
Cyberpunk 2077 Update 1.05 Doubles Performance On Xbox One, Improves Visuals On All Consoles

CD Projekt Red released a new patch for Cyberpunk 2077 that appears to have further improved not just the performance but the visuals as well.

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Knightofelemia1274d ago

Wonder if Sony will put the game back up on the PSN store after this update.

RaidenBlack1274d ago (Edited 1274d ago )

Once it's solid 30fps all around on base PS4 and minimal bugs.

Eonjay1273d ago

For Sony it's more about the game being in a condition where they aren't bombarded with refund requests.

1273d ago
LucasRuinedChildhood1273d ago (Edited 1273d ago )

"You are all seriously pathetic."

Jeez. Calm down dude. There's no need for the melodrama. The game remains in a very poor state which is why large updates are still needed in January and February. It's still extremely buggy (even more so than games like Fallout 76 and AC Unity), saves are getting corrupted once they go over 8MB, the game constantly crashes, etc.

Also, the framerate in this video is still very bad. It's nearing 20fps quite regularly if you actually look at the graph, e.g. at 3:13. It's good to see that they're starting to make progress but there's A LOT of work to do.

1273d ago
RaidenBlack1273d ago

Mainly governs around the fact how many people have asked for refunds.
CP2077 was hyped beyond oblivion.
Gamers, casual or hardcore, have been anticipating this game.
The cumulative hype surrounding the game scales much higher than FO:76 + AC:Unity combined and then some.

uth111273d ago

Witcher 3 couldn't hit 30fps at launch, but it was never taken down

SullysCigar1273d ago

^ To all the "this wasn't taken down, that wasn't taken down" people, the makers of those games at the time didn't tell everyone to call Sony to process a refund for their mistakes. Even having removed from PS Store, can you imagine how many refunds Sony's support staff still have had to process thanks to that stupid CDPR exec?

Maybe by the time that mess has been sorted out, the game will be better too and it can be put back on the store without a further deluge of complaints, who knows?

I'd imagine the shareholders of CDPR are baying that guys head for this lapse of judgement.

zahdab1273d ago

they never required a stable 30fps for all games .. many of the AAA games have dips

mikeslemonade1273d ago

So all you refunders will be buying it again haha

RememberThe3571273d ago

Raiden makes a baseless comment about a standard Sony has never set and canofshit shows up to tell everyone how pathetic they are? WTF is going on around here? What are you guys even arguing about?

RaidenBlack1273d ago (Edited 1273d ago )

I just made an assumption regarding the 'acceptance-criteria' for CP2077 to be viable again for it to be made available on PSN store.
CanofPoop is upset as to why CP2077 was removed and FO76 wasn't.

+ Show (8) more repliesLast reply 1273d ago
boing11273d ago

I still get hard crashes on PS5 sometimes. Not so much as before the patch but I think it's too soon yet. Needs to be more stable. If they'd bring it back and it'd still crash, people would go nuts.

Pixelift1273d ago

Same here. Otherwise, it runs/looks/etc. super nice on the PS5. I just save often. I've been finding the crashes happen most when traveling long distances.

RgR1273d ago

I get hard crashes on borderlands 3, destroy all humans, doom eternal and a bunch of other games I've recently played on the base ps4.

They don't go away.

boing11273d ago


I concur. Runs very nice on my PS5. SSD eliminated every issue with streaming, that I've seen on my son's PS4.
60 fps helps too.

Profchaos1273d ago

U get random intermittent issues have only had 2 crashes in 20 hours on PS5 but if I change options I can't exit the menu on the latest patch so I turn off chromatic aberration and motion blur but can't apply it really weird not hurting my overall gameplay still

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 1273d ago
Rocosaurus1273d ago

In that case It's not about the quality of the game, bur rather about cdpr pissing off sony with their iniatial refund statement.

galmi1273d ago

its always been about the refund, has nothing to do with quality

--Onilink--1273d ago

Life of Black Tiger..

Thats all you need to know to see if quality of a game is at all considered by Sony before allowing a game on the store.

It was always about the refunds and the fact that both MS and Sony caught some of the hits for allowing the game to be certified without any testing

SullysCigar1273d ago

Definitely, but clearly the state of the game has been the driver of the refund requests. Better to remove the problem, process the workload and replace the product once it's in a state that won't drive further mass-refund claims.

Mulando1273d ago

It was never pulled out because of quality. So no reason to put it back. It was pulled out because CDPR encouraged owners to request a refund if they don't like the experience.

galmi1273d ago

which consumers should have every right to

nickanasty2061273d ago

I don't think Sony will put this back up for some time due to CDPR trying to dictate refunds without talking with Sony. This is Sony's middle finger in the air to CDPR after trying to dictate refunds without any communication or buy-in by Sony. Sucks for any of those who purchased a digital only version of PS5 - the game does run just fine on it compared to last gen consoles, which are the main concern.

Profchaos1273d ago

It will have to go through the certification process again. It won't be back before February.

Looks like it's certainly eligible.

Ashunderfire861273d ago

Nope 👎 still a buggy mess with PS4 Version along with PS5 is still crashing every hour, which is a frustrating! I say give it 6 months and go back into the game. They going to have to rebrand this game with better A.I. Cause the world building is a serious problem and the physics is really bad!

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 1273d ago
1273d ago Replies(4)
XxSPIDEYxX1273d ago

Game still crashes on 1.05 on PS4, PS4 Pro and PS5.

RangerWalk2671273d ago

It hasn't crashed on my at all. There are some funny glitches, but nothing game breaking. Looks and plays decent enough that I haven't stopped playing it because of any issues. I'm playing it on a XBOX One X

Gaming4Life19811273d ago

Same here im loving the game and im on one x but i will say cdpr really screwed up with the release of this game. One thing is that they always fix their games and never just leave them in a bad state.

The game should have been pushed back but after so many delays they prolly figured just put it out and patch later which is wrong as they clearly found out.

CYALTR1272d ago

Been good for me on the One X as well, at least so far. I'm about 10 hours into the campaign and have crashed once, but it brought me back right to where it crashed. I've also had subtitles stick on the screen for 15-20 minutes at a time, and I have subtitles turned off!! Annoying stuff, but nothing horrible yet. I haven't gotten into a lot of "busy" scenes with a lot of combat yet, so that may be a problem. We'll see. I play so slow that the game will be fully patched with DLC by the time I finish!

somethingcool871273d ago

yeah, crashed 3 times in 2 hours yesterday on the pro. And Now I have the visual glitch, which I didn't come across prior. This update did more damage than fixing for me.

RangerWalk2671273d ago

I didn't realize there was an update. When did that happen?

RememberThe3571273d ago

The update is literally the subject of the story you're commenting on...

anast1273d ago

I've had one crash on patch 1.04 with about 25hrs of gameplay and on base PS4. Zero crashes on patch 1.05, but I have only 4 hrs. of gameplay on this patch.

SmokinAces1273d ago

Really so you're playing the game on all three of those console, um ok.

jznrpg1273d ago (Edited 1273d ago )

I have all three of those consoles. I’m waiting to play 2077 as it needs time imo but if I wanted to I could try the game out on all three of those consoles so I don’t see why anyone else can’t??? Maybe he is trying to find what plays the game the best for him

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 1272d ago
Shiken1273d ago

Still got a ways to go, but this is a giant leap in the right direction. Especially on last gen consoles, which needed it the most.

Doomeduk1273d ago (Edited 1273d ago )

What I seem to notice when playing on Ps pro is it runs and looks fine( but not perfect) for around an hour or so then it seems to slowly bleed performance, framerates start to drop and textures load in slower, I can keep playing until it soon crashes but i find it best just to restart the game when I notice the drops in framerate starting

1nsomniac1273d ago

That sounds like a memory leak. Believe the same issue was had with Fallout.

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Canceled Cyberpunk 2077 Expansion Titled 'The Moon' Has Leaked Online

Files from an alleged canceled expansion for CD Projekt's Cyberpunk 2077, titled The Moon, have leaked online.

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shinoff21831d 12h ago

Spent so much time having to fix the original game they didn't make it to this.

Christopher7h ago(Edited 7h ago)

Those images are so early in design, they probably had 100s of things outlined like this for potential content. Not likely at all an expansion, just some ideas for the game in general that were never utilized. I mean, you end up in space at the end of the game as it is, they likely thought at some point to include more and didn't.

Amplitude5h ago

Meh. Mad respect to them for not only fixing it, but also making possibly the best looking path-traced PC game still to this day.

I bought it day 1 and didn't even finish it cause it just wasn't for me - but whenever i get a 40 (or 50) series GPU i'll be heading back in. I aint even attempting the path tracing with my 2080 Super lol

just_looken5h ago(Edited 5h ago)

Thanks to all those patches the og version is a destant memory.

For those that remember version 1.0 or the ps4 day one disc versions there was alot of stuff already in the game half done like a entire map built can be accessed on pc but 0 things to do 0 npc 0 traffic even that mission area floating in the sky.

Heck i am sure some on here remember seeing the square pink blocks with "missing texture" text the floating/moving subway car going through buildings and the trash year one police/npc ai.

The game was alpha borderline beta day one now its version 1.0 still not what we were promised but you can play it now.

So missing dlc is/was the least of its issues heck i have a first version of the strategy guide with sections of missing items even entire stores not in the ingame.

Old video showing what i mean you can see up to the last minute were cutting/pasting stuff to make it turn on.

Just makes you wonder what it must have been like at one time before legal came in to remove any references that would end in a lawsuit then the celeb keno tie in that no doubt is the reason we get that bs cutscene that rushes through the first part of the game. Such a piss poor managed title with way to much crunch with a company that now worships esg culture so dam sad.

Armyofdarkness12h ago

Phantom Liberty is very very good. I want more DLC but sequel is also all right

just_looken4h ago

If you like that dlc you should binge the old ghost int he shell anime they just stole ideas from there for that dlc.

For future dlc it will be trash as they are full into esg now if you got a rack they will hire you does not matter if you know anything about games or using unreal engine 5 tools they need that clipboard check mark more than customer respect. Oh of course they also want dei crap like the new star wars or wb games stuff


Inverno7h ago

God that anime was the best thing the year it came out. The feeeeels maan.


Cyberpunk 2077 Best Steam Deck Graphics Settings

Cyberpunk 2077 was launched in a sorry state on PC and consoles in the 2020 holiday season. Since then, CD Projekt Red has worked hard to optimize the game for various hardware, including the Ryzen 8000 APUs, and the Steam Deck handheld.

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Cyberpunk 2077's Lead Quest Designer Explains Lack Of New Game Plus Mode

Cyberpunk 2077's lead quest designer tells DualShockers exactly why there's no NG+.

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just_looken8d ago

"It’s incredibly difficult to figure out a way where New Game Plus could be done in a way that doesn’t completely break the way the game is constructed,"

Yet in 2020 i had this mode via a mod they are actually saying that your powers can screw up v's infection for those unaware pre the big update so it might not be a thing anymore but if you maxed out v with save editor your character would get sick see johnny all that but still would be in the first part.

Here is a very old vid of mine you can see how it can screw up the game

So they could do it if they did not spend years making a mess of everything then last minute toss a game out half done.