
10 RPGs from the PS1 in Dire Need of a Remake

Game Rant: "The PlayStation 1 is home to some of the very best RPGs ever made, many of which are arguably in dire need of a remake like Final Fantasy VII's."

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SaiyanFury1116d ago

Personally, I play all these games on the system they came out on. I don't want them remade. Remastered perhaps, but not remade.

Seraphim1115d ago

the problem, imo, comes in how they decide to remake a game. While VII:R did a great job there's still a part of me that wishes it was remade 1:1. Part of which, I imagine, is the lack of turn based RPGs currently releasing and having been released. Flip side, from what I've seen of RE2 & 3 it appears Capcom did a magnificent job on those remakes keeping them pretty true to their original. I do own them so someday I'll see for myself.

However some pixel remasters recently have been pretty good to decent enough. Perhaps still a cash grab but they do appear to be doing a better job with them. But even then you often get some jagginess with pixel remasters. Take Legend of Mana for example. In a way I'd prefer the original sprites and pixels to be replaced by clean, hand drawn models. Not pixelated replicas or remasters; I'm not knowledgeable in regards to the different techniques they use. In the case of FF 1-6 the BLM hat now droops instead of being pointy; though I believe that's carried from previous iterations of re-releases. While subtle, little changes such as that do annoy me as do the jaggy edges. Normally I would say that if I want to play a game I would play it on an older system but over the years I've sold A LOT of games; especially RPGs due to their value & thinking, at the time, I wouldn't want to replay them. While some are still reasonably priced some aren't. Not to mention the form factor. These games were created for CRTs and since I had a 32" trinitron that weighed a metric ton I sold it years ago when I bought my Bravia XBR2.

anyhoo, I think it really depends on the quality and scope. a lot of these games could get away with nothing more than a real good remaster. And honestly I think that's what a majority hope for; at least those of us who were around to play these games when they released. Along with ironing out any balancing issues. Apparently Dragon Warrior/Quest 1-3 remaster fixed the difficulty spike or virtually impossible to beat. Though I hear the game is now a bit too easy mid-late game. Regardless, a QOL improvement when necessary is a warm welcome imo.

metalhead1116d ago

Legend of Dragoon came out when I was a kid. I feel I’d appreciate it way more now.

DCarnage1115d ago

I think they're all fine the way they are. Maybe Vagrant Story and Parasite eve but the rest have timeless gfx.

DeathTouch1115d ago

Wild ARMs, Final Fantasy VIII, Breath of Fire III, Valkyrie Profile, Tales of Destiny and Koudelka are some games that would benefit well from a Remake or Remaster as well.

Knightofelemia1115d ago

Not a bad list personally I would also add Chrono Trigger, Xenosaga Trilogy, Arc the Lad, Alundra, Grandia, Wild Arms, Legend of Legaia I'd like to see as well. Glad to see Legend of Dragoon, Parasite Eve, Chrono Cross and Xenogears on the list.

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The Industry Needs To Modernize These 6 Fantastic Classics

The Simpsons: Hit and Run, The Legend of Dragoon, and Chrono Trigger would benefit substantially from a modern remake.

Knightofelemia1d 6h ago (Edited 1d 6h ago )

The Xenosaga trilogy, the Wild Arms games, Xenogears, Parasite Eve, Dino Crisis, Suikoden. The Warriors game I know nothing about but it looks interesting. Anybody can do a list of games they want to see get modernized I would lose my shit if Namco brought the Xenosaga trilogy to modern consoles.


FF XVI Producer Is Interested In Working On A New Final Fantasy Tactics Game

Final Fantasy XVI producer Naoki Yoshida is interested in working on a brand new Final Fantasy Tactics game.

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GoodGuy09111d ago

It's insane its been this long since the last release.

CrimsonWing69110d ago

Not from you.

Knowing how you handled FF16 by trying to make it appeal to non-fans and changing the entire gameplay design I can see you changing Tactics to appeal to non-fans.

If they’re going to do this please give it to someone who wants to keep the game and genre in tact.

VersusDMC110d ago

He worked on tactics ogre reborn. Was there changes? He wouldn't make an FF tactics game an action game. It will be AA but faithful. Probably what the Diofield Chronicles team and some of the FFXVI team is probably working on already and he is just keeping a secret.

And FF hasn't had a set gameplay design since X. I disliked the MMO, 12, 13 FF's but didn't mald for years. I played other games. Stop crying as he probably won't make a single player FF again and will be busy with the next FF MMO.

EternalTitan110d ago

I can feel your hatred. Keep it up.

Ataraxias110d ago

Tactics Ogre Reborn was an overall solid product but almost eliminated the concept of builds in the game.
So we'd probably end up with a system where character jobs like Mercenary for Ramza is 80% of the character instead of being freeform.

SegaSaturn669110d ago

Tactics Ogre Reborn changed a lot of gameplay mechanics for the worse. The class system is weird and hard to lock in roles, and they shoehorned a new "random card appearing" mechanic on the maps which makes no sense. Previously you obtained those boosts from killing powerful opponents, not spawning randomly.

There's a way better way to play Tactics Ogre: the fanmade onevision mod of the psp version.

EternalTitan110d ago

16 was just a terrible mess.
Its not even a JRPG let alone a final fantasy game.
Yosi piss(who said he hates JRPGs) should not touch another Final Fantasy game ever again.

VersusDMC110d ago

87 metacritic can't be a terrible mess.
If Kingdom Hearts is a JRPG then FFXVI is a JRPG. And he said he hates the term JRPG as it carries a bad stereotype with western journalists.

So you're just incorrect on several fronts...

Asterphoenix109d ago

I wouldn't mind a new FF Tactics longs they keep the tactical elements of Tactics in it as well as a very in depth story. Which FF Tactics years ago has by far one of the best stories in the series.

Tapani109d ago

Yes, alongside with Vagrant Story. Playing FFT, then Vagrant story and finally FFXII is a bliss. Deepest lore and best stories ever made in video games.


Fans Are Begging for a Legend of Dragoon Remake

For some gamers, The Legend of Dragoon is, hands down, the best RPG ever. Isn't it time for a remake or reboot and not just a port?

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DarkZane167d ago

It never will. The game may have been good, but it was just average at best. The kind of game that is one and done.

DickyD1226167d ago

Story was good combat was better than ffvii. Game deserves a REMAKE not a remaster

Cacabunga167d ago

We’ve been asking since ps3

Vx_166d ago (Edited 166d ago )

It was anything but average! The story and characters were highly captivating, the gameplay was enjoyable, and the world was interesting. Fans have been requesting a remake for quite some time. I revisited the game last year and found myself completely immersed in it once again. The PS1 had numerous beautiful classic JRPGs that truly deserve remakes.

FinalFantasyFanatic167d ago

I'm happy with the PS Classics port, but if they did, I'd like a port/remaster of Legend of Legaia as well (please put that on PSN).

FACTUAL evidence167d ago

I was just going to say legend of legaia REALLY needs to get the remake. Also keep the combat the same, and the OST. Legend of legaia a truly a gem. I still have my original ps1 game, mint condition.

FinalFantasyFanatic165d ago

I wish I still had my disc, I really enjoyed that game as a kid, but then the disc disappeared (I'm normally pretty good with my games, so it's strange that it's the only game I've ever lost), I have Legaia 2 still, but it's not as good as the first game, unfortunately. It's surprising the first has never been on PSN when Sony owns the license for the game, they seem content to sit on it and do nothing with it.

Spenok167d ago

We've been begging for one for decades.

Lionsguard167d ago

If any game deserves a remake and to be FINISHED properly is Xenogears.

ManMarmalade167d ago

And Xenosaga. Only had 3 parts but was supposed to have 6.

CrimsonWing69167d ago

Yea but if it does get made please don’t remove the turn-based combat.

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