
What Kane and Lynch 3 Could Be, If It Could Be

The Kane and Lynch franchise, however short-lived and obscure it is, has remained a point of fascination for many game enthusiasts. In an industry that often rewards brightly colored worlds and lighthearted tones with critical acclaim and high sales, this series envelopes you in a dark universe full of terrible men doing terrible things. But after both of these incredibly short campaigns are finished, and every podcast and video essay on them have been heard and seen, it still feels like the themes of the game could be further explored.

Yui_Suzumiya1239d ago

Finally.. something I'd actually be interested in from IO. I could never get into Hitman but I love Kane and Lynch.

CrimsonWing691239d ago

Yea same here, I really enjoyed those games.


Video Game Nasty: Kane and Lynch 2: Dog Days

Kane and Lynch 2: Dog Days is a nasty grimy, experience. It makes you feel dirty, lonely, and uncomfortable. Does it deserve a second chance?

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Square Enix Team up With Amazon in a 2 for 1 Deal - Blot Gaming

Square Enix have teamed up with Amazon to offer a bonus game for Xbox owners that is guarenteed to be backwards compatible.

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Kane & Lynch Graphic Novel Revealed

Set for release this summer, IO Interactive’s Kane & Lynch franchise is not only moving from videogame to motion-picture, but is also set to receive a graphic novel spin-off. Labelled as suitable for ‘mature readers’ only, the graphic novel is simply titled Kane & Lynch.

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CrzyFooL4901d ago

I like Kane & Lynch, screw teh h8ers!

ReservoirDog3164901d ago

It's a series with a lot of potential. Still have to get around to playing 2.