
Konami will not be at E3 this year

Konami: "Due to timing we will not be at E3 this year. We want to reassure our fans that we are in deep development on a number of key projects, so please stay tuned for some updates in the coming months."

Nyxus1183d ago

I hope we will finally hear something about the projects the teams in Japan have been 'beavering away' on. https://www.metalgearinform...

1182d ago
DarXyde1183d ago

Wait, Konami makes games?

I was never expecting them to be at E3.

1183d ago Replies(1)
Skate-AK1182d ago

I can't help but to think he was joking too.

Orchard1183d ago

Not a huge surprise - it's pretty rare to see a pachinko machine at E3.

Deathdeliverer1183d ago

Due to not having anything to show, we will not be attending. Please pass our main number to Kojima with our heart felt apologies and tell him to add a zero to whatever he’s asking for. Thank you.

phoenixwing1183d ago

As much as I'd like that to be the case their gambling division is probably still going strong

jukins1183d ago

I doubt thats the reason.. ill say this...look for konami to appear at another show. I mean i could be talking out of my ass orrrr lol

Deathdeliverer1182d ago

Dude. Let’s think of Konami latest hits. Metal Gear (Rip), Silent Hill- been going downhill since 2 but I’m optimistic. Castlevania seems to ONLY be good in 2d and then things get murky. I LOVED Rocket Knight Adventure as a kid. One of my favorite games of all time. Um..... then contra maybe? Oh I forgot about winning 11. I’m sure the jockeys out there hype af. Point is, if it’s one series they couldn’t afford to Jack up it was Metal Gear. I’m sure by now they realize that. Kojima was metal gear. Then he’s also even MORE like Zone of the Enders and snatcher.

Chevalier1182d ago

Probably Tokyo Game Show

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gold_drake11h ago

that merch tho.

ridiculous the numbers they pull in, which makes it even worse when i think about the low budget broken games they make. or have made recently

-Foxtrot2h ago

We’re never getting an amazing mainline Pokémon game again are we

phoenixwing2h ago

Of course not. That's why I have tem tem because even if it's not the greatest I at least know the indie dev was trying

ZeekQuattro1h ago

Great plug for Tem Tem right there. It's not the greatest but at least they tried.... 🤣


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VersusDMC6h ago

Love me some third person action games.
Reminds me that Black myth is weeks away...