
CD Projekt RED Hackers Leak Gwent Source Code, Cyberpunk 2077, Witcher Source Codes Being Auctioned

The CD Projekt RED hackers has uploaded the alleged source code for GWENT! Cyberpunk 2077 & The Witcher source codes are being auctioned.

GoodGuy091262d ago

Ooftah what a terrible moment cdpr are going through right now.

Neonridr1262d ago

what a terrible like 6 months..

excaliburps1262d ago

Indeed. No one would expect CD Projekt to be shat on like this. Come to think of it, given how awesome the Witcher 3 was and how DLC and all were handled properly, no one expected Cyberpunk to be this controversial.

Still, this isn't good or right. I mean, this is just outright crime being committed.

1262d ago
anubusgold1262d ago

anyone that tries to use this to make money will be sued into the ground.

djl34851261d ago


Except The Witcher 3 was buggy and had a rocky launch too, but everyone forgets that.

seanpitt231261d ago

That’s a understatement... this company has gone from the highest of the highs to the lowest of the lows in record time.....

Bobertt1261d ago (Edited 1261d ago )

In the grand scheme of things six months is like a moment.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 1261d ago
1262d ago Replies(10)
DJStotty1261d ago

This will probably work out well for CDPR, there is no such thing as bad publicity, this will throw them in the limelight, and the source code stolen will not get sold, nor will it get much use before all those responsible for hacking are behind bars lol.

neutralgamer19921261d ago


I do remember and I remember the fact they were diligently to fix everything and some of the DLC expansions were amazing and even the free content was amazing. But it's still did not launch in the state that cyberpunk 2077 launched in. as a CD project red fan it just bugs me that they saw the condition of the game why not just delayed for maybe six to nine months and launch it when it's really ready. Or how about just launch it on PC and see the console version versions are coming later.

Their image their reputation has been stained it will take something really special for them to recover from this and what's really really sad is they were one of the true pro consumer companies out there

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 1261d ago
CrimsonWing691262d ago

Man, I’m starting to feel bad for these guys. I mean talk about being kicked into another gender.

uGLYmE1262d ago

Starting to? What did they do wrong? I don’t understand any amount of animosity towards this developer. Is there an article that can convince me otherwise?

Ninver1262d ago

They failed to provide what was promised. I think they deserve some remorse but other diehard gamers want them burnt to the ground. It's crazy out there.

Duke191262d ago

People got a shitty game. Now the developer needs to go under and all involved need to lose their jobs clearly.


Neonridr1262d ago

ever heard about a game called Cyberpunk 2077 that was hotly anticipated and turned into a giant mess?

CrimsonWing691262d ago (Edited 1262d ago )

Well, I mean, I didn’t feel sorry for them getting the feedback that they did for making the decisions that they did. I mean lying to consumers seems like something that would fit in the “they did wrong” category, but that could just be me.

That being said, I enjoyed Cyberpunk albeit with disappointment from being watchdogged.

Now, as in right now, because I just read they’ve been hacked, I am feeling sorry for them because on top of everything else they now have to deal with this and I feel like they’ve had enough i.e. why I mentioned the whole kick to the nuts comment.

Does that make sense? Let me know if you’re picking up what I’m putting down. I can break it down even further or possibly draw a schematic.

1262d ago
enkiduxiv1261d ago

While they misled gamers with their marketing and should be called out for it, CyberPunk wasn’t nearly as bad as people are making it out to be.

If Bethesda had released this game before they finally fell to earth after Fallout 76, everyone would have shrugged their shoulders and waited for a few patches.

CDPR are literally victims of their own success here. Everyone wanted another Witcher 3 and they instead got a buggy Deus Ex. Thing is, Deus Ex isn’t half bad either.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 1261d ago
Darkborn1262d ago

They lied and said last Gen consoles ran great.

lelo2play1261d ago

They offered refund... move on already. It's getting tiresome.
Seriously! Get over it.

SullysCigar1261d ago

^ You're memory is somewhat skewed there, @lelo2play. They said contact Sony/MS - without any prior consultation with them, which was just more poor communication and decision making, further exacerbating the situation.

I'm not saying they deserve what's happening now, of course, but what they did was bad and they've yet to make good. Once they have, we can talk about 'moving on'.

AsunaYuukiTheFlash1261d ago

@lelo2play But still it didn't change the fact that they lied to their consumers.

CorndogBurglar1261d ago

And the crap they went through, and are still going through, is punishment for that.

Yes, they said it ran well on last gen consoles. Yes, they released a horribly buggy, unfinished game. And they are still paying for those mistakes. They've had a lawsuit filed against them. They had their game removed from PSN. They've had to deal with refunds. And they're working around the clock to try and fix it as best they can.

They're paying like any other developer should in this situation. Getting hacked and having company owned assets and codes stolen, held for ransom, and auctioned off is horrible and they don't deserve that.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 1261d ago
-Foxtrot1262d ago

It’s shitty what’s happening but this doesn’t excuse Cyberpunk

I hope this isn’t what’s gonna happen now, we all forgive them out of pity

Darkborn1262d ago

Exactly, death threats and hacking is not a good thing for anyone regardless of what they promised and didn't deliver. It was a scummy business move, but it doesn't deserve this kind of negativity. Boycott the game until its fixed and don't pre-order next time, sure. But not this.

1261d ago
DragonWarrior191262d ago

That's exactly what they want. You think this coincidentally happened after the gaming community lost all its respect for them?

MadLad1262d ago

So you're saying they're releasing their own insider documents, not mention source code, onto the internet for a little bit of pity points?

That's highly unlikely, to say the least.

CorndogBurglar1261d ago (Edited 1261d ago )

Dude, come on. There's no way CDPR had themselves hacked and their assets sold online.

medman1261d ago (Edited 1261d ago )

I always felt bad for the developers. I never once felt bad about some of the decision makers and higher ups within the organization. Too many of them are liars, unfortunately their lies and poor decision making has hurt the devs. Doesn't that always seem to be the case? People in a position of power screw up, the underlings take the brunt of the fallout.

Management should be held 100 percent to account for the entirety of this still unfolding calamity associated with Cyberpunk 2077. The fact that some of them have not been fired to date is not surprising at all....gutless incompetence rules the day.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 1261d ago
Hitman0071262d ago

I thought my Ex Girlfriend could fake it good but these guys just overflowing with Bull💩 like really the way the talked about all U could do and then show trailers of all of this but cut all the content out of the game once purchased like GTFO Losers glad U are getting Karma back haha hahaha plus u lost Billions in stocks hahahaha

CorndogBurglar1261d ago

Punctuation is your friend. Don't be afraid of it. Embrace it. Let the punctuation flow through you.

spicelicka1261d ago

Unfortunately the only thing that flows through him is bath water

Abnor_Mal1262d ago

CD Ptoject Red are being Cyberpunked by hackers. They should make a game about this.

Darkborn1262d ago

If they did it would crash before the hackers could sell the source code.

Abnor_Mal1262d ago

The dynamic duo, I set em up, and you knock em down.

thejigisup1262d ago

If cyberpunk source gets released theres gonna be some crazy revelations.

Ninver1262d ago (Edited 1262d ago )

Which leads me to believe people want answers. The truth at that.

-Foxtrot1262d ago

I really want to see what was cut or planned

Nitrowolf21262d ago

it would be interesting to see TBH

SimpleSlave1261d ago

Insiders say that the Cyberpunk 2077 source code comes at a hefty 3MB

👋So Huge👋

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 1261d ago
Show all comments (92)

Sea of Thieves Developer Rare Now Has a Dedicated Doggo Park

Rare, the developer behind pirate adventure Sea of Thieves, has introduced a dedicated dog park to its studio grounds for employees' good boys and girls.

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CrimsonWing691d 9h ago

Is the industry hurting for money or not?

Hofstaderman1d 8h ago

They belong to XBOX. Its a dog's life....

Chocoburger1d 9h ago

Nice thing they did, but not actually gaming related, not sure why this article was approved. Also strange informing us what game Rare worked on, as if we don't know their legacy.

Tacoboto1d 8h ago

Sorry you hate dog news - here's a game-related headline for you, the latest: "Deathsprint 66 is a hyperviolent freerunner that proves game journos suck at games | Video Gamer"

Yeah we need more headlines like *that* on this site, instead of news about a studio's employee perks.

GaboonViper1d 8h ago

Its actually nice to see a story like this instead of the usual doom and gloom but people still moan, anyhow hope these beautiful doggos have a great life.

1d 8h ago
GaboonViper1d 8h ago

Really nice story, kudos to Rare.

Mulletino15h ago

I went to look at new apartments and saw only dog parks, no kid parks. We're so screwed.


Concept Art For Bluepoint's Next Game Spotted In PlayStation Tour Video

A new PlayStation Malaysia tour video shows what looks to be concept art for Bluepoint's next game.

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phoenixwing1d 12h ago

Damn was hoping for a fantasy setting. Looks futuristic

jznrpg1d 10h ago (Edited 1d 10h ago )

I think that’s a screensaver if you look to the right it looks more like a fantasy game and so does the concept art leaked earlier. Who knows though

phoenixwing12h ago

Unless that structure/pillar thingy in the right picture is long forgotten technology it's futuristic.

Name Last Name1d 11h ago (Edited 1d 11h ago )

Another shooter? Yawn. Thought the prevous concept looked more fantasy.

shinoff21831d 1h ago (Edited 1d 1h ago )

I hope not.

just_looken21h ago

With there same look on the right a arena setting this might be live service game #5 from sony

So a live service shooter like concord.....

StormSnooper21h ago

It looks like a fantasy game on the right screen. You are looking at a screensaver.

Goodguy011d 11h ago

Been looking forward to what they have next. Looks interesting.

Eonjay1d 11h ago

Really excited to see them release an original IP

GaboonViper1d 8h ago

Looks like my dream of them remaking Metal Gear Solid is over, still cant wait to see what they are cooking up.

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World of Warcraft developers form wall-to-wall union at Blizzard Entertainment

The new unit comprises over 500 developers representing the entire World of Warcraft development team.

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2d ago
XiNatsuDragnel1d 21h ago

Unions in gaming are necessary fr fr

montebristo1d 10h ago

I used to be anti-union, it kills productivity, investment and turns product mediocre. Their games suck anyways though so what was lost? Might as well get their people paid until they are dissolved.

shinoff21831d 9h ago

Unions are necessary regardless of how you feel. You know how fked the working class would be without them. As if we're not already.

montebristo1d 9h ago

No they aren’t, regardless of how you feel. Unions make zero sense for skill based labor. They are for people who press a button every 10 seconds on an assembly line. “working class” is a made up term. I don’t care about corporations or developers, I just want good games lol. Killing your incentives to appease the lowest common denominator doesn’t lead to great games imo

montebristo1d 3h ago (Edited 1d 3h ago )

I wasn’t trying to be offensive if I came off that way. The Union is an old mentality and I can see their usefulness but also the danger. We’re in the age of AI and robots and skill based labor. Unions can be dangerous these days. You could replace your entire workforce in one move. Checkmate. Look to the kiosk replacing workers in the 20 dollar minimum wage era.

Well run businesses don’t need unions. If you need a Union that business won’t survive anyway. Unless it’s propped up by the government with corporate welfare (which is the real issue). If you’re not going to spend some on your workers (Amazon, Google) then your welfare is cut off. No tax breaks. All you put together don’t match their wealth and resources, the union is a traditional memory at this point and counterproductive with this new enemy we face. They need a flying elbow from the top ropes. And by “working class is a made up term” I just mean we’re not a class system and even CEO Bobby Kotick puts in a days work lol. Or did.. It’s just a vague term that doesn’t mean anything no offense lol. People say “middle class” but that can change quick right? Up or down. That’s not a “class system”.