
Stranger of Paradise Final Fantasy Origin | Announcement Teaser Trailer

FINAL FANTASY VII REMAKE veterans Tetsuya Nomura and Kazushige Nojima join forces with Team NINJA from KOEI TECMO GAMES to deliver a bold new vision for FINAL FANTASY. Get your first look at STRANGER OF PARADISE FINAL FANTASY ORIGIN. Coming to PlayStation 5, PlayStation 4, Xbox Series X|S, Xbox One, and PC in 2022.

Christopher1139d ago

Trailer drinking game: Take a drink every time someone says "chaos"

Sonic-and-Crash1139d ago

lol ...indeed Square/ Koei ...lost their touch on this one ....smthing like a cheapy Ff 15 dlc

AzubuFrost1139d ago

I swear if they say CHAOS one more time...

RpgSama1139d ago

Dude I thought the same thing!!! Like nobody saw this trailer before release? It was just ridiculous and the game looks like straight up trash, I already got tired of seeing enemies turning into crystals when killed and that was still the trailer, cannot imagine playing it

deleted1139d ago (Edited 1139d ago )

Those rageful one-liners shouted during kills crack me up. I just imagine all the fun things he could shout in that voice. "UH OH, SPAGHETTI-O'S!!!", "SHOULDA SWITCHED TO GEICO!!!", "IT'S NOT A TUMOR!!!"

Interloper1139d ago

I came here to post this statement, but knew in my heart it had already been written. h

Babadook71138d ago

This trailer was bad. I think if they had just edited it better (especially the dialogue) it would have helped.

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 1138d ago
NecrumOddBoy1139d ago

Looks like an early PS4 game. Come on Square, what are you doing?

1139d ago
IanTH1139d ago (Edited 1139d ago )

Probably been in development a while, and this is still supporting PS4/XBO - the fact things have to support base XBO if they launch on last-gen XB is really tough for any modern game launch. Hopefully they have an improved version for PC/XSX/PS5 at/near launch.

And something tells me development is more on Koei than it is on Square, and KT has not historically ever focused on pushing visuals much.

-Foxtrot1139d ago

If they wanted to tell some kind of origin story with Final Fantasy then they could have put more effort into it, the game looks like they had a shit load of assets from FF15 and the FFVII Remake that they made this.

I would have loved an origin like story about the Final Fantasy franchise, maybe a game which explains why every FF game has a different world and how they are all linked somehow in a multiverse. Go through levels and visit the early days of each Final Fantasy world with some familiar locations that fills in backstories or places in each game that has lore on it. For example how Odin was found in Centra Ruins in Final Fantasy VIII or maybe how the city of Zanarkand started off, the real city not the dream one.

Even if they remade the first FF it would have been something.

Sonic-and-Crash1139d ago

the first thing i thought also ....a sloppy made ff15

Godmars2901139d ago

"game looks like they had a shit load of assets from FF15 and the FFVII"


Relientk771139d ago

This was probably the only thing worth mentioning from this show. Wow the Square show was terrible.

Christopher1139d ago

I thought the GotG game was the only worthwhile showing they had.

FinalFantasyFanatic1138d ago

I also thought this, Guardians was the only thing that looked half decent, it's a hard pass on everything else.

I_am_Batman1139d ago

Agreed. This one I'm looking forward to trying out though. Downloading the demo as we speak.

Everything else was either uninteresting or straight up disappointing. Babylon's Fall being a service game is a letdown. I love Platinum Games, but that trailer was embarrassing. And how do you not put the Final Fantasy pixel remaster on consoles?

gold_drake1138d ago

i dont quite understand how they dont put the FF pixel remaster games on consoles as a collection. NO instead, they release them on steam and mobile only, but WAIT not as a collection, but as seperate games. lol like what

FinalFantasyFanatic1136d ago

Yeah, I already own all these games on Steam as well as double dipped on some titles for the PS4/Switch, so I doubt I'll ever buy these games.

FallenAngel19841139d ago

Somebody needs to control that Chaos

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PlayStation Plus Game Catalog for December: GTA V, Final Fantasy Origin, Metal: Hellsinger and more

All titles playable from December 19.

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-Ghost226d ago

Stranger of Paradise: Final Fantasy Origin
Moto GP23
Metal: Hellsinger*
Salt and Sacrifice
Mega Man 11
Shadowrun Returns
Shadowrun: Dragonfall – Director’s Cut
Shadowrun: Hong Kong – Extended Edition

Premium Classics:
Mega Man Legacy Collection
Mega Man Legacy Collection 2
Thrillville: Off the Rails
Buzz Lightyear of Star Command

Einhander1972226d ago (Edited 226d ago )

How'd ya miss GTA 5?

After all the hype for GTA 6 this is a pretty big get, and ya know those rumors say PS5 Pro launch title.

Abnor_Mal226d ago

For a quick second I read Thrillville as Trillkill got immediately happy and then immediately disappointed when I remembered the game never actual came out.

Palitera226d ago

Possibly the highest Opencritic average in a long time. Congrats for folks at Sony!

Einhander1972226d ago (Edited 226d ago )

Well, for me this is great, Stranger of Paradise: Final Fantasy Origin has been in my cart then not purchased more than a dozen times.

I liked the demo and have always wanted to play it, now I will.

And Mega Man Collection is always a win for me, both 1 and 2, pretty good plus MM 11 too.

MrBaskerville226d ago

Classics are more previously available stuff, that's always slightly dissapointing. The road to Parasite Eve 2 and Shadow Tower is long. But good lineup regardless, I want to try salt and sacrifice.

Profchaos226d ago (Edited 226d ago )

I don't know I like the 8 bit mega man games I'm excited to play then again.

However it's a PS4 collection so there's only 1 native PS1 game were Getting again another Disney property

MrBaskerville226d ago (Edited 226d ago )

They are great and the inclusion of the collection is nice. But it allready existed, I think the most exciting part of Premium is that we sometime get new ports of classic that weren previously available, like Grandia. Prefer those additions over stuff that was allready available.

But if we just look at the games, then it's a pretty decent month.

Astrokis226d ago (Edited 226d ago )

I haven’t played mega man for 15+ years, I’m excited for some nostalgic fun

recoctimocassirnff226d ago

After a very disappointing essentials month, this might be the best extra month for me personally so far.

Amplitude225d ago (Edited 225d ago )

If all these games were in a bundle for the cost of one month of PS+, would you buy it?

Hell I wouldn't. Why I hate these sub services. You're just buying an unknown game bundle every month but then they lock away things that are free on other platforms like online and cloud saves so you get the added benefit of knowing you're paying money to be bent over and just straight up taken.

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Mainline Final Fantasy Is Destined To Become A Soulslike

As Final Fantasy includes more real-time combat and action, the release of Stranger of Paradise makes FF's evolution to Soulslike seem more likely.

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chrisx449d ago

The day FF transitions to soulslike is the day I stop playing FF for good.

shinoff2183448d ago

I've stated before they've changed so much. Ff16 might be the last one I even try unless they return to the greatness of the old school. I'll still give ff16 a shot just not a 70 dollar shot. I can see where the persons coming from though. I'm on the fence as fk with it. I Haye it but it's a series I grew up loving so I want to like it ugghhh

Terry_B448d ago

Its not FF anymore anyway since FF13,

shinoff2183448d ago

I didn't care for ff13 but I'd like to give it another shot. I do know it's turn based and linear. In ff13 defense ff10 was also linear.

xander31448d ago

lol people been saying this since FF2 guy

shinoff2183448d ago

Xander I've been around since ff1 and no ones ever said that back then

jambola448d ago

Actually it wasn't ff since 3
When it stopped having more blank slate characters searching for crystals,
That's what ff is

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 448d ago
-Foxtrot448d ago


Like make a spin off game

They tried with that Stranger in Paradise one but it was half arsed and just seemed slap dash

Shame aswell because with Origin in the title they could have really made it a cool “origin” for FF in general.

shinoff2183448d ago

That's what I was hoping for foxtrot

Obscure_Observer448d ago

"The day FF transitions to soulslike is the day I stop playing FF for good."

FF transitioned to Devil May Cry and you´re still a fan? Your claims sounds dubious at the very least.

IamTylerDurden1448d ago

I'm sure many would agree.

I continue to reiterate the oversaturation of the Soulslike genre and imo it would be a gross miscalculation of public desire to transition mainline FF as the forementioned. Likely, it would be an attempt to mimic the success of From Software and ER rather than maintaining the identity of FF proper.

I have no problem with a competent AAA spinoff of which Origins is not. In fact, a quality AAA Soulslike would be welcomed seeing as how virtually every game in the genre consistutes an indie to high AA standard with AAA quality and polish entirely absent outside DeS Remake.

However, due to the recent success of FVII, the impending "sequel(s)" and the impressive footage of XVI i would be baffled as to why SE would decide to sabotage the wave in favor of chasing a trend.

camel_toad448d ago

The Souls series is easily one of my favorites and so are the older Final Fantasies but there's no way FF will become a souls-like. Action rpg it's become sure but souls-like is a bit of a leap from just your standard action rpg.

+ Show (5) more repliesLast reply 448d ago
Inverno448d ago

I seriously doubt it. FF is way too mainstream, and SQ wants as many people playing it. It'll maybe borrow some aspects as Souls has had a lot of influence on many games but never go all out.

FungLip448d ago

Stranger of paradise was terrible, had to quit after an hour.

shinoff2183448d ago

I played the demo. Lol it was horrible. Wrong studio for a ff game

andy85448d ago

I liked it tbh. Just tried to look at it as not a final fantasy game. Fun game

Magic_Spatula447d ago

SoP isn't that bad. I'm enjoying the game so far. It's different and I like it.

GoodGuy09448d ago

I just want mainline turn based ff back.

shinoff2183448d ago

Agreed 1000 percent.

I'd even drop my Haye of no world map if we could just get turn based back. Please o please square.

shinoff2183448d ago

I did it was seemed kinda whack. I felt the stacking things an all that was pretty eh.

jambola448d ago

It hasn't been turn based in like 20 years
Gotta move on dude

Magic_Spatula447d ago

Did the FF 13 games come out over 20 years ago? Cuz those games are turned based. Also, FF7R is technically turned based. You're just allowed to do attacks but you still have to scroll through a menu for magic and abilities or you can set it so the attacks are automatic and you do everything through the menu.

jambola447d ago


Do you think turn based is just about menu's??

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Stranger of Paradise Final Fantasy Origin Review (PC) | Hey Poor Player

Heather writes: I found myself enjoying Stranger of Paradise Final Fantasy Origin in the same way that I enjoyed Final Fantasy X-2: preferring combat to story.

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