
Xbox Mini Fridge - World Premiere

Xbox and chill.

masterfox1139d ago

pretty much the only thing I would buy from MS Xbox related stuff lol, seriously their E3 show was pretty damn bad, wasn't expecting that much from MS E3 but wasn't expecting this bad either.

Rude-ro1138d ago

Only to those sucking up to Xbox.
They are so far behind... that yes.. a fridge is their best announcement to the core base of consumers on the fence per the shortages and Microsoft’s past 10+ years of output.

1138d ago
1138d ago
lalalala1138d ago


How is 11/11/22 before fall 2022? Talking about Starfield.

Redfall and Starfield was a bit of a let down because I expected gameplay and it didn't really show anything in terms of what the game would be like. Forza Horizon 5 was the standout for me, that looks fantastic.

Halo looked a bit meh, but I've never really liked it to be honest, but I think Halo fans will be happy.

1138d ago
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annoyedgamer1139d ago

Games are all on PC anyways. I could care less what either Soyny or M$ try to sell me. Im done giving them money.

anubusgold1138d ago

Try getting pc parts away from the scalpers good look with that lol.

1138d ago
King_Noctis1138d ago

So when you buy games on PC, you don’t give them any money?

Or are you resorting to piracy? And why the hate?

ufo8mycat1138d ago (Edited 1138d ago )

Piracy all the way
Who the hell would give publishers, who over price their games, money?

TheGreatGazoo301137d ago

PC is part of the Xbox ecosystem. I play a ton of Crusader Kings 3...through Xbox GamePass

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 1137d ago
DiRtY1139d ago

well, they could have cured cancer live on stage you would be disappointed.

masterfox1139d ago

lol, come on man pretty sure even lots of xbox fans were left out disappointed as well.

LucasRuinedChildhood1139d ago

To be fair, they announced Fable, Perfect Dark and Avowed a year ago. There really should have been gameplay for some of those, along with campaign gameplay for Halo Infinite.

Rude-ro1138d ago

With Microsoft? Yes... because they would be lying to push sales of their medicine.
There is a reason Microsoft spends more money in marketing advertising research over any other division in their company.

“Do not sell what the consumer wants, make the consumer buy what you are selling.”
Bill Gates

MadLad1138d ago (Edited 1138d ago )


While I play on PC over Xbox, why would I be disappointed that they just announced a large catalogue of interesting titles?
Are people just supposed to believe that wasn't a solid show because someone who is deeply in the Sony ecosystem wants us to feel like it wasn't a solid show with a lot of interesting looking games?

You're creating your own narrative.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 1138d ago
ABizzel11139d ago

It was their best showing in a long time. Overall the content was really good, the only issue is there was nothing showstopping shown. In no was was it bad, in no was was it top tier E3 either, but it was easily above average.

TricksterArrow1138d ago

Bad is too strong, but generic. Generic games, nothing that makes me go WOWZERS!!1! or to desire a Xbox over a PC, PS5 or Switch. They are really pushing their GamePass tho.

CaptainHenry9161138d ago

I'm surprised Halo Infinite didn't have an official release date. All they said fall 2021 but not a committed date. Starfield has an official date

Tedakin1138d ago

We must have watched different shows.....

MadLad1138d ago

I'm highly disappointed that a bunch of seemingly quality titles are coming, and will be available, day one, on gamepass.

I'm also highly disappointed that they have
information on even more titles coming soon.

I think you're confusing disappointment with excitement.

SpeedDemon1138d ago

You do say MS and Nintendo E3 showings were bad every year tho, granted you use to troll a lot more than you do now.

It was a decent showing, a lot better than last year.

DOMination-1138d ago

Agreed, this show was terrible compared to Sony's conference!

masterfox1138d ago (Edited 1138d ago )

:(, will go and play some next gen titles then in my PS5.

Bender65021138d ago

oh, please. Is it really worth slamming great games for a worthless allegiance? Though it's your choice of course. Personally, I'll choose from Xbox or PS, because I like games, and I'm too old for tribal nonsense.

Ratchet751138d ago (Edited 1138d ago )

Dude, I m mostly a playstation gamer but I can't deny xbox had their best E3 since a very long time.
Gamepass gonna save me a lot of money.
Thank you Microsoft.

King_Noctis1138d ago (Edited 1138d ago )

Lol I came here half-expected to see these kind of comments. And those upvotes, wow.

Some Sony fan on this site never cease to amaze me.

YourMommySpoils1138d ago

Except when it breaks down, no fridge repair mechanic will have parts to fix it lol

InUrFoxHole1138d ago

🤣😂🤣 28514;🤣😂㊃ 5;😂
When you salty AF so you get drunk and type away!

+ Show (12) more repliesLast reply 1137d ago
strayanalog1139d ago

The lack of Doritos' residue on the door, or Mountain Dew inside, takes you completely out of the experience. 7.5 out of 10.

autobotdan1139d ago

But..does this mini fridge have backwards compatibility?

strayanalog1138d ago (Edited 1138d ago )

They're called leftovers.

anubusgold1138d ago (Edited 1138d ago )

Keep telling yourself that while you pay 70 dollars for every game on PlayStation. I dont even have the hard drive space for all the games on gamepass and im not stuck at 60fps. The new battlefield better not be stuck at 60 fps on PlayStation you are going to get destroyed in multiplayer.

RedDevils1138d ago

Wow you must be playing at 240 fps.

anubusgold1138d ago (Edited 1138d ago )

@RedDevils No 165 fps at 1440P with HD10 with IPS screen with better colors and 1ms response time you aren't getting that on your tv.

vfl5231138d ago

@anubusgold. Tell us you're a virgin, without telling us you're a virgin.

anubusgold1134d ago (Edited 1134d ago )

@vfl523 I have ex wives the only virgin here is you.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 1134d ago
NeoGamer2321138d ago

Yup. It cools just like all the fridges of the past.


I'm a PC gamer and even I have to say this is beyond cool for Xbox to drop the mini fridge.

In my opinion they just seem to be making all the smooth moves this generation.

Can definitely see myself grabbing one of them to keep a few beers in

Sitdown1138d ago

Was you? Or as must of us would say, "were you born yesterday?"

XxINFERNUSxX1138d ago (Edited 1138d ago )

Does look cool 😀Might add it to my gaming room. 👍🎮 But that depends on the price.

Rude-ro1138d ago

Could you imagine that Microsoft’s gaming division with their output with AAA Titles, mind you that Microsoft started this gen trying to sell AAAA games, is so bad that a fridges looks cool... 😂

Bladesfist1138d ago

I thought it was a funny final reveal, imagine finding things funny without being toxic.

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gold_drake5d ago

ff 16 cid is pretty hot.

also ff7 rebirth cid is pretty hot haha

4d ago
anast4d ago

'Opportunities to objectify male characters are rare'

Sounds like the writer needs more life experience.


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phoenixwing35d ago (Edited 35d ago )

Well 6 month hiatus it is. If not longer lol