
PlayTM: Celebrity Sports Showdown Review

PlayTM writes: " Despite what my colleagues and I might like to tell ourselves, we are not quite the be all and end all of video games judgment. There is an arbitrator even greater, and no – I'm not referring to our beloved Editor. The last and in many way only really valid critic of a game's value is the good ol' free market. This final and absolute system of judgement will ninety-nine times out of a hundred nail the actual worth of the game as the wider public vote with their wallets. Admittedly, for every rightful plaudit and pound that goes to Gears of War 2 there is an Ico starving for its art in the wings, but you can't fault it as an overall yardstick.

Imagine then, if you will, what it is saying that at your local game emporium a brand new still cellophane-wrapped copy of Celebrity Sports Showdown fetches only 3 GBP in trade."


Console Obsession: Celebrity Sports Showdown Review

Console Obsession:

"Awful concept aside, Celebrity Sports Showdown isn't a bad game to spend a few hours with from time to time. The growing casual market could find that there's plenty to enjoy here, but it's hardly going to appease core gamers who have a diet of more substantial offerings. So as a part of the latter group it's a six, but if you're one of the former, perhaps add two points to the overall score. So a solid six it is from me then."

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Real Gamer: Celebrity Sports Showdown Review

Pick up and play party games, seem to dominate the Wii. So with such a wide selection available you would think games companies would put extra effort into theirs to make it stand out.

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Aussie-Nintendo: Celebrity Sports Showdown Review

This 'game' might have some value to those who enjoy seeing a Mii-Fergie playing watersports, masochists or the aforementioned menu fans. If you enjoy life, avoid it like the plague.

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