
DemiGod Trailer 3 Released

GamingShogun writes, "Gas Powered Games and Stardock have released the third in a series of trailer for their upcoming action/RPG/RTS game, DemiGod. The game is due out in February of 2009 on the PC platform. An Xbox 360 version has been rumored but no..."

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Stardock Announces Massive Steam Sale

Stardock, one of the the longest running indie developers in the video game industry, has launched an intergalactic RTS Steam sale to end all RTS Steam sales.

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Digital_Anomaly3227d ago

That's a lot of RTS games... time I just don't have! Like I need my backlog to get any bigger!

GrapesOfRaf3227d ago

Ya it's a pretty decent sale but The Taken King, MGSV, Fallout 4 soon... too many games.

generalwinter3227d ago

Always wanted to try Galactic Civilizations III


The history of MOBAS: From mod to sensation

Here’s how a StarCraft mod helped to shape the future of gaming.

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Sadie21003615d ago

I wonder if we're over the hump now or if this is the next Call of Duty.

darkronin2293615d ago

I still haven't found a MOBA I can get into. Did LoL for awhile, but it was such a slow grind in terms of ranking up and getting money. DOTA 2 just scares me. Infinite Crisis was alright, but I lost interest in it pretty quickly.

Chaoticmoon3615d ago

Why does Dota 2 scare you? Just wondering because imo its a fairly accessible game especially if you get some friends together to play with you. Also if you are just scared of sucking dont be, just have fun and ignore those who flame because if they are flaming then they probably suck too and are just trying to blame you for any of their mistakes. So just download it AND HAVE FUN!

M3rkMast3r3615d ago

Great article it is nice that someone documented the history of MOBA's.

midnightambler3615d ago

Interesting stuff, especially for a noob like me.

qwerty6763615d ago (Edited 3615d ago )

"From mod to sensation" to over-saturation.

i dont like how all these companys are now trying to make mobas, the markets already been taken by lol and dota.

they should come up with something new instead of just copying.

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11 notable MOBAs of the past, present, and future

GamesBeat recently compared the most popular multiplayer online battle arena (MOBA) titles such as League of Legends, Heroes of Newerth, and Dota 2 to each other, but many other games in the genre are also worth checking out. Inside you’ll find a selection of MOBAs from the past, present, and future and the unique elements they have to offer.

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