is basically the name 'Wii' flipped upside down.

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Fuzz McDeath6612d ago

My undertsanding is that a good percentage of trademarks are preventative. That is to say, the company that secures the trademark has no intention of using it, but they want to prevent others from doing so as well. Likely, they are trying to minimize black-market knock offs or prevent mockery.

Or, perhaps I'm completely wrong.

Marriot VP6612d ago

hey their Wii has a head...hmmm


The Industry Needs To Modernize These 6 Fantastic Classics

The Simpsons: Hit and Run, The Legend of Dragoon, and Chrono Trigger would benefit substantially from a modern remake.

Knightofelemia1d 4h ago (Edited 1d 4h ago )

The Xenosaga trilogy, the Wild Arms games, Xenogears, Parasite Eve, Dino Crisis, Suikoden. The Warriors game I know nothing about but it looks interesting. Anybody can do a list of games they want to see get modernized I would lose my shit if Namco brought the Xenosaga trilogy to modern consoles.


The 'Kawaii' Is A Nintendo Wii The Size Of A Keychain

Modders have cooked up something pretty special – a Wii console which is small enough to fit on your keys. A wee Wii.

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10 Underrated Wii Games You Should Play

The motion-controlled maverick of a console that had everyone from age 9 to 99 swing a TV remote to bowl and painstakingly recreating themselves as Miis, had its share of hits, but even so, some titles didn’t quite get their due.

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Friendlygamer8d ago

If you beat la mulana without guides you're either crazy or really smart

YoungKingDoran8d ago

Love this game (played on Vita) and i think i got pretty far, but never finished because i refused to look up a guide 😎

Friendlygamer8d ago

Same with me, played for like 50 hours, found a puzzle I just couldn't crack and decided to let it go. Great game

Venoxn4g7d ago

Madworld deserves a remaster .. such a great game!

gold_drake7d ago

that thumbnail tho ha

i hate snakes ha.