
Disgaea 6: Defiance of Destiny Review | Gamer Horizon

While similar to other games in the series, Disgaea 6 relies too heavily on power leveling and automation, leaving very little strategy in this strategy role playing game.

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GravedancerX1127d ago

This reads a lot like someone who's not spent a lot of time playing the other games in the series and just read others reviews of them. The Disgaea games have always been piss easy through the storyline. Any semi-challenging content is in the endgame and always has been.

kythlyn1127d ago

Hi, hello, yes. Writer here. Been with the series since the first game on PS2. Have a nice day!


Amazon Slashes Up To 80% Off On Several Games

Daily Video Game writes: "Amazon is running a new game sale, discounting a wide variety of games for as much as 80% off across PlayStation 5, PlayStation 4, Xbox Series X, Xbox One, and Nintendo Switch platforms right now!"

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Orchard546d ago

Forspoken being ~15% off 3 days after release is certainly a good sign...

shinoff2183545d ago (Edited 545d ago )

It has a 10 clip off coupon. Relax dude. Done with high on life already. I got horizon zero dawn day 1 for 60 at Walmart near my house. Is that a bad game to

Orchard545d ago

A coupon that only applies to Forspoken. Doesn't work on any other game released this week.

Cool that you're done with HoL, but not sure how that has any impact on Forspoken?

Also, Horizon Zero Dawn's MSRP was $60 at launch... so I'm not sure what your point was there either.

kopp3rbug545d ago

Anything better to write other than the Forspoken sale??? You're literally talking about the same $h17 on another article... move on man...seriously.

Orchard545d ago

Yep well, it's not often we see a game discounted 3 days after launch. But no one is forcing you to read my comments 🤷

FinalFantasyFanatic544d ago (Edited 544d ago )

That's BS Orchard, and you know it, lots of games get discounted on release day regardless of reviews/sales, this is nothing strange or unusual, nor is it a dire sign, and I don't even think that Forspoken is a good game either. So it probably could use a price drop to push sales considering it's heavily mixed reception.

Pyrofire95545d ago

Amazon, the company who underpriced diapers to run diapers .com out of business, undercutting every other retailer during the launch window of a high profile game.

coolbeans545d ago

For that argument to hold water: Amazon would then be routinely doing this for every high-profile game, which doesn't *appear* to be the case. Your way of thinking about coupons could be right, but it seems to only be utilized for stuff like Marvel's Guardians of the Galaxy or Battlefield 2042 at launch.

Orchard545d ago

Dead Space which also launched this week is high profile - it’s sitting at $70 with no coupon.


Disgaea 6: Defiance of Destiny (PC) Review - CGMagazine

Disgaea 6: Defiance of Destiny is simultaneously cliche and transgressive, offering refreshing takes on genre conventions while still reliant on them.

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Amazon Slashes Up To 70% Off On Select Action Adventure, Fighting, RPG & Simulation Games

Daily Video Game writes: "Amazon has just added a dozen of new select action-adventure, fighting, RPG, and simulation games that are discounted at great prices across multiple gaming platforms right now, including PlayStation 5, PlayStation 4, Xbox Series X, Xbox One, and Nintendo Switch!"

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