
Mass Effect Legendary Edition Censored According to Developers

"The team noted that a great deal of care is being taken to respect the artistic integrity of the original trilogy… but there’s an exception." The Splintering says.

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annoyedgamer1329d ago
Knightofelemia1329d ago

I can understand improving but to change the angle because Miranda's ass is in the way is stupid her ass is covered up by her clothes. This just makes me want to skip the Legendary Edition and just keep playing the last gen ports.

toxic-inferno1329d ago

Really? A slightly altered camera angle is enough to put you off the game? That seems like an overreaction.

I understand that you might take issue with the idea of "censoring", but this is a creative decision made by the people who created the game. And I guess your protest may be more about the state of the industry, etc. But if the developer is uncomfortable with putting out a game with that scene in it unchanged, then it's their decision at the end of the day.

gamer78041329d ago (Edited 1329d ago )

They adjusted other camera angles as well so it cuts off the character. You are literally seeing less in this version. It’s also the principle of it. Hard pass.

KyRo1329d ago

The absolute pettiness of fans when it's comes to ME shouldn't suprise you. These are the same folk who cried and cried for the ending to be changed lol...

toxic-inferno1329d ago


That's true. I forget sometimes about the ending fiasco, as I was late to the franchise, and already knew about the disappointing ending before I even started the first game.

RememberThe3571329d ago

Bruh, this is N4G. Over reacting to tiny BS things is what half this site is about.

SpadeX1329d ago

It might be nitpicking to you, but everyone has their own preferences. Censorship can be a deal breaker for some.

SullysCigar1329d ago (Edited 1329d ago )

I honestly couldn't give a crap about some cartoon ass, and I'd never have known it was any different, but I have to agree that this is ridiculous. If it's rated as an adult game, where's the harm in leaving it as it was?

Not my bag usually, but I hope someone makes a nude mod REAL quick, just to spite the devs lol

Mass Effect: Censored Edition!

Sieden1329d ago

Lol have you seen the reaction to the George Lucas scene edits to the original SW trilogy?

B68W1329d ago


"but this is a creative decision made by the people who created the game." But that's the problem, it isn't a creative decision being made by the people who created the game, most of those are long gone. It's a decision(political/ideological , etc.) being made by people who inherited the IP, one of the greatest of the 21st century, and who haven't actually created anything worth a damn yet. Yes, it's their decision to make as they own the property but that doesn't make it a good decision, creatively or commercially, and consumers have the right to voice displeasure with the decision and not spend money on the censored product.

Mothman19841329d ago

People who created the original trilogy left bioware - most notably Casey Hudson, the main man responsible Mass Effect success. Most other members of the original team left as well. The new guys want to pander social justice warriors and other woke libtards so it's not that suprising. And by the way - that's just the beginning. They're testing grounds, looking how far can they go. And apparently they have your approval.
Good luck

Knightofelemia1329d ago (Edited 1329d ago )


Yes I am a purist when it comes to games I can understand improvements, adding new tidbits, making textures better. But if Miranda's ass is such a big issue why do they decide to censor it now and not when the game was released to the XB360 and PS3? And who is to say that censoring Miranda's ass and changing the camera angle doesn't make the game look worse. Rule I learned is if it ain't broken don't fix it if I have to I will skip this game and play it the way it was meant to be played and viewed on the PS3 and XB360 right now they are the better port then this newer version.

1329d ago
Fluttershy771329d ago

These are not the people who created the game

DuckOnQuack351329d ago

The only way they're going to stop this censoring bullshit is if people stop paying money for it. Also I actually liked the ending lol

RgR1328d ago

Their decision. nobody is arguing that they cant or that it's not their decision.

The issue is the principle of the matter. A girls ass on camera is not offensive or overly sexualizing.
What about sheperds ass? Im sure that is staying where it is. Not to mention you can always check the ass whenever you want.

It is pointless and stupid. If maybe the argument is that the camera angle was not meant to be where it was then that is fine.

Mithan1328d ago

I agree, even if 52 people down voted you. Its stupid.

The criticism is correct though, Bioware is stupid about this..

anubusgold1328d ago

Most of those people are gone thats why bioware is so crap now

JackBNimble1328d ago

Don't give in to censorship, it's a trend that will only continue to get worse.

The people they are pandering to don't even play games, besides that it's an adult rated game. Don't give these dev's your money, we need to start drawing the line.

Smok911328d ago

You have to understand how many people on here don’t get ass

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ManMarmalade1329d ago

Im gay and even I care about the cencorship. It's a video game. I should be able to see all of the finished product on screen instead of it taking away from an earlier released version of the game with the same exact characters and cutscenes. It's kinda ridiculous how it needs to be censored when the last main entry was in 2012.

1328d ago
Christopher1329d ago

Personally, I'm happy with the change. The shots felt entirely out of the blue and distracting compared to the rest of the game. If you want to see it, then romance her like everyone else, IMHO. I feel the same in TV shows that force that stuff in just for having it in when it adds absolutely nothing to the story or scene and ends up being more distracting than anything else. If I want to watch that stuff, I'll put on a movie aimed at just that.

Having said that, I still like the games and would play them without complaint if they didn't change anything. But, I am happier that someone decided to adjust what I consider to be a focus on juvenile attempts to over sexualize characters just for the sake of over sexualizing them and no other purpose.

Mothman19841329d ago

attractive woman = EVIL

censorship = GOOD

I'm very glad to see you happy. I hope they're not gonna censor you anytime soon cause that would a great loos for the entire comment section

FlameBaitGod1328d ago (Edited 1328d ago )

Yeah, but if the woman is fat and showing her skin its "Brave" , a hot one does it, and its sexism. I remember when n4g was over 9000% retarded and actually banned me for typing Microsoft as "M$", because some how, that was offensive LOL.

DarXyde1328d ago

Personally, I have no stake in this - I tried to get into Mass Effect back in the X360 era and I just couldn't. Not my cup of tea.

I'm commenting on this article because, well, it involves censorship. I don't agree with it. Honestly, if you're paying the asking price and the ESRB does its job, you would be fully informed: you were warned about what is in it and you were still willing to pay the price for it, perhaps for that very reason. Regardless of intentions, censoring little things like that just seem...odd. Clearly, the developers felt it was a big enough deal to alter it, but it does take something away in the process.

I don't think this is a good idea. Most people will probably say it's a non-issue, but they probably will lose some sales for the simple fact that, well, it's censorship. Frankly, I think that censorship is a slippery slope to invite other bad practices. This is EA we're talking about. The same people who, if given an inch, will go around the world. Minor camera reworks now, but who is to say that if they rely on their back catalogue, that they will not cut out entire sections of a game like Dante's Inferno and still sell it at a premium? Then, if people are complacent about the length and content of a game like that with cuts made, they can focus on putting out these shallow experiences in the future as next generation games, followed by a lot of DLC that are short, but if it's, say, as long as the main game, they can justify charging more for that. It sounds hyperbolic and perhaps tangential, but you really should not trust EA. That is totally something I can see them or Activision doing.
Nothing today, controversial tomorrow. Nip it in the bud, I say.

Mothman19841329d ago (Edited 1329d ago )

@Christopher I know it's a little off topic but I had to adress this. You wrote: "they're not changing history. The old games exist and always will. They're creating new history, but not changing the old one". I agree - they're not changing history (or the game's story); they are changing the game itself. It may be only small and insignificant change but it did happen. First they change the camera angle (almost unnoticeable for some) then maybe they'll slightly adjust the characters models (to make them look more "realistic") after that they'll decide to modify some dialogues (just a tiny bit so it won't offend anyone) and for the finishing touch someone may decide that it would be nice to tone down the sex scenes so it won't offend any oversensitive individuals.

You say this is a minor and meaningless change, but when you accept without a blink you are giving them permisssion to go even further. Eventually they may change whatever they want and argument like: "we changed it because we felt it was better with the change". Who will draw the line what's an acceptable change and what's not? BioWare? You can't easlily draw such line, it's impossible. That's why you shouldn't change anything from the original. Just leave like it was.

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rlow11329d ago

Well that's a disappointment.

Mr Pumblechook1329d ago (Edited 1329d ago )

It's a massive disappointment. It's like censoring a classic movie because it shows a woman's cleavage, just because some audiences wouldn't want to see that today. A remaster should improve the visuals and the controls, not change the artistic vision to please the complainers on ResetEra and Kotaku.

Bioware is going to include two versions of Femshep, they should also do the same with the original camera angles and new camera angles - give players the choice.

gamer78041329d ago

They took the time to censor but not to put work on unreal4 engine or other areas... what a waste of a remaster

Rebel_Scum1329d ago

hahah massive disappointment. Turn it up mate

Mothman19841329d ago (Edited 1329d ago )

/gamer7804/ They sure have their priorities, right?

TheLigX1328d ago

I don’t think they did it for any other reason than they thought it was the right thing to do. If they were worried about “complainers” they would’ve kept it instead of listening to a little bitch like you.

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P_Bomb1329d ago

“Kevin (character and environment director Kevin Meek) actually called out some camera cuts that were just… why was that focusing on Miranda’s butt?”

...gee thx Kevin

gamer78041329d ago

Kevin is the worst. Not paying for this. Maybe when it’s free

MrBeatdown1329d ago (Edited 1329d ago )

You won't support censorship, unless it's free?

Ok bro, way to take a stand.

By the way, you might want to steer clear of the new Mortal Kombat. Sonya doesn't have giant titties hanging out anymore, so you know, obviously their artistic vision has been compromised something something something

DJStotty1329d ago

Another example where the creative vision is being censored so as not to cause offence, what a joke.

Way to start redeeming yourself Bioware, good start.

I'm going to boot up the original and look at Miranda in all her glory.

SullysCigar1329d ago

Take a screenshot and tweet it to Kevin Meek lol

In fact, let's all of us do that... lol

MrBeatdown1329d ago

Enjoy your original version patched with a new ending because the audience bitched and moaned.

Gotta support that "creative vision" ver. 1.58

1328d ago
sourOG1329d ago (Edited 1329d ago )

Lmao. Woke remasters. I mean it’s not a big deal, it’s a camera angle... still, it was a big enough deal to change and that’s why people are like “wtf”. Leave shit alone, your modern artistic take is shitty.

Woke BioWare: the male gaze has no place in my remaster

Fans: but I’m playing femshep

Woke BioWare: internalized misogyny

gamer78041329d ago

Several camera angles you see less in this version, no thanks.

sourOG1329d ago

Eh, it’s just weird. This same dude probably lets his daughter listen to cardi b.

SullysCigar1329d ago

It's just blatant assism. It has NO place in 2021!

sourOG1329d ago (Edited 1329d ago )

Being a backwards tool is 2021. They are probably trying to figure out how to incorporate an alien necromorph ass into the dead space remaster. Demote hot ass, promote grotesque necro ass. Because.... morality?

Christopher1329d ago

***Leave shit alone, your modern artistic take is shitty.***

Disagree. I think he's on the right track considering how overplayed and forced those scenes were. The fact that there were memes about it should tell you how forced they were. The good thing is, the originals are unchanged for those who need them.

sourOG1329d ago

I don’t even remember the scene they are talking about to be honest lol. I don’t remember any memes about it but I wasn’t looking for them. Like I said it’s not a big deal, I just find it ridiculous. I feel the same way about people trying to change history because it offends their post modern sensibilities. I think it’s pretty pathetic even though I agree history is brim packed full of terrible things.

Christopher1329d ago

@sourOG: They're not changing history. The old games exist and always will. They're creating new history, but not changing the old one. This isn't some battle that took place and someone is trying to redefine how that battle worked out. This is a remaster. It even says remaster. It doesn't say "Original Games, No Changes" on it. Remasters change things, that's what happens. Heck, they're changing a ton of stuff in the game. But, changing ass shots? That's a line we draw? Weird. Very weird.

sourOG1329d ago (Edited 1329d ago )

I know it was a comparison. It’s not new though, it’s old shit. There is nothing new about it lol. If they said “no ass shots in the new mass effect” it would still be weird lol. Why even say that? Just don’t do it anymore if that’s your new direction lol.

Changing the trivial old shit and speaking on it to proclaim your virtue is weird to me. I might have a problem with other changes, I don’t know what they are. No line has been drawn, I’m buying the remaster. My favorite is ME1 and if it’s changed to be more like 3 then I will have a problem with that as well.

Christopher1329d ago

***Changing the trivial old shit and speaking on it to proclaim your virtue is weird to me.***

Because they were asked and it was the only thing they could say you would see changed as far as directing scenes? Almost the entirety of these "gotcha" lines sites report are from journalists asking questions. They don't just pop up and go "changing this!"

sourOG1329d ago

They still chose to do that before they were asked though. They changed it because they knew they would be asked? Maybe. I refuse to believe that devs are influenced by the dumbest people in our hobby though. They just think that’s what people want for some reason but I have never heard anyone complain.

ME has a large female following and the only complaint I have ever seen is that they couldn’t get their femshep to look anything like Miranda. Are there any lady ME fans on this site that had a problem with the ass shots? I’m honestly curious.

Christopher1329d ago (Edited 1329d ago )

***They still chose to do that before they were asked though. ***

He's the director. He changed it because he felt it was better with the change. The exact same way the old director put them in because he thought they were better. He's making changes that he thinks would make the game better. It's his job to look for ways to improve the game and it's his prerogative to make those decisions.

The exact same way the gameplay director is making changes to improve balance, weapons, mini-games, etc.

***the only complaint I have ever seen is that they couldn’t get their femshep to look anything like Miranda.***

That's just you living in some sort of bubble or hanging out with just people who like what it is. There have been a ton of complaints about Miranda's use as a sexual object over the other characters. Even more so than deep cleavage Samara. The fact that there are 5m long videos of scenes where Miranda's butt is a focus versus none of that for other female characters should tell you something. The focus on it was a meme for a reason, let alone one of the cringier elements of ME2 noted by tons of critics.

And, note, the director isn't saying to remove them all. If you're likely in a personal convo with her and romance is an option, you'll likely still see her butt. But, when she's complaining about her sister and there's no romance? Perhaps not turn her into a sexual figure in that scene? It's just good writing/directing, tbh.

sourOG1329d ago

Is that what people want? Is that what you want? Did we want remasters of classics remade in the image of some post-modern 20 something? I tend to learn towards that vision not being better at all lol. All I want is a fresh can of paint, quick load times and a solid frame rate. This is supposed to be for fans, it’s not a new vision there is nothing left to direct. The work is done. “You have the old games for that” defeats the purpose of a remaster imo.

Christopher1329d ago (Edited 1329d ago )

***Is that what people want? Is that what you want? Did we want remasters of classics remade in the image of some post-modern 20 something? I tend to learn towards that vision not being better at all lol. ***

I already said in my first response in this thread that I like these changes. I also said in that comment that I would still play the games if they weren't changed.

As a person who was raised in the 80s/90s of video games (I'm 43), I'm far from ignorant of what our gaming culture is around the sexualization of both men and women in games. I've also been on board with seeing less excessive sexualization and better storytelling since then. I have the exact same views in TV/Movies. It's completely distracting and serves nothing but to distract from what is happening.

Do I feel characters shouldn't be sexualized? Nah. As long as it fits the story. Heck, I always romance someone in my playthroughs. But, I want that sexualization to mean something more than just "butt shot! when discussing war plans or serious backstory elements that aren't intended to be sexualized at all. I'm fine with sexualizing them when you get romantic with them. No issue. Or when the conversation is casual or even focused on romance or similar nature (like dancing at the bar or partying).

Do I represent the majority of vocal male gamers online? Probably not. But that's still my opinion in both games and other mediums. I don't get the fascination with having sexualization just randomly thrown in when it serves no purpose. And, I don't mean "beautiful women who are good looking" but the focus on them as sexual objects when they're just doing normal stuff or purposeful shots to focus on those things when it has nothing to do with the current scene/story/elements.

sourOG1329d ago

Yeah that’s understandable I can agree with that. The world is much different place than it was even 10 years ago but I still think that’s for games moving forward. These kinds of changes to classics bother me. Not this “ass shots” one in particular but the mindset that classics need to be changed at all to serve some modern stigma.

My romance in mass effect was Tali. It wasn’t about her ass or being sexy, she was just a great character. All of the characters are great and in my mind if they are changing something as trivial as that then what else did they change?

Pocahontas1329d ago

Christopher come on now.... sexualization of characters is ok. It is dumb plain and simple. We are not buying this game for the directors vision we are buying it for our vision which is what the old games were.

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Viljong509d ago

The og deus ex is magical. Im also very exited about mass effect legendary edition from the gp. Its next on my playlist never played mass effect game before.

IamTylerDurden1509d ago (Edited 509d ago )

Never played ME? It's imo the greatest trilogy of all-time and perhaps the best setting outside maybe Fallout. Play it. Great DLC as well. In 2 & 3 at least. Skip Andromeda. Also, Human Revolution was great as well even if OG fans claim otherwise.

shinoff2183509d ago

Mass effect 1 was great. I feel they dumbed down alot on the 2nd one and seemed more action like. Mass effect 1 the citadel was an explorable city. Far as I got in Mass effect 2 it was reduced to a location list no traveling through it. I disliked it alot(the citadel) part. I also feel they went more action oriented then rpg

just_looken508d ago

It always makes me mad when you see something you have done in the first mass effect or dragon age can make something change in the 3rd because bioware make 6 games in what 8 years? that did this but today 0 games do this.

I wish we had trilogies today were we can share saves and have multiple endings/path's on all 3 because of choices from anyone of them.

Its so funny being the bad sheparad from one to 3 then the end having just you and joker ha ha yet everyone is like hey your a hero with a 90% casualty rate.

CBaoth508d ago

Fallout can't hold Mass Effect's jockstrap. The one Fallout even in the ballpark is 3, and that's only because the DLC was extremely good. When Ken Rolston was in Bethesda's employment were they good. That's about it. They're now the world's greatest copy/paste developer out there. Bioware at their pinnacle was ten times better a studio than Todd's team. Go look up the games

IamTylerDurden1508d ago

Mass Effect is my favorite, followed by 2 and 3. Yes, ME2 was dumbed down but also refined in terms of polish and accessibility. ME2 had an awesome story, great DLC, and a solid cast. Mordin in particular. It's a great game. Even 3 which was the weakest was still solid imo despite the ending. If u love ME how do u not enjoy all 3?

Fallout is not a better game though FO3 was great. In terms of setting though Fallout is Mt Rushmore. The 50's post apoc setting was brbrilliant. I still put ME setting n lore above but FO is up there with setting.

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esherwood509d ago

Man play mass effect, best games ever

Miraak82 509d ago

Xenogears is my fav sci fi rpg

closed_account508d ago

Right? There's a serious lack of classics on this list.

The original 2 Star Oceans. Rogue Galaxy...

IamTylerDurden1508d ago

Rogue Galaxy never got that critical love. Beautiful PS2 game. Was it L5?

closed_account507d ago

@IamTylerDurden1 Yep, Level5. Love their stuff. Dark Cloud 3 please...

Godmars290509d ago

Why aren't there more? A Star Trek RPG for one. Or something with non humanoid aliens?

shinoff2183509d ago

Cause for some damn reason medieval is more popular ugghhh. I'd take some sci fi sh anyway over it. I've said time and time again I hope the elden guys are working on a sci fi type game.

Godmars290509d ago (Edited 509d ago )

Something non-post apocalypse or dystopian. Just world saving. Fighting bad guys while doing good and dealing with ethical/moral/psychological quandaries.

sadraiden508d ago

The reason why fantasy RPGs, and Fantasy as a genre, are more popular than Sci-Fi, is because of the low technology/high magic tropes. If all of your problems can be solved with looking up the answer on a smartphone, well, there's just lower stakes than if a character has to have a sword fight, and climb the tower, and rescue the fair princess and recite the ancient incantation to seal the evil.

Obviously you can have universe ending stakes in Sci-Fi, but that requires abstract reasoning, and an ability to RP in a way that is progressive instead of regressive. Couple that with Sci-Fi games and media generally being faster paced, and you've got a genre that attracts a very specific demographic of gamers.

just_looken508d ago

or go crazy and make a starship troopers rpg can you survive the bug fight?

The animated show was great showed what someone can do with the lore.

Fist4achin508d ago

A Starship Troopers game as a real time strategy like the command and conquer series would be awesome.

just_looken508d ago


We have that today but its a small team with a smal budget

Its not a major rts sadly but a start

jznrpg509d ago

I really hope Naughty Dog is doing a Sci-Fi game. As a lover all most things RPG I would love to see Naughty Dog quality in an RPG.

porkChop509d ago

They could do some really great stuff with sci-fi. The sense of grand adventure of Uncharted, but also with the stealth and crafting of The Last of Us. Different planets, creative alien races, collecting junk to craft repairs and upgrades for your ship and weapons, etc.

shinoff2183509d ago


Your getting me excited for something that doesn't exist. Damn

shinoff2183509d ago

He'll yea , hope we here something about that if they are. I'm not to worried about factions at all

just_looken508d ago

If it was the old naughty dog i would want that the new naughty dog no thanks.

IamTylerDurden1508d ago (Edited 508d ago )

TLOU2 is the finest game ND has made. U4 was fantastic. New ND is a more impressive ND. I don't rate Crash n Jak like i do Uncharted and TLOU. Even Uncharted 1 and 3 were not as well crafted as TLOU, TLOU2, U4 imo. Idc if ppl troll TLOU2, most ppl are clueless, that game was incredibly impressive.

TLOU2 combat, visuals, and acting were the best of the genre. I found the story deeper and more profound than most but it's subjective. The level design was excellent also. The score. Audio. Animation. It was a masterpiece to me. The rope physics, detail. TLOU2 deserved Elden Ring scores and ER deserved TLOU2 scores. If any game deserved 97 in recent years it's TLOU2. Best game i ever played and if ppl come with Abby bs i already know it's not worth it. Those who call TLOU2 trash are foolish. Just look at it running...

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