
Bethesda's Todd Howard on Leaving PlayStation Behind: Being Able to Focus Will Make for Better Games

Bethesda's Todd Howard commented on leaving PlayStation behind. According to him, being able to focus will make for better games.

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Christopher1137d ago

Better Games > Respecting Fans

Just accept it for what it is. Nothing you can say will come off as other than obviously leaving fans on a platform (possibly two with Switch) behind after supporting them for so long.

Alexious1137d ago

I think of it more as looking at the upsides of the deal. Of course, creators would always like the games to be available on all platforms, but focusing on less platforms does bring some inevitable benefits.
Plus, I have a feeling that Game Pass will eventually pop on other platforms.

Christopher1137d ago

My point is you can't obviously do that. There's nothing you can do or say that erases what you did to get that.

And, this is Todd Howard. He had a lot of say in the move to Xbox. It's not some senior engineer or random designer. So, we can't act like he would always like the game to be available on all platforms when he had that and they were making a lot of money doing just that.

Maybe all the Skryim port memes got to him?

DaveZero1137d ago (Edited 1137d ago )

It's beggining to get really strong that other platforms such as Nintendo and playstation may not be able to say no to the business it could bring.

1137d ago
Christopher1137d ago (Edited 1137d ago )

***Why would this even matter to him? He doesn't give a fuck what happens to PlayStation and Nintendo. His point of view is the sooner they go out of business the more money he can make.***

You do know this is Todd of Bethesda, right? The guy who has made more money off of Playstation for many of their PS4/XBO games, including ESO where they make the most money?

And, you're also admitting that he doesn't care at all about his fans, which is my point?

***It's beggining to get really strong that other platforms such as Nintendo and playstation may not be able to say no to the business it could bring.***

Nintendo prints money faster than Microsoft and Sony in the gaming arena. And, Microsoft can put their games on more platforms any time they want just like Nintendo and Sony. No one is stopping them.

1137d ago
darthv721137d ago

Bethesda has had a longer working relationship with MS than they have with Sony. And now that relationship is a partnership. Partnerships come with decisions that many may not like but they have to accept.

FPS_D3TH1137d ago

I’ve been saying it forever now game pass will be on PlayStation in 2-3 years

1137d ago
neomahi1137d ago

Developers are always going on about having as many gamers as possible play their games and thats their justification for going multiplatform and timed exclusive deals. This negates ALL of that and shows you its B.S. that it really is all about money, not about consumers. Its about picking as many pockets as usual because if developers are about reaching as many customers as possible, then stuff like this wouldnt happen so, no

ABizzel11137d ago

I think in these situations just being honest, direct, and moving past it is the best answer. Don't BS people like they're dumb, but say look we were bought out from our parent company, and that's that.

camel_toad1136d ago

Yeh you have to look at Studios like Naughty Dog and Insomniac just to name a couple. If they originally had to make their games for xbox, PC and Playstation the quality of their games would have undoubtedly taken a hit.

It takes a LOT of time and resources when you're talking simultaneous releases across multiple consoles and PC. That's time that could instead go to fine tuning things.

I think Bethesda may actually end up with an increase in quality from all of their studios. And hopefully less bugs!

jukins1136d ago

Lol Todd howard had no say in move to xbox...not saying he was agaibst it but microsoft bought zenimax which owned bethesda. Howard wasnt a board member he is only boss of bethesda..

DOMination-1136d ago

Bethesda had a patchy record with PlayStation support in the past anyway.

strifeblade1136d ago

Nahh Sony won't ever allow game pass to come on its system and will make their own game pass before they let Microsoft touch their system

+ Show (11) more repliesLast reply 1136d ago
NecrumOddBoy1137d ago

This is about money ($7.5bil) more than fans or better games or whatever nonsense Howard is spewing. It is what it is for sure so good luck. I do not like the Xbox ecosystem so I may play these on PC if they are really that good. Personally, seeing a company buy up studios instead of creating their own is a sheer kick to the face of gamers worldwide.

MadLad1137d ago

Every one of the big three both acquire 3rd/2nd party devs, as well as build their own in house.

It's not just a MS thing.

Sony does it.
Nintendo does it.
MS just happened to make a big a acquisition and it made a wave in the game industry.

DaveZero1137d ago

And Sony never did this..

Your post tries to make ms a villain the usual BS around here.

I don't see how a company buying developers up or making there own studios is a kick in the teeth to gamers. This is an ever evolving industry and Sony at some point will buy some up, I bet we don't hear these comments from you then.

1137d ago
wiz71911137d ago

I mean Sony just bought insomniac, it wasn’t a studio they built up. Just like Sony Bend was 989 studios in the past, Sony bought them. Studios are bought and rebranded all the time by bigger publishers. How are you upset because Microsoft buy studios ??? Lol or is it that your upset Microsoft bought Bethesda ?? If Sony had the opportunity best believe the would of did the exact same thing.

wiz71911137d ago

Lol what’s even more hilarious Sony biggest studio “Naughty Dog” was also a studio that was bought not built from the ground up. As well Guerilla Games, Media Molecule, and Sucker Punch. Y’all Sony fanboys are delusional

wiz71911137d ago

Lol damn y’all hurt by the truth or nah ???

I think it’s the Bethesda thing lol y’all have so many other exclusives that y’all brag about all the time, why can’t y’all play them instead since it’s sooo many.

wiz71911137d ago

@Necrum you don’t like the Xbox ecosystem but you’ll buy into the same ecosystem that the Xbox is basically based on lol ..

1137d ago
darthv721137d ago

@erratic... so you dont think Bethesda made the "vast majority" of their games for PC (DOS/Windows)? Doom started on PC, Wolfenstein started on PC, Fallout started on PC, Elder Scrolls started on PC.

1137d ago
1137d ago
DiRtY1137d ago

„Ido not like the Xbox ecosystem so I may play these on PC if they are really that good.“

Ehm, who will tell him?

Zeref1137d ago

You can play these games on your phone and PC.

It's not like you lost access to these games. Unless you don't have a phone? Or a PC? It doesn't even need to be a gaming PC you could stream it..

Unlike when Playstation or Nintendo acquires someone who lock their games to the console.

Anyone can play an Xbox game.

imtiyaz61137d ago

This is basic false equivalency. None of Sony’s ips were ever on MS consoles. Uncharted, Ratchet, Infamous, Spiderman wouldn’t have existed if Sony didn’t sanction the game. Nobody is complaining about Halo and Gears, which were both third party exclusives btw, because they were games sanctioned by MS. Sony literally developed their studios by investing in the games they made. ES, Fallout, Doom, Dishonoured are historically Multiplatform titles. MS had no hand in making these IPs. Instead of making new IPs, all they are doing now is making sure they’re not available in other platforms anymore, which is anti-consumerism.

1137d ago
1137d ago
OG_TK_Cole1137d ago (Edited 1137d ago )

Stop!! because both Microsoft and Sony have brought other Development Studios. Its called business. I can tell by a lot of the comments some of you guys make on this message board, than you really dont live life on life's terms. Its really kind of creepy it you stand back and look at it.

Your way to old to be this Naive on how the world works. And when you dont get your way, or things dont play out how you think they should, you do stuff, like send a DM to a developer and threaten them, or go to Review sites and leave bad Reviews without even playing the game.

This generation of Gamers are just a bunch of weirdo's. MAN UP SHIT!!!!

bleedsoe9mm1137d ago

Like Sony buying Naughty Dog, Sucker Punch and Insomniac

1137d ago
brewin1137d ago

Lol you clearly haven't been gaming long enough to remember how Sony bought their way into the industry 🤣🙈 take your fanboy goggles off

DarXyde1136d ago

I think when you watch the show, it was painfully clear that Microsoft needed to make that acquisition. Without Bethesda, it would have been a typical Microsoft E3—to me, that would be extremely disappointing with Forza Horizon 5 being the only thing of worth to me (Yakuza too, but I already own those on PlayStation, so not really). Zenimax was clearly something they needed. The show would've been a disaster otherwise.

Granted, I don't play Bethesda games. At all. Have never seen the appeal, but I also don't like FPS games (I do make exceptions for horror though). Not into Fallout or Elder Scrolls. Not into iD Software either, and as an FPS, of course I don't care for Doom. Not to say they're bad, but they're not for me. They are very popular so I expect people to really be rallying behind a lot of this—I don't blame Xbox gamers for being excited.

All of that being said, Howard talking about making better games is quite laughable. Bethesda is bloody notorious for their buggy messes. I can say that because I don't play Bethesda games and that is almost all I hear about (and have observed from gameplay clips). These are not isolated incidents— this is common and alarmingly characteristic of Bethesda. When they were their own people, they had some *outrageous* ideas about how to gouge consumers with Fallout 76, and he thinks being under Microsoft's umbrella and putting their games on Game Pass will help that? I'll believe it when I see it.

Fluke_Skywalker1136d ago

To be fair Sony in my memory has never bought a massive 3rd party developer who already had games in development for multiple platforms and who's games already have fans on multiple platforms. Almost all the studios Sony has bought were already pretty much working with Sony exclusively anyway and were all smaller studios when Sony bought them. So it's definitely not the same.

TheGreatGazoo301136d ago

@NecrumOddBoy PC is part of the Xbox ecosystem.

1136d ago
djl34851136d ago

@wiz7191 @Jedaii

Name a studio that Sony bought that was a major multiplatform developer/publisher? You can't. Comparing Naughty Dog, Insomniac, and Sucker Punch purchases to the ZeniMax purchase is asinine and dumb. Not even close.

strifeblade1136d ago

Sure it was- didn't see your day anything when Insomniac got bought. So get kicked in the face.

MrBeatdown1136d ago


"Hahaha! Who are these gamers who get kicked in the face when a developer is purchased at the start of a generation?? You KNEW Bethesda was owned by Microsoft when you purchased a PS5 and now you want to moan about??

Take a walk pal."

Hilarious that you're trying to spin a new generation of consoles as a fresh start, when you all know how big of a deal backwards compatibility, subscriptions, and continuity from previous generations has been this gen.

wiz71911136d ago

@Dj you have to realize at the time when ND and majority of their studios were purchased at a time when it was either develop for Nintendo or Sony. Sega was at a point where they were exiting the market, and Nintendo was at a family friendly stage. Which honestly didn’t end until the launch of the Switch, when they realized 3rd party games mattered.

+ Show (25) more repliesLast reply 1136d ago
Obscure_Observer1137d ago (Edited 1137d ago )


"Better Games > Respecting Fans"

Fans of Playstation you mean. Not fans of Bethesda and/or their games.

Those "fans" you say would rather follow a console brand rather than the developers and games they claim to love and support.

Christopher1137d ago

Nope. I meant exactly what I said. You can play the silly console war line all you want, it won't change that ESO fans on PlayStation have made them more money than Xbox and PC combined. It won't change those people who buy and play their games on PlayStation.

Last I checked, we call those fans of their games.

Look at me. Big fan of Arkane. Do I like that they're being locked behind Xbox or that Sony bought timed exclusivity? Not at all. But, I'm not at all a fan that I'll have to own a Series X to play their games when I played all of their games on PS3 and PS4. And I mean all of their games. I am a big fan of their games. I'll do what it takes, but I'm not happy that some suits made a decision that where I chose to play their games wasn't important to them anymore.

enkiduxiv1137d ago

Calm down fellas. Todd has to say stuff like that now. Phil literally owns him. I would be looking for a sunny side to things to if my customer base turned into the Forza, Gears, Halo crowd overnight. Can't wait to see those deep rpg mechanics he thinks he's gonna get to include in Starfield. Probably customizable crosshairs for all the FPS garbage he will have to shovel.

neomahi1137d ago

Thats already a hypocritical response. But thanks for playing.

DJStotty1136d ago (Edited 1136d ago )


I don't get why your referencing ESO, when that is and will always be on PS, so Microsoft will continue to make money of the PS fanbase.

But if the next Elder Scrolls (ES6) was Xbox and PC only, then those PS Elder Scrolls fans, will simply buy an xbox or get the game on PC, thus still supporting Bethesda, and Bethesda still supplying the same fanbase.

Only fanboys of a plastic box think differently.

"Do I like that they're being locked behind Xbox"

So just buy an xbox if they are not available on PS?

That is like me saying Returnal or Ratchet and Clank is locked behind Playstation lol.

Not for me, i will just buy a Playstation and play them, thus supporting the gaming industry as a whole.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 1136d ago
sourOG1137d ago

Most of the elder scrolls fan base is on PC anyways though right? The modding community and such. Nothing has changed for them. Maybe the focus will make for a better game.

Tacoboto1137d ago

Not to mention that the PS Experience has always kinda been compromised, whether due to technical issues (all of their PS3 games) or Sony's policies with mod support.

Some of these comments make it seem like Bethesda and Sony were best buds before MS took them over. If it were Sony to have come in instead, do we think for a second that they would've been allowed to make PC releases still?

Christopher1137d ago

ESO online has the largest community on PS4. Doom and Wofenstein are big on PS4. Dishonored did extremely well on PS3/PS4.

This isn't about just Skyrim here. It's everything.

And, even then, they decided to ignore where part of their fanbase have decided to play. Their fanbase has supported them heavily. But that didn't matter to some suits.

Gameseeker_Frampt1137d ago (Edited 1137d ago )


"ESO online has the largest community on PS4." No, it doesn't. The last I heard (in 2016) is that it is split about 30/30/30 between PC, PS4, and XBox. Feel free to post some links backing up your claims because Google can't find it and as a daily ESO player I don't think anyone has thought that ESO was bigger on PS4 than PC and XBox combined.


milohighclub1135d ago

Tacoboto. Seen as Sony is currently bringing their ips to PC id think it would be safe to say yes.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 1135d ago
Brazz1137d ago

I wonder if people will follow then... like, leave PS and go xbox, or at the very least buy Xbox to play "zenimax" games.
I'm not following them, i mean... when i get a good PC update i will buy a "good Fallout", but I'm not buying xbox...

Christopher1137d ago (Edited 1137d ago )

I'll follow Arkane. I don't know about the rest. IT's on a case-by-case basis.

DJStotty1136d ago

"I'll follow Arkane."

Surely if you follow arkane and they go xbox/pc only, you may as well pick up starfield and the rest while your at it.

alb18991137d ago

So much baby crying here like if there isn't any posible way to get an Xbox or a PC.
Bethesda now have a boss, now they are working for MS....deal with it like grown man!

Christopher1137d ago

Facts don't care about opinions, FYI.

DJStotty1136d ago

I know right it comes across as desperate and tragic.

Last i heard, gamers bought games on whatever platform they released on.

BG115791137d ago

Respecting fans ? Let's talk about Street Fighter V then.
I remember that CAPCOM spured the same speech when SFV became a SONY exclusive.
Was the game better for it ? No. Was it for the fans ? No.
This is just PR bullshit.

Christopher1137d ago (Edited 1137d ago )

I said the exact same thing then. Do you still want to talk about it? All these whataboutisms doesn't change that companies are making decisions that ignore large parts of their fanbase. SFV, Tomb Raider, Deathloop, Bethesda/Zenimax, Double Fine, etc.

Tacoboto1137d ago Show
1137d ago
neutralgamer19921137d ago

It's okay because Bethesda always supported Microsoft better than most of the platforms. I just think as gamers these bigger publishers should stay independent but with the acquisition of Bethesda I feel like now all that's off the table. And he did not own Bethesda he's just an employee so the company selling itself to Microsoft I don't think he had much say in it

Every action has a reaction that's the best thing I can say about it. we know Sony will react one way or another especially if Microsoft were to make another big acquisition

AirJohnston1137d ago

Why do you think they'd go X exclusive if the PS fanbase made them more money? Lol that makes absolutely 0 sense

Also making the best game possible is kinda their job so I don't get why that's being framed as a bad thing here

GameZenith1137d ago Show
Shiken1137d ago

Sony would have done the same thing. I have no idea why so many people are acting suprised by this.

ShadowWolf7121136d ago

Sony didn't make a big ol' show of saying exclusives were anti-consumer and trying to play kumbaya around the campfire tho. MS also tried to make a big deal about how this purchase wouldn't be about "taking games away from anyone" and now it's sounding like that is indeed their plan.

It's more about the open hypocrisy surrounding this than anything. Some of the same people cheerleading this were bashing Sony for having even first-party games exclusive.

Shiken1136d ago

What hypocrisy? Their games are on PC and will be available on streaming. MS has been very transparent with the Series consoles, at this point haters just see what they want to see.

Zeref1137d ago (Edited 1137d ago )

I think GamePass Cloud will be available through the browser on Playstation.

But this is pretty much confirming that Elder Scrolls 6 will only be on Xbox

Also It's not like Playstation fans lost access to these games. Unless they don't have a phone? Or a PC? It doesn't even need to be a gaming PC you could stream it..

Unlike when Playstation or Nintendo acquires someone who lock their games to the console.

Literally anyone can play an Xbox game.

anubusgold1137d ago

Bethesda games were only on pc and xbox for awhile in the beginning of the company.

1137d ago
DarkkMinion1137d ago

Get an xbox and gamepass. Problem solved.

1137d ago Replies(1)
EverydayJoe1137d ago (Edited 1137d ago )

Unpopular opinion here, but I personally will not miss anything Bethesda produces judging by past games. I really just don't care for Dishonored, Skyrim, Fall Out or anything else I have played.

OT for those that do care and like these games, a good equivalent would be if Sony purchased Rockstar and locked the next GTA and Red Dead to PS5. The fayboi tears would be enough to solve California's drought.

Seraphim1136d ago

sounds more like laziness. The engine they're using is archaic and needed either a major revamp if possible or a completely new engine to work with.

Also, if I recall correctly, both PS4/5 and XB1/X have a similar [PC like] architecture unlike generations prior which often relied on proprietary tech like the PS2s Emotion Engine or the PS3s Cell... Having this similarity should make it easier for developers to develop cross platform games. It just reeks of total BS. Their games were once good enough, though bug riddled and often gorgeous on both consoles since Bethesda started producing console games. Outside of Bethesda I'm pretty sure any of the other studios who had multi-plat games release looked and played great on both consoles. Surely with the revenue Bethesda pulls they could've invested a small amount to ensure quality and/or simply delay the game like every other developer to ensure quality..... but yeah, I call BS and it stinks of laziness/bad management if that's how he truly feels.

4Sh0w1136d ago (Edited 1136d ago )

I remain consistent whether its when a dev/studio goes to Sony or Microsoft, they all say its because A or B is so great for gamers. Sure a small studio can do better by focusing on 1 platform at a time, but we know Bethesda surely CAN focus on multiple plats & still make the best game they can. Also lets stop pretending all exclusives turn out great bc their on 1 platform...but I digress the point is at the end of the day its not a love fest bc Sony or Microsoft cares more about games or gamers preferences aside BOTH let talent make good/great games & sure they have different strategies but ITS SIMPLE WHOEVER CAN CUT A BIG ENOUGH CHECK AT THE *RIGHT TIME*, GETS THE DEAL. Its business, even if you love what you do, money talks, so his comment isnt bad, its just routine PR after these types of acquisitions.

Om4ever1136d ago

You are an idiot Christopher... What do you think Sony did so far ? Are you so blind ?

anubusgold1134d ago

He is, sony was trying to make a exclusive deal for Starfield before Microsoft bought them. Starfield would have been a one year sony exclusive if microsoft didnt buy

Bruh1136d ago

Where is the call for Insomniac's Spiderman to come to Xbox? Its only Xbox whose somehow in absolute need to put their games on every platform, but not applicable to Sony? lmao

1Victor1136d ago

I don’t see anything wrong with what tod said and hope it comes to bear amazing fruits and don’t end up like lion heart remember that old BIG acquisition 🤷🏿
I feel like he’s just reading from a teleprompter and just saying empty words that he will be judged by in the near future and might regret

DJStotty1136d ago (Edited 1136d ago )

How are they abandoning fans lol?

Fans of a franchise, will buy whatever platform it is on, fans of plastic are abandoning Bethesda.

you got it the wrong way around Christopher.

Say if Halo suddenly just released on PS instead of xbox, or any other xbox/pc only game, i would just buy whatever platform it is available on, that is what a fanbase of a game does.

McToasty20771136d ago

When Insomniac got bought by Sony and thus was instructed to make only PlayStation games from now on was that leaving the fans behind? Cause I quite like Stormlands on my Oculus and Sunset Overdrive on my Xbox but I'll see a sequel to neither now (But hey the Ratchet and Clank looks sweet). This is literally how every purchase of a developer goes and it's weird to see people who are fine with it elsewhere suddenly having a problem with it now

1136d ago
strifeblade1136d ago

Well now that they can focus on one platform they can truly bring out the best as a first party exclusive and take full power of the most powerful console on the market. I'm excited- did not see anyone say anything but support when Insomniac got bought. 😁

ufo8mycat1136d ago

Leaving fans on a platform? People who are a fan of games own more then 1 platform - Playstation, X Box and Switch.

This fanboy obsession over hardware buying owning 1 platform, being Playstation or X Box, and refusing to buy the other because of fanboy mentality, is so ridiculousily stupid.

1136d ago
itsmebryan1136d ago

How are they not respecting fans?
Since they can focus on one platform they will able to fine tune the games for the best gaming experience.

Did insomniac disrespect their fans when sold themselves to Sony to make games exclusively for PS?

+ Show (28) more repliesLast reply 1134d ago
-Foxtrot1137d ago

No no no

Don't make out like being multiplatform putting your games on PlayStation was the reason they were so buggy, that's a low blow. He didn't even like putting the effort into PlayStation consoles anyway considering how bad some launches were with bugs.

Darkborn1137d ago

It seemed like they had 4 guys spend a week on the ps4 port after the games went gold.

Inverno1137d ago

Todd is a PR machine and he's so disingenuous that at this point he comes off as an a hole. Their games will continue being filled with bugs regardless of where he puts his focus on because they lack competence. Their games thus far have been more hyped up hot air and people have caught on to it and speaking out against them for a while now

Tacoboto1137d ago

Speaking out for a while, lol. Even Fallout 76 is a success story now, what a good job that's doing.

majiebeast1137d ago

Fallout 76 bombed what crack you smoking?

Tacoboto1137d ago

Right, because you announce two expansions at E3 for a failed game with no playerbase?

It survived the failure of its launch with all these "people" out to expose Bethesda.

frostypants1137d ago (Edited 1137d ago )

This is what people forget...that Bethesda games were buggy nightmares before they even started supporting any consoles, going all the way back to the early 1990s. They have always been as famous for their total lack of QA as they were for fun RPGs.

-Foxtrot1137d ago (Edited 1137d ago )


The games bar was so low that the only way was up

No Mans Sky and Sea of Thieves were the same. Even the Elder Scrolls Online struggled at first.

Any game can become better over time but here’s the thing, it’s taken those games years to get barely good, and even then there’s more work to go.

Why should we praise this? To get a game to that point in years rather at launch

So yeah it’s only a “success story” because Bethesda has controlled the narrative and are pretending it was always good.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 1137d ago
neomahi1137d ago

Their PR just sucks, just like the rest of Xboxs PR (Aaron Greenberg anyone, supposed to be the Executive Head of Xbox Marketing).

Christopher1137d ago

Why did you have to ruin a conversation, let alone an E3, where we almost got by without mentioning that name? Why?

1136d ago
JonnyBeoulve1137d ago (Edited 1137d ago )

Clearly you've never worked on software before. More platforms makes development way more challenging, especially before the new generation when architectures were drastically different (i.e. Cell processor).

1137d ago Replies(1)
1136d ago
Visceral891136d ago

Can't really blame Bethesda or Todd Howard for Skyrim and Fallout: New Vegas running bad on the ps3, the Cell processor was difficult to work with and Sony made the bad mistake of splitting 512mb ram. I still don't know why Sony thought that was a good idea.

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 1136d ago
galgor1137d ago (Edited 1137d ago )

Less platforms means less variables but also - you're kissing goodbye to a few million sales per game. I'm sad to lose Fallout but heyho, after 76 I didn't like where the series was going anyway.

DaveZero1137d ago

But that's 76 is just a differen tryoe of fallout, the ones you like that type will still come out.

I think Bethesda are just branching out more now and making more veriaty.

1137d ago
majiebeast1137d ago

Fallout 4 was buggy garbage and just boring as hell.

Machina1136d ago (Edited 1136d ago )

@majiebeast - Every Fallout game they've made has been buggy, but (with the exception of 76, which I didn't even bother trying) they've been enjoyable despite the bugs.

I didn't find 4 boring... until I got to my first 'radiant' quest; there's no warning that they're looped, so you can sink hours into some of the dullest quests in the game before you finally realise that they're never-ending. That really pissed me off.

Obscure_Observer1137d ago

"I'm sad to lose Fallout but heyho, after 76 I didn't like where the series was going anyway."

Fallout ins´t going anywhere. Despite ESO there´ll be an Elder Scrolls VI and I´m 100% positive that a new Fallout 5 is on the way powered by Creation Engine 2 despite Fallout 76.

ShadowWolf7121136d ago

I think you fundamentally misunderstood that statement.

aconnellan1137d ago

“ kissing goodbye to a few million sales per game”

I’ve never really understood this. By that logic, we shouldn’t have exclusives at all and every game should be Multiplatform. Is that what you’re insinuating?

1137d ago
chiefJohn1171137d ago

Well said Jen PS fanboys move the goal post so much it the damn thing done broke lol

potedude1137d ago

Apparently Fallout 4 sold 13.5 million copies. Assuming 7 million of those are PS copies and they sell for (conservatively) $40, that's $280,000,000 which is a fair chunk of change.

1137d ago
+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 1136d ago
MIDGETonSTILTS171137d ago (Edited 1137d ago )

Lol, they need to dev the game for Xbone X/S, Series X/S, and PC. And the ps5 is supposed to be a breeze to dev for.

The only upside is that they are much less likely to to be pressured to push out whatever’s finished come release day. They can go to Xbox and ask for more time easier than if this game wasn’t meant to show off hardware.

It would be nice if Cyberpunk had this sorta support, it definitely benefitted LoU2.

1136d ago Replies(3)
1137d ago
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Profchaos2d ago (Edited 2d ago )

Good list I've had similar reactions to some games even ones on the list like the order and Callisto

Also I recently grabbed forspoken for, 5 dollars at a eb games Clarence sale and I am actually enjoying it more than I thought I would

Sometimes you just need to give critically panned games a chance

FTLmaster2d ago

Oh gosh, good shout on Forspoken! Genuinely forgot about that one, and haven't got around to playing it. It's on my to-buy-in-a-sale list!

Cacabunga1d 15h ago (Edited 1d 15h ago )

Knack was great ! Had a blast with the first one. Haven’t tried the second one though due to backlog

The Fight: Lights Out was also a game i enjoyed very much and highly detailed with great motion control when you understand how they work, which is what pushed people away from this game..

LoveSpuds1d 13h ago

Both The Order and Calisto were harshly treated in my view. I am not saying they are perfect, but the were both really solid games. I personally really liked them despite acknowledging their flaws and coincidentally, got the platinum trophy for both games.

Evil West is another really fun game that's worth checking out for sure.

andy851d 13h ago

Forspoken was great. Never really understood all the criticism. 2nd best traversal in a game after Spiderman

Profchaos1d 6h ago

Yeah gameplay wise I get huge infamous vibes with its combat starting out as low level eventually becoming a unstoppable power spewing killing machine with a wide variety of powers infamous is one of my favourite franchises obviously it's not the same but I love the combat of it so far.

ChasterMies2d ago

I feel like we’re finally starting to see a sea change in how we treat our favorite games. Sure, we all acknowledge that a game can suck and we can still enjoy it. Hopefully this results in meaningful review scores. Personally, I find a lot of bad games are better if you blast through them on the easiest difficulty. Callisto protocol on the image is a good example of this.

LoveSpuds1d 13h ago (Edited 1d 13h ago )

I really liked Calisto, harshly treated for sure and I don't necessarily think it needs to be played on easy to enjoy it. It's not perfect, but it's not the car crash the media portrayed it as either.

I have said it before, but part of the issue is that there is a mind share going on in games coverage, with all the main outfits being personal friends and talking too each other. As such, there is a risk that everyone ends up sharing in the same opinion rather than thinking from themselves. I reckon that's why some games get a universal bashing when consumers actually like the game and equally, games get great reviews across the board and the game doesnt land with consumers.

RaidenBlack2d ago (Edited 2d ago )

Actually, I started liking FO76 after the wastelanders DLC ... it has been my guilty pleasure
other games I can think of Order 1886, Driveclub, Resident Evil 6 (only the Leon part), Alpha Protocol (pretty unique, needs a remake), XIII Remake (after patches), Medal of Honor 2010, Medal of Honor Warfighter, Homefront The Revolution, Enemy Front, Legendary The Box, Faces of War, Conflict: Vietnam, Conflict: Global Storm & Codename: Panzers – Cold War

CosmicTurtle2d ago

Driveclub was genuinely a good game with a poor launch. Alpha Protocol is superb, just a few archaic design choices for the time.

RaidenBlack1d 14h ago

I want past games with interesting setups/mechanics but having some flaws (due to crunch or budget) to be remade so that the gaming community can appreciate and enjoy them as was envisioned and intended by the developers. In contrast to a successful game being remade again just with prettier coat of paint.
Alpha Protocol tops that and I'll include FO:NV as well as an exception (it is popular but features were cut due to limited dev time). And also Vampire the Masquerade: Bloodlines I, Singularity, KOTOR II and maybe Daikatana.
There might be others which I can't recall atm.

SonyStyled2d ago

I loved Enemy Front. I pre ordered it months prior and remember calling the store to check if it came out that day. The guy never heard of it but confirmed my copy was ready to pick up. Game was simple and basic in a good way. Didn’t have any tacked on extras. A simple mission and objectives in each level. Kind of reminded me of the first Crysis in a way

gold_drake2d ago

The Order was really good. abit short

RiseNShine2d ago

I loved The Order, ridiculous graphics for it's time and a very interesting setting, it was linear but not as bad as people say. Similar thing with Callisto Protocol, i admit that i played it a long time after release so maybe issues were fixed by then, but it was a fantastic Dead Space-like horror game with some of the best graphics i've seen in my life.

LoveSpuds1d 13h ago

Yup, I am afraid to say I waited on Calisto and picked it up for around 30 quid. Once I played it on felt really badly for the devs because the game was really decent.

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