
Biomutant Supports 1080p/60fps on PS5, 4K/60fps On Xbox Series X in New Gameplay Videos

Official Biomutant tweet writes: "Wait, we promised more unedited gameplay footage? Sorry it took so long, but here are PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X videos for you!

PS5: https://t.co/lgSQ6e8ZDj
XBSX: https://t.co/uZVwAi3lCu

Please be aware that this is not a native current gen experience. More info soon™."

gamingtext20201163d ago

So when they do release the next get patch, it’s only going to be for the PS5? It looks like the Series X is already able to run the game at 4K/60fps thru BC just fine.

Orchard1163d ago

They say a native version is coming for both platforms. So perhaps Xbox will get a 1440p120hz mode?

Pricey1163d ago Show
Orchard1163d ago

@Pricey May not be that much work if they're already hitting 4K60 without a Scarlett native version.

But shrug, given the disclaimer on the trailer above, they clearly put more effort into Xbox than PS despite Xbox not being the market leader.

Pricey1163d ago Show
Orchard1163d ago (Edited 1163d ago )

@Pricey I don't buy games nor consoles based on who the market leader is, I buy them because they are fun to play, and ideally perform well.

Pricey1163d ago Show
Orchard1163d ago (Edited 1163d ago )

@Pricey Not really sure how console sales are really related to this topic anyway. I can't use Sony's sales figures to get this game to run at 4K on my console, can I?

The game performs better on XSX than PS5, likely due to the backwards compatibility differences (this isn't a native game). And that is something which Sony could have corrected, and with so many sales and users, should have.

There's nothing else to discuss here really, the end user experience is as shown in the videos above, no amount of console sales are going to change that fact.

wolf5811163d ago Show
Orchard1163d ago

@wolf581 I'll be playing both, because they are completely different genres of game and are releasing weeks apart :)

Why limit myself to one or the other when I can have both.

Sayai jin1163d ago

Why is it people think gaming has to be one-sided or either of. I will play R&C with my daughter and Boomerang.

As far as the financial topics people tend to bring up...I most likely older than most on this site. I own stock in several companies, particularly MSFT and NYSE. So I have a personal take, but don't doing to sales numbers like some. My guess is that they do it to cheerlead for thir favorite console. I am not saying people can't mention sales numbers, as they are sometimes relevant and people have free will. At least it should be relatable to the topic at hand.

On topic, interested in the next gen patch.

anubusgold1163d ago

Or its those bad amd boost clocks messing things up amd has always been crap with boost clocks ever since the phenom 2. You see jank in games when their cpus are boosting thats why i always lock my cpu speeds on amd for years.

OB1Biker1162d ago (Edited 1162d ago )

If it's native version then that mode should be on both or not at all.

KillBill1162d ago

@Pricey many games have sold more on Xbox than on PlayStation though PlayStation has held the larger gamerbase. And with so many PlayStation users slighting the game then why would they not focus equally as much on the gamerbase that is not bad mouthing them because PS5 has an issue with BC?

wolf5811162d ago

Y have plenty of time free if y can play both and biomutand a game that for my opinion It ll be mediocre and in my opinion again itll hit below 80% in metacritic...
Just for the record i have xboxsx and switch and ps5 but i prefer to play AAA GAMES like halo infinite finger crosed there, rachet, gow etc.
You r one of these guys that r Just waiting to read some thing negative about ps5 performance and be out and play nice and objective....i hope y play yakuza, assasins, dirt5 at launch and many other games on your ps5 because of better performance

Michiel19891162d ago

@orchard if the standard would be for any game to always give the same or better treatment to the market leader, that starts to sound an awful lot like a monopoly.

I do agree its just shitty to have such a wide gap between the 2 versions and that it shoudl rather release a bit later with more similar versions, but market leader has nothing to do with that.

+ Show (11) more repliesLast reply 1162d ago
Saijahn1162d ago

@pricey, who care about market lead aside from people actually getting paid from these companies? Xbox has the better hardware that can push out more power so in turn higher resolutions and framerates. And it seems to be effortless now.

You worried about the wrong thing

1162d ago
anubusgold1161d ago (Edited 1161d ago )

Why should xbox get held back because playstation is the market leader thats bullcrap. Just like the xbox was way more powerful than the ps2 developers shouldn't have to hold back because of the playstation. There is a reason why ps2 didnt get Morrowind or knights of the old republic because that system couldnt run those games. Or how xbox soul caliber 2 had larger stages with more details in the background.

KillBill1162d ago

"What can we expect to see different from the BC version of Series X play to the native current gen Series X play?" - @BillyHoWCR

"There will definitely be differences, or else there wouldn't be a reason for a native version. But we do not have any details yet, sorry." - @THQNordic


Wrex3691162d ago

Lmao why would this be the case you think they can't add faster load times and other things like better anti aliasing and even higher frame rates? The native BC on Xbox is just that much better, they'll both be getting upgrades and it's not the devs fault, it's you-know-who's

anubusgold1157d ago

I heard sony is making devs port a whole new version of games for ps5 and xbox you only need to patch your games thats why sony performs worse.

CaptainHenry9161162d ago (Edited 1162d ago )

Don't know about this game yet. 🤔

Sayai jin1162d ago

I am mixed as well. Will wait until it hits game pass. I wondet if it will ha e dual sense support. I may grab it earlier if so.

1162d ago
+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 1157d ago
1163d ago Replies(5)
iplay1up21163d ago

I am starting to look forward to this game. It looks different.

darthv721163d ago

If this really is 4k/60 on the S then that is impressive.

bleedsoe9mm1163d ago

PS5 is always closer to the S than the X

Kornholic1162d ago


That makes no sense since PS5 usually outperforms XSX on current gen games.

1162d ago
Ra3v3r1162d ago

@OneGreenMRAJ @Kornholic

PS5 was outperforming the XSX in the first month or so regarding frame rate but this was often at the expense of considerably lower resolutions and sometimes whilst rendering less detail. We’re now hitting a point where XSX is consistently outperforming PS5 on multiplats in all aspects. Dunno what rocks you’ve been living under or you’re both purposely ignorant to news that doesn’t match your views.

Also, the PS5 and XSX are the same price so GTFO with that shit. If you’re gonna throw in the PS5 DE as you’re comparison then it’s not even a comparable device - $100 less for a smaller SSD, a less powerful GPU, and the removal of a physical media drive.

And we’re not currently seeing a 2:1 hardware sales difference. PS5 was being manufactured before than the XSX so the stock levels are wildly different. Both devices are sold out but the available volumes of PS5 stock has been higher. Saying that, the PS5 will likely still outsell the XSX come the end of the generation.

It amazes me how so many people won’t look at the bigger picture or outwith news that confirms their bias and then spout it out as facts.

TheHan1162d ago (Edited 1162d ago )

@Kornholic; Just what games and how many have the PS5 actually out preformed the Series X? Cause most games the series X out preforms the PS5 then those who don’t want to agree always want to be on damage control. I’ve noticed that about some of these “fans”. Btw for one console to support BC and run the BC games, base current console games and the New current gen games all while offering a boost among the older games in performance and allowing you to pay for one game and it’s smart delivered to whatever current console you happen to have. Shows that theirs a lot of good things the Series X does and then some.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 1162d ago
darthv721163d ago

Well now the title and summary have been fixed. It used to say "Biomutant Supports 1080p/60fps on PS5, 4K/60fps On Xbox Series X|S..." so my comment makes no sense to those who are new to this piece.

Christopher1163d ago (Edited 1163d ago )

I'm not judging you and I'm the one who fixed the title since it was very misleading. The original didn't even say support but said something else that gave the impression it was made for those consoles and wasn't BC. But you folks picked up on that immediately in the comments.

Orchard1163d ago

"With this build, the option for native 4K on PlayStation has been disabled due to stability – and performance related reasons. What you see here is 1080p at 60 frames-per-second upscaled to 4K at 60 frames-per-second. It will remain deactivated for the release version, too."

Yeesh. Never a good sign when you have to start your trailer with that kind of disclaimer.

darthv721163d ago

for a back compat game, I guess they just had too many issues. but no matter as they are working on a proper next gen version for PS5 & Series X|S

Eonjay1163d ago

What it is is that in Back Compat mode, the full power isn't available to the application.. but understanding that the XOX is 4K you can safely assume that the PS5 will be too once the patch is released.

Christopher1163d ago

@Eonjay it's the fault of the power difference between the XOX and PS4 Pro as well the more PC parallel of the Xbox systems. Likely just a lot of factors that as up to not having enough time, developers, and expertise on discussion consoles.

Master-Tonberry1163d ago

@Christopher it has nothing to do with power differences. This is not the native current gen version its just the Xbox One/PS4 version running in Backwards compatibility mode. The XBSX/S BC mode can run at higher frame rates AND resolutions but the PS5 BC mode can only display at the original resolution.
It's a limitation of the way Backwards compatibility works on the PS5 not power.

Christopher1163d ago

@Master-Tonberry: read what I said, please. I'm not talking about PS5 or XSX in regards to power or development.

KillBill1162d ago

@Eonjay - there is no patch coming down for PS5 and Series X. They will simply be native versions of the game for current systems. Versions now on the market are PS4 and Xbox One. We do not yet know if the current versions will be 'smart delivery' or a separate cost aside from last gen versions? I would assume the prior but have not heard anything definitive from Nordic.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 1162d ago
LM12131162d ago

meh..wont matter to me..you know what 4k is 4k upscaled or not, I wont be able to see the difference. not sitting two inches from my tv counting pixels..should be just fine

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Crazyglues50d ago

This game could have been huge, but sadly it fails big time at just being a lot o fun to play... Which is what it should be because that's how it looks when you first hear about the game.

-But at every turn they fail at fun to play.. What do I mean? Glad you asked -(remember Mario from Nintendo, any Mario, the first time you played it, there was one thing really clear right off the back) -It's super fun to play... Period, no matter what your doing it's fun.

Bungie once said the secret to good game design is take something that is really fun about the game, and extending it to all over the game.

Biomutant could have hit that bar with very little effort. The game has so much going for it. In my opinion the only thing they needed to nail was how it plays / and that's where it fails the most. This is a game that could have sold 23 million copies and instead did 1 million...

anast50d ago

I was really hyped for this game.

Glemt50d ago

I'm still wondering "what do you mean". I've not played the game and am genuinely interested in what your argument is. But your argument boils down to:
Biomutant devs failed at every turn, because Nintendo made their games fun? Because Biomutant fails at "how it plays". Are we talking control scheme? Combat? Exploration? What exactly?

Again, genuinely interested to hear more of your thoughts on this because it seems you know exactly why this game didn't work.

Crazyglues47d ago

@ Glemt

Ok, I'll explain... I guess if you have not played the game then you are lost on what I was saying. So ok I get that. -but I think for anyone that played the game you know what I mean because it stands out like a soar thumb, what's bad in the game.

I'll try to keep this short / I'll try / the game has bad combat, bad exploration, bad overall game mechanics, in the way it feels... Now mind you, that's just one persons opinion but it's also just a gaming thing. (meaning as a gamer you know what you like and what you don't) So for example:

Iin Grand tursimo 7 gas, or making the car go forward on the track is the R2 button on the PS5 controller / as a game designer you can change this to something else, but it is a bad idea because it's a universal idea.. Something people have just come to expect and something they know without reading instructions.
People start to play a racing game or just start driving and they expect R2 to be gas or to go forward...

So expectation is important in game design. (I remember the Watchdogs developer was doing an interview and he said all the playtest they did / people hated the driving, it didn't feel right. And it was bringing their view of the game way down. Because they were expecting it to drive like Grand theft Auto. And he said, "But our game is not about driving, that's a small part of the game." --> But that is Gamers Expectation.. or you can call it we are Spoiled because of Whatever game did driving really well / that becomes your standard or expectation.

Biomutant does not play like what you expect. It's very dry, very un-rewarding, and overall boring. Not fun.

Some will push pass this but most gamers won't. They won't forgive the game for that and will stop playing very quickly. Why?
It's like just how gamers are, some get really into your game mechanics and push past what's hard and find the sweet spot, but most gamers just want fun, so if it's not fun right off the back they stop playing or move on.

It's why a ton of gamers look at game reviews, they want to know if the game is any good, worth my time. Will it be fun to play in the end. People want their game time to be interesting and fun.

I can get into how you would do this step by step in making the game, but I don't think you want to hear all of that.
So let's just say this, Steve Jobs, never made or invented anything at apple, he was the person who decided what needed to be made or designed. (they put five of apples best iPods or Mp3 players as they were called back then on a table and Steve played with each one, and then he picked the one Apple would go with) that became the iPod we know today with the scroll wheel / he knew the feel of that would be a game changer it made it work in a way that was really interesting and fun to scroll thru your music. Keep in mind No one else of the people at the top of the company knew which one would be good or why.

Game design seems to be the same way, they need a Steve Jobs leading the team, or just someone who's really into gaming / someone that really get's Gamers, a gamer like me. To explain why this is fun and why this is not. (I think I really need to start a company to help game companies) I would have showed them how to make that game sell 23 million copies instead of 1 million...

Right now I'm sure Biomutant could have made the character walk 22 different ways, but only one of those ways is going to be really good, and fun to play, who is deciding which one is the one to go with? You need that person to make decisions on all aspects of the game.


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Philaroni63d ago

Good for them, I miss games like this is, was rough at some points but by now I feel it must have got better. Maybe I'm just a sucker for fuzzy things like Ratchet and Clank, and the old Conker and Jak/Dax games. Don't know, just reminds me of those times.


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sweatyrich69d ago

I played it on the PS5 in 40fps mode and it was pretty decent. Looked great, gameplay was a little but clunky at time, and fairly repetitive, but there's a large map to explore, LOADS of things to do, and you're a gun-toting, kung-fu'ing racoon !!
Accept the game for what it is, and you'll have a good time like I did.

Can't speak for how it was at launch, but the game I played was a 7.5/10

anast69d ago

I would like to see this game get a sequel with all the lessons learnt from the rocky launch and with newer tech.

Demetrius69d ago

I finished this not too long ago, definitely one of my most favorites I was really in tune with it, I didn't silence the narrator cause it always felt like I was being told a story, lol just like real life I enjoy old people telling me stories every since I was a kid I've always enjoyed that, biomutant 2 would be so mf nice to happen, definitely going for a 2nd playthrough on ps5 this time around