
GamingExcellence: Samurai Shodown II Review

GamingExcellence writes: "Anyone who remembers the good ol' days of the arcade likely has fond memories of the Samurai Shodown series. This series was a staple of just about any arcade and plenty of pizzerias and it was incredibly innovative for its time. While the first game was simply a Street Fighter clone with swords and blood, the sequels were actually quite innovative. Introducing features that wouldn't become standard in the fighting game genre for years after the fact, Samurai Shodown 2 started this trend and brought the series to the forefront of the genre at the time."

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Samurai Shodown! 2: A Switch Review - Skewed 'n Reviewed

Everyone has seen the SNK/Neo Geo machines.  Whether it was at your local bowling alley, an arcade, or even just an old school pizza place.  One of the games you would often find there was Samurai Shodown, a fighting game with what appeared to be graphics ahead of it’s time and (for some) hours and [&hellip

Garethvk1390d ago

Joseph and his kids have enjoyed playing it. I remember those SNK arcade machines where you picked which game you wanted to play.


KOF R-2 and Samurai Shodown! 2 Help Us Understand Handheld Ports

Both KOF R-2 and Samurai Shodown! 2 showed what SNK could do when making fighters for the NGPC, and now that legacy stays alive.

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Samurai Shodown! 2 Review (Switch) | Hey Poor Player

SNK brings another portable classic to the Nintendo Switch.

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autobotdan1397d ago

This was a awsome game on my Neo Geo pocket color back in the day