
Jay and Silent Bob: Mall Brawl Review - Chronic-ally Divisive | TheXboxHub

William writes: "As a retro-throwback, Jay and Silent Bob: Mall Brawl does its job extremely well. Heck, in some ways it does it too well. If you were the type who grew up on these games, I can say with all due respect that you will probably have a good time with this if you want to connect with your inner child."

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Humble Black History Month Bundle celebrates black developers and characters

The Humble Black History Month Bundle just launched. It includes Mafia III Definitive Edition, Shaq Fu: A Legend Reborn, and more. As always, a percentage goes to support charity.

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Jay and Silent Bob: Mall Brawl - Review - Jump Dash Roll

The titular duo have a side-scrolling beat-em-up out, but does the gameplay match the nostalgia? JDR grabs a shopping cart for today's review.

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Jay and Silent Bob: Mall Brawl Arcade Edition Review - Mallrats 2.0 I The Koalition

Danny Martinez of The Koalition writes: The simplest of game mechanics can sometimes be the most fun. Beat em’ ups like Double Dragon, Final Fight, and The Simpsons are challenging and bring a lot of charm to their franchise. Jay and Silent Bob: Mall Brawl is as simple as it gets to an arcade beat ‘em up with not much else to offer. Fans of the dynamic duo may enjoy this classic arcade-style game, but also may want more than it has to offer.

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