
'Boyfriend Dungeon' Review | Goomba STomp | Dresses Sharp for a Cutting-Edge Romance

It may not be the most robust dungeon crawler around, but with addictive gameplay and well-written romances, Boyfriend Dungeon delivers a date worth remembering.

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1034d ago

Humble Pixel Pride Bundle packs seven games with LGBTQ characters or creators

The Humble Pixel Pride Bundle just launched recently. It has seven games including Celeste, Super Lesbian Animal RPG, Boyfriend Dungeon, and more. A percentage of sales support The Trevor Project.

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Crows90375d ago

Well. They should at least put in games that started as LGBT not the tokenism that some of these title later did. Celeste is one such example. A developer later confirms she's trans but admits that wasn't the case before. Therefore the character development there has nothing to do with LGBT pride or anything.

At least put in real ones.


Boyfriend Dungeon Review - Having Fun with Bae-Blades | COGconnected

In a world full of funky dating sims, Boyfriend Dungeon fits right in with its wild concept of dating weapons. Move aside Colonel Sanders, I’ve got a hot date with a sword!

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NecrumOddBoy864d ago

Golf Story is my favorite Switch-exclusive Indie.

yuukiliu863d ago

hades is by far my favorite indie on the system, might even be my favorite overall game on the system. 100 total runs so far. go back every month or so and try and beat it again. the fact that you can beat the whole game in around 30 minutes and the ability to have every run feel unique is incredible.