
Psychonauts 2 to Feature an Invincibility Toggle as 'All People Should Be Able to Enjoy Games'

Double Fine has revealed that Psychonauts 2 will feature an invincibility toggle as it believes that "all people should be able to enjoy games."

SullysCigar1110d ago

That's great - maybe you could move the character for us too?!

strayanalog1110d ago

As interesting as that would be, this seems like a welcome variation to PS5's Game Help feature, assuming it was widely implemented.
Besides, adding more accessibility for players with slower reaction times or disabilities is a great thing. In the end, at least it's a toggle and doesn't need to be on.

CobraKai1110d ago

That’s the thing I don’t understand. It’s an option and people act like they can’t change it.

1110d ago
neutralgamer19921110d ago


Because don't you know everybody's a macho man on this side and every game inside everybody plays souls like games and are masters at them and are pros at speed runs

I never understand how a game having easy difficulty or story difficulty affects another gamers experience

1110d ago
monkey6021109d ago

It's not cheating @Hollow!

Someone else experiencing this game differently to you has no effect what so ever on your experience. It doesn't impede you. There's no gain for them over you, other than they get to play something they might not have been able to otherwise.

If the developer has a vision to make such a feature work then they absolutely should be encouraged. It has nothing but a positive effect.

Knushwood Butt1109d ago (Edited 1109d ago )

I take Sully's comment to mean, 'but where do you draw the line?'.

I beat Ratchet. My 8 year old son beat it before I did, using the default difficulty level. I saw there was an invincibility toggle but I personally had no interest in it. To be honest I thought it was unlocked by collecting golden bolts, but whatever. If my son or anyone wants to use that option, then fine, enjoy,

Then last weekend I was playing GT Sport challenges where the goal is to compete against times set by Lewis Hamilton. It's hard. Should there be a toggle to enable an AI driver that can beat Lewis for you? Personally I don't want that. Thanks.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 1109d ago
ThinkThink1110d ago

I love this! My daughter is just getting into videogames so the toggle is much appreciated.

CobraKai1110d ago

Same here. I like these options, especially for our young’uns. My 4 yo son is able to play Rift Apart and enjoy himself.

1110d ago
Kerppamaister1109d ago (Edited 1109d ago )

@knighted yeah when your kid wants to learn how to ride a bike just get the training wheels off right away and wish them good luck. Some people...

NotoriousWhiz1109d ago

^ I know you're being facetious but kids actually do learn to ride better, and quicker without training wheels. I taught my youngest how to ride on two wheels when he was 3 and no training wheels were used.

That said my kids like to play minecraft on creative, which is effectively the same thing as this invincibility mode referred to here.

However, I also give them the opportunity to learn reflexes, etc by trying other games, but it doesn't hurt to have an easy / invulnerable mode as an option to just relax and enjoy the story.

Kerppamaister1109d ago

@whiz you mean to tell me you just put him/her on a bike without holding them up at first? How did they get on it? Of course you learn faster when all the restrictions come off but we all need help to get started or we need to start at really basic level stuff.

The Wood1109d ago

Some act like they never used cheat codes back in the day.... its an option....chill

NotoriousWhiz1109d ago (Edited 1109d ago )


I did not hold them. I simply had them coast down a grassy hill until they learned to balance. They fell a few times, but it was grass so no harm done. Afterwards I had them pedaling while going down the hill, and then they were good. Total time from never riding to riding on two wheels was about 4 hours.

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 1109d ago
Orchard1110d ago

How inclusive of you.

Just because you can play 'normally' doesn't mean everyone else can, lots of kids struggle with games, people with disabilities etc. - that doesn't meant they should be excluded from enjoying the same games we do.

Dark_Overlord1110d ago (Edited 1110d ago )

And I can't play any sports due to medical reasons, does that mean I should demand they all cater to me now? Not everything has to include everyone.

Orchard1110d ago

@Dark_Overlord If there was something they could reasonably do to make it so you could play sports, without affecting others, they should do it, yes.

The above does not affect anyone negatively - so why does it matter?

More people playing games is a good thing, for everyone.

neutralgamer19921110d ago


How is that the same thing? Physical sports compared to video games? Seriously why would it bother you me or anyone if developers found ways to make it easy for everyone to be able to enjoy. ND and insomniac recently have done a nice job of giving a lot of accessibility options (and I am sure many other developers are doing the same)

This is something I just don't get it. Even gamer is a macho man when it comes time to talk about difficulty in games.

HackFraud1110d ago

@Dark_Overlord But you can post your 4 IQ opinions on the internet for free so maybe you shouldn't criticize inclusivity so much :-)

CobraKai1110d ago

No. No one should cater to you. But they should make physical sports available to those with disabilities who actually want to play and cater to them. Everything should include everyone as long as it’s age appropriate. A disability shouldn’t be an inability to enjoy something you love.

1110d ago
victorMaje1110d ago

People with disabilities should definitely get an option to help them enjoy the game, but if you have no disability and are just struggling with a game that toggle is the wrong option to have.

100% agree with knightedHollow on this.
Genuinely interested to read counter arguments instead of just disagrees.

Orchard1109d ago (Edited 1109d ago )

@victorMaje The simple counter here is, if someone wants to spend $60-70 on a game, which is single player only - let them play it however they want. It’s their money and experience.

Them enabling this option does not detract from your experience.

And this whole mentality that you must finish every game on max difficulty and 100% it or you aren’t a gamer is complete garbage - if you buy the game and play it by any means - you are a gamer.

Popsicle1109d ago (Edited 1109d ago )

“Lots of kids struggle with games.”

Spare me. I was 6 years of age when I first played Mike Tyson’s Punch Out. I spent about a year moving up and down the Minor, Major, and World circuit before finally facing Mike Tyson.

I remember my parents huddling in my bedroom with real excitement to see the dream match between myself (Little Mac) and The Dynamite Kid himself. It was a big deal and they understood the determination it took for me to get there as neither of them could last a single round with the Minor Circuit Champion Piston Honda.

I was KO’d in the first round and the game over screen came shortly after, but just the fact that we all got to see what the digitized prodigy even looked like was a treat. No one else we knew had ever faced him or seen him in game in the pre-internet days.

Then I (Little Mac) got up off the mat again and again and at the age of 7 I finally TKO’d Tyson in his undefeated prime. It was such a rewarding feeling to win the match and retain the World Circuit title I had previously won from many bouts with Super Macho Man.

I learned a lot from that experience. I learned to believe in myself, perseverance, tenacity, and that I could accomplish most anything if I give it my all. Many games on the NES were unrelenting if not unfair in their difficulty and I cannot help but think I was shaped positively through this experience and many like it.

Life comes at you hard as an adult and unfortunately there is no invincibility mode.

victorMaje1109d ago

To me cost is not the point here, even if a game is gotten for free the invincibility toggle from the start still changes what you get from the experience.
Of course you're free to play a game however way you want but it's about what the experience of the medium brings you & teaches you, because there is a teaching experience in overcoming obstacles by understanding the difficulty & adjusting your behaviour.
Remove the need to understand the obstacle & overcome it & you remove the learning experience. I'm not saying all games have to have a learning experience, but in the ones that do have some form of difficulty to overcome, there is a learning opportunity, wouldn't you want them to want to overcome it? or at least try?
Story mode, easy, very easy difficulty are one thing, invincibility toggle from the start? That's a whole other thing. No triumph without peril. I may be taking it a bit far but it's true.

"And this whole mentality that you must finish every game on max difficulty and 100% it or you aren’t a gamer" I never said that & would never be an advocate of this line of thinking. You love the medium? You're a gamer, period. We're all gamers here, except maybe mobile gamers, ok I'm joking you guys are ok :)

dbcoops1109d ago

Why does a person with disabilities need an invincibility toggle, that has nothing to do with accessibility and really just seems kind of insulting.

Orchard1109d ago (Edited 1109d ago )

@dbcoops Lots of people with disabilities don’t have the physical capabilities to do button mashing for combat or timed combat, moving while attacking etc. They still want to play games so why artificially restrict them from doing so if we can make the game more inclusive for them?

But please do tell us how making the game more accessible somehow detracts from your experience…

Also Ratchet did the same, yet you were praising that game and I didn’t see you complain once about the god mode?

+ Show (9) more repliesLast reply 1109d ago
JTShiny1110d ago

Or maybe automatically complete the game for us lol

1110d ago
1Victor1110d ago (Edited 1110d ago )

@ Sully
Don’t forget to have it come with a assistant to spoon feed you crushed Cheetos and Mountain Dew / S

brewin1110d ago

It's better than having people just watch others play it on YouTube or Twitch. Theres a while subculture out there that doesn't even play, they watch others play. And you want to bash on this?! I think it's a good thing to make games more accessible and easier to complete for more people. That's good for gaming

anubusgold1110d ago

Some people are handicap and cant use a controller how clueless can you be.

b777conehead1110d ago

Knight hollow as some one with disabilities I welcome this and the ratchet and clank rift game. I have no feelings in my hands so I have problems. So since you can play without it what’s your problem. And why do you care if people use it. It dose not effect you

1109d ago
Dramacydal1109d ago (Edited 1109d ago )

It's cool to gatekeep gaming when you started gaming on a PS3. Tell me more.

lelo2play1109d ago

So many people complaining about a Invincibility Toggle on a game... when those same people watch movies and TV series about invincible superheros.
I wounder if they complain about Marvel and DC Comics movies...

MadLad1109d ago

Some people enjoy games for the story and atmosphere.
If they aren't your typical core gamer (or a game journalist :^) ) this may be the way they can still enjoy the experience.

I used play on the hardest settings in most games, but I typically knock it down a peg or two, being I don't have as much time to game as I used to.

frostypants1109d ago (Edited 1109d ago )

Also, I identify as someone who would prefer a racing game. Can they make a mode in this game where I drive an F1 car? I can't enjoy it otherwise.

+ Show (10) more repliesLast reply 1109d ago
Terry_B1110d ago

More and more young gamers will be annoyed when a feature like that is missing in future games if this becomes a trend lol.

neutralgamer19921110d ago

My dude we use to have cheat codes and they went away because now those can be sold as micro transactions (in RE2 you can literally buy dlc that would give you unlimited life and ammo and unlock best guns)

This stuff use to be cheat codes

FPS_D3TH1110d ago

Or it was locked behind completing the games on harder difficulties or rewards for better scored playthrus

lodossrage1110d ago

While that's true,

This kind of stuff once upon a time were cheat codes, that's not how things operate anymore. And yeah, gamers are going to start expecting more and more hand holding with stuff like this invincibility toggle if this gets popular.

senorfartcushion1110d ago (Edited 1110d ago )

It’s funny how a lot of gamers are forming a backlash against simple cheats 😂 The nerds.

People are talking about trends like it’s taking something from them. It’s taking away their less fun? Does that even make sense? Not only is it a toggle, but a trend at a time when those exact fake gamers are spending their money on microtransactions, signing their gaming futures away day by day. Insufferable anti-gamers they are.

Cheats are fun and those saddos badly BADLY need some fun in their lives, however lonely they may be.

ArmorOfGod1110d ago

No problem here if that happens. Essentially, they’re bringing back cheat codes and labeling them “inclusivity toggles” for virtue points. Cool. Whatever floats your boat! Now bring back the Big Head Mode cheat and label it “inclusivity mode” for people with poor vision. Lol. More virtue points!

ArmorOfGod1110d ago

The disagrees know I’m right but they hate it so all they can do is downvote without providing a counterpoint. “B-B-But Microsoft wouldn’t pander for virtue points to sell their products! M-M-Microsoft cares about INcLuSIVIty!!1!” 🤣😂

darthv721110d ago

The disagrees are because what you said was stupid. And how you said it was equally as stupid.

1110d ago
ArmorOfGod1109d ago

@knightedHollow Wow. You’re right! My mistake. Please excuse me while I eat this McDonalds inclusivity meal, which looks and smells and tastes like a Cheeseburger but they call it an Inclusivity meal so that’s what it is. IT’S NOT A CHEESEBURGER. McDONALDS CARES ABOUT InCLuSiviTY!

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 1109d ago
Kyizen1109d ago

This is the participation trophy in videogame form. In the NES days games were damn hard but we would play them over and over learning patterns and getting gud. Now we expect less of your kids.

senorfartcushion1109d ago

This is the least true thing I’ve ever read on this site.

It’s nerds overcompensating for being nerds. Combat loneliness, then things like this will matter a lot less to you. Not an insult, I’m just saying.


1109d ago
Mulando1109d ago

This was the normal case before PS3/xbox360
There were Cheats in games but with time they vanished (with Trohpies & Achievements). :(

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 1109d ago
Orchard1110d ago

It's great to see modern games being more inclusive of everyone. This functionality and the accessibility features in TLOU2 really stand out to me - and it's great to see the biggest companies in the industry recognize this as an issue and prioritize it.

Keep it up!

lodossrage1110d ago

I have to respectfully disagree. This isn't inclusion. This is hand holding.

Inclusion would be if a certain group were kept OUT of playing and they were being brought IN. Nobody is telling anyone of any age NOT to play Psychonauts 2. This is flat out hand holding.

If you're bad at a game, try and try again until you LEARN and get better. Accessibility I can get behind. Not everyone has both their hands for example. Or can fully see or hear. Bringing those people in IS inclusion.

Invincibility toggling is NOT inclusion. There is no debilitating factor keeping them from playing the game. They just lack skill.

FPS_D3TH1110d ago

It’s a single player game. Does it really detract from anything if all you care about is the story or something? I wouldn’t use the feature, but people consume games in different ways.

NeoGamer2321110d ago

I respectfully think you are wrong.

There are a lot of people that have a lot of problems playing and finishing games. Not because they are bad at gaming. But because they do not have the physical abilities.

Examples... People who can't control the shaking of their hands at times, people with limited hand and wrist mobility, One handed people, people that cannot translate their thoughts to actions quickly, etc.

I am fortunate to have fully mobility and be able to play games at their most difficult levels. There are a lot of people that just cannot. These accessibility features are not about hand holding they are about allowing people with limitations to experience the game from start to end by playing it. You can't get that experience from you tube videos fully. Gaming is a art form. Everyone should be able to enjoy the art. There are things like trophies and achievements for the people that want to say they beat a game on normal, hard, or insanity difficulties.

IanTH1110d ago (Edited 1110d ago )

It's a toggle. I mean, as easy mode detractors like to say about games like Nioh and Sekiro - let the director have their vision, and if that doesn't match up with yours then this just happens to be a game that isn't for you.

And, may I remind you...it's a toggle. Don't use it if you don't want and/or need it.

-Hermit-1110d ago


Then don't use it. Why do you give a damn how others play a game? it literally has no effect on you what so ever.

Atticus_finch1109d ago

What would be hand holding to you would be a challenging experience to someone just getting into gaming or with a disability.

vallencer1109d ago

But you don't have to use it.....like the amount of people that have an issue with this is astounding to be honest. I think it's cool that the options there. Plenty of people want to or already do enjoy playing games and now more people can without getting frustrated.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 1109d ago
dbcoops1109d ago

What was done in TLOU2 was accessibility this is not.

Orchard1109d ago (Edited 1109d ago )

How is it not? Certain disabilities would make this type of game very hard if not impossible, imagine doing Meat Circus in the first game with only one hand? Or at the age of 5?

People shouldn’t be locked out of experiencing a game because of their physical or mental capabilities.

And why do you care? Does a kid using god mode in the game somehow detract from your experience with the game?

dbcoops1109d ago

"How is it not?"

Because its not, its a cheat not an accessibility option. That's just an excuse being made for it.

"Certain disabilities would make this type of game very hard if not impossible, imagine doing Meat Circus in the first game with only one hand? Or at the age of 5?"

If you're that disabled then an invincibility toggle isn't going to make the game an easier to play.

"People shouldn’t be locked out of experiencing a game because of their physical or mental capabilities."

I agree, but just because a game doesn't have an invincibility toggle doesn't mean they are locked out if other reasonable accessibility options are included as well as peripherals that accommodate disabled people.

"And why do you care? Does a kid using god mode in the game somehow detract from your experience with the game?"

Its an open forum I can share my opinion on the subject just like people who complained about an easy modes for Sekiro, or people who moaned about Sony offering an optional help feature or yourself and your personal opinion that differs from mine, if you don't like what I think about it you're free to not reply.

Orchard1109d ago (Edited 1109d ago )

"Because its not, its a cheat not an accessibility option"

That's a blurry line. TLOU2 would let you:
- skip puzzles
- automatically navigate the map/perform jumps
- reduce damage
- disable most enemy AI
- be invisible to AI when prone
- slow down gun play
- have unlimited breath underwater
- highlight items and enemies in the world

And that's not even half of them... those could be considered cheating too.

"If you're that disabled then an invincibility toggle isn't going to make the game an easier to play."

Except it can. Psychonauts 1 required you to run around, jump, and attack enemies at one time. That is a lot of simultaneous hand movement, which may be beyond certain peoples physical capabilities. With invincibility they can stand still and just attack the censors without having to run around/risk dying. Having this option could allow them to play through the game.

"I agree, but just because a game doesn't have an invincibility toggle doesn't mean they are locked out if other reasonable accessibility options are included as well as peripherals that accommodate disabled people."

But by your logic, anything that makes the game easier is a cheat, not an accessibility option. So what options would you propose?

Easy modes were fine in Sekiro, are fine in Ratchet, and will be fine in Psychonauts 2. Stop being elitist. You don't have to play on max difficulty and 100% a game to be a gamer.

dbcoops1109d ago

Did TLOU2 have an invincibility toggle? Its rhetorical.

"Psychonauts 1 required you to run around, jump,"

"With invincibility they can stand still"

Well you kind of defeated your own argument, again like I already said if you're that disabled that you cant run and jump in a game than just "standing still" while invincible isn't going to make a difference in terms of playing through the game.

"Stop being elitist."

Stop name calling, being argumentative and looking for a fight where there isn't one. We have a different opinion get over it. Like I said if you don't care for my opinion you're free to not reply, apparently just not capable.

Orchard1108d ago

"Did TLOU2 have an invincibility toggle?"

Go turn on all of the accessibility options and try dying ;)

"Psychonauts 1 required you to run around, jump,"

That's some nice selective quoting right there, you even included the last comma. I mentioned that the first game requires 3 inputs at once at some points of the game to do effective combat/avoid dying - running, jumping and attacking/shooting.

That may be too much for people, by giving them invincibility, they no longer have to run and jump while attacking/shooting, they can just attack/shoot - so you've opened up the game to more people.

"Like I said if you don't care for my opinion you're free to not reply"

You are the one answering my original comment...

People like yourself are the problematic part of gaming that gets us all a bad rep. You don't need to be so upset because someone else is playing the game with unlimited health - it doesn't reduce your experience nor your accomplishments in the game.

So if you had a bad accident tomorrow and couldn't game 'normally' anymore you'd rather give up on gaming than have someone add accessibility options for you to be able to game? Doubt it.

dbcoops1108d ago (Edited 1108d ago )

"Go turn on all of the accessibility options and try dying ;)"

You didn't answer my question. But I'll just go ahead and infer from your lack of an answer that its a no there is no invincibility toggle.

"That's some nice selective quoting right there"

There you're words if you don't like them quoted you should choose them better in the future.

"You are the one answering my original comment..."

And you're the one who keeps angrily replying because you don't like my opinion. I simply suggested the way to end the conversation if you don't like it was to stop replying but like I said apparently you're not capable of that.

"People like yourself are the problematic part of gaming that gets us all a bad rep."

Funny I've literally done nothing but shared my opinion on the subject and you're the one now making insulting comments like this, I think its people like yourself that can't carry on an adult conversation and respect different view points without descending into insults that the real problematic part of gaming. I never said it effects me personally I said its not an accessibility option because its not, rather you want to accept that or not is of no concern to me but if you cant be civil then just move on and go insult someone else cause I have no interest in it.

"You don't need to be so upset because someone else is playing the game with unlimited health"

You don't need to be so upset that I see the option as a cheat and not an accessibility option.

"it doesn't reduce your experience nor your accomplishments in the game."

I would agree

"So if you had a bad accident tomorrow"

I don't deal in if's and hypothetical's they add nothing to the conversation and are pointless reasons for argument.

Since you're not capable I'm just going to end the conversation here for you, wont be reading anything you reply with on this subject but feel free to waste your time replying if you like. I get your point of view of the situation but sadly I think I could type until my fingers fell off and you would never get mine and would just continue to be insulting so why bother, moving on now.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 1108d ago
neutralgamer19921110d ago

This is great more games should offer this. Not everyone plays for challenge some of us with kids just want to play for an hour and feel like we had fun and made progress. Unlimited ammo and health makes games a lot more fun.

Not saying games like souls needs this but most other games should allow it. Even in GTA5 if you fail few times it will offer if you want to skip that mission and move on. But than in game like RDR2 it doesn't even let you enable cheats and save(something that was doable during the early days of gaming)

1110d ago Replies(3)
Dixiedevil1110d ago

Invincibility is one thing but what if there’s a hard jump? The game should have an AI mode that 100% completes the game and still gives you all the trophies and achievements.How else can the majority of game journalists be expected to experience the entire game for a proper review?

1110d ago
ThinkThink1110d ago

Who cares, they are just video games. You sound like one of those people that pauses the movie when someone leaves the room to get a drink. Just relax..

1108d ago
Show all comments (174)

Sea of Thieves Developer Rare Now Has a Dedicated Doggo Park

Rare, the developer behind pirate adventure Sea of Thieves, has introduced a dedicated dog park to its studio grounds for employees' good boys and girls.

Read Full Story >>
CrimsonWing691d 7h ago

Is the industry hurting for money or not?

Hofstaderman1d 7h ago

They belong to XBOX. Its a dog's life....

Chocoburger1d 7h ago

Nice thing they did, but not actually gaming related, not sure why this article was approved. Also strange informing us what game Rare worked on, as if we don't know their legacy.

Tacoboto1d 6h ago

Sorry you hate dog news - here's a game-related headline for you, the latest: "Deathsprint 66 is a hyperviolent freerunner that proves game journos suck at games | Video Gamer"

Yeah we need more headlines like *that* on this site, instead of news about a studio's employee perks.

GaboonViper1d 6h ago

Its actually nice to see a story like this instead of the usual doom and gloom but people still moan, anyhow hope these beautiful doggos have a great life.

1d 7h ago
GaboonViper1d 6h ago

Really nice story, kudos to Rare.

Mulletino13h ago

I went to look at new apartments and saw only dog parks, no kid parks. We're so screwed.


Concept Art For Bluepoint's Next Game Spotted In PlayStation Tour Video

A new PlayStation Malaysia tour video shows what looks to be concept art for Bluepoint's next game.

Read Full Story >>
phoenixwing1d 10h ago

Damn was hoping for a fantasy setting. Looks futuristic

jznrpg1d 9h ago (Edited 1d 9h ago )

I think that’s a screensaver if you look to the right it looks more like a fantasy game and so does the concept art leaked earlier. Who knows though

phoenixwing11h ago

Unless that structure/pillar thingy in the right picture is long forgotten technology it's futuristic.

Name Last Name1d 10h ago (Edited 1d 10h ago )

Another shooter? Yawn. Thought the prevous concept looked more fantasy.

just_looken20h ago

With there same look on the right a arena setting this might be live service game #5 from sony

So a live service shooter like concord.....

StormSnooper19h ago

It looks like a fantasy game on the right screen. You are looking at a screensaver.

Goodguy011d 10h ago

Been looking forward to what they have next. Looks interesting.

Eonjay1d 9h ago

Really excited to see them release an original IP

GaboonViper1d 6h ago

Looks like my dream of them remaking Metal Gear Solid is over, still cant wait to see what they are cooking up.

Show all comments (17)

World of Warcraft developers form wall-to-wall union at Blizzard Entertainment

The new unit comprises over 500 developers representing the entire World of Warcraft development team.

Read Full Story >>
2d ago
XiNatsuDragnel1d 20h ago

Unions in gaming are necessary fr fr

montebristo1d 8h ago

I used to be anti-union, it kills productivity, investment and turns product mediocre. Their games suck anyways though so what was lost? Might as well get their people paid until they are dissolved.

shinoff21831d 8h ago

Unions are necessary regardless of how you feel. You know how fked the working class would be without them. As if we're not already.

montebristo1d 7h ago

No they aren’t, regardless of how you feel. Unions make zero sense for skill based labor. They are for people who press a button every 10 seconds on an assembly line. “working class” is a made up term. I don’t care about corporations or developers, I just want good games lol. Killing your incentives to appease the lowest common denominator doesn’t lead to great games imo

montebristo1d 1h ago (Edited 1d 1h ago )

I wasn’t trying to be offensive if I came off that way. The Union is an old mentality and I can see their usefulness but also the danger. We’re in the age of AI and robots and skill based labor. Unions can be dangerous these days. You could replace your entire workforce in one move. Checkmate. Look to the kiosk replacing workers in the 20 dollar minimum wage era.

Well run businesses don’t need unions. If you need a Union that business won’t survive anyway. Unless it’s propped up by the government with corporate welfare (which is the real issue). If you’re not going to spend some on your workers (Amazon, Google) then your welfare is cut off. No tax breaks. All you put together don’t match their wealth and resources, the union is a traditional memory at this point and counterproductive with this new enemy we face. They need a flying elbow from the top ropes. And by “working class is a made up term” I just mean we’re not a class system and even CEO Bobby Kotick puts in a days work lol. Or did.. It’s just a vague term that doesn’t mean anything no offense lol. People say “middle class” but that can change quick right? Up or down. That’s not a “class system”.