
Cyberpunk 2077 Has Fake Traffic That Is Merely An Illusion of a Bustling Metropolis

Cyberpunk 2077 offers a huge open-world but it ends up feeling like a mere illusion once you spend some time observing the traffic.

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Jin_Sakai1280d ago

It just gets better and better. This game is something else.

SullysCigar1280d ago (Edited 1280d ago )

Just further confirmation of the AI in this game ranging from zero to dumb. Why couldn't they have started with GTA's logic as a baseline and gone from there? We need to see better progression with elements that increase world believability!

Rocketisleague1280d ago (Edited 1280d ago )

Gtas logic? They don't have gtas code?

Rockstar have spent years developing those systems. They have alot.of experience in that area.

Edit: Jesus people really don't have any idea about software development on here. Not excusing cdpr but wow the solutions from.fans are hilarious

Magog1279d ago

Mafia, Watch Dogs, Just Cause, Saints Row and many others have good working realistic traffic. It's not like GTA is alone in having this basic function of an open world game.

1279d ago
SullysCigar1279d ago

^ Rocketisleague, I'm not suggesting they have the code - wtf you get that from? And I'm not even necessarily talking about GTA5 for that matter - the traffic system in Cyberpunk is plain broken. It's in stationary gridlock sometimes and they AI drivers do NOTHING to resolve it!

Even PS2-era games resolved that issue. Have them reverse and go around - who knew?!

spektical1279d ago

TBF the AI for traffic in terms of outcomes isnt that great either it comes down to a swtich statement to trigger a behavior. There is nothing where the AI does a crazy thing where NPCs may band together to try to chase you down for example or NPC heroics for example. I'm not saying its easy as this, but the pseudocde is easily digestable. The problem is cyberpunk didnt even get to implement these sort of details becasue they have been endlessly workign on actual big issues. You dont build the interior of the cabin without the motor or the wheels nowhere close.

switch (charcter.type)

frostypants1279d ago (Edited 1279d ago )

GTA's logic? You mean like how it randomly selects a small selection of cars and spams those same cars at you until you reset or get away from the street for a while? A glitch that GTA has had since GTA 3 but nobody acknowledges?

DragonWarrior191279d ago

Because that would require the developers to actually put work into the game.

1279d ago
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badz1491279d ago

what? this has been proven to be true even by analysis by DF. the traffic you see from afar are not even real traffic. just twin dots in motion like an LED/RGB strip made to look like there are dense traffic at a distance. it's an age-old trick but not what you would expect in a game the fanboys are calling as "should have been next gen only"!


1279d ago
RazzerRedux1279d ago


Did you miss the part where DF said "as is often the case in such games"? Yeah....let's pretend to be shocked now that CDPR is using techniques used over and over before.

CP 2077 has plenty of shit to be critical of. I don't see why we have to invent shit. Oh....that's right. Click bait.

badz1491279d ago

like I said...it's an age-old trick, meaning, there's really nothing special about the game that separates it from other open-world games on last-gen consoles that really warrant the "should be next-gen only" title that the fanboys like to parade every time it gets criticized! the game lacks optimizations, and even with obvious cutbacks like these, still runs like crap on last-gen consoles!

and this is just an example against CP2077:


are you gonna say that this is how people react and physics works in 2077 and we just don't know it yet too?

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 1279d ago
1279d ago
lonewolf101280d ago

I noticed this last night on a mission on a rooftop (the same one these screens are from), funny as hell, cardboard cars. Really they should either fix it to be better looking or remove the illusion altogether.

respekanize911280d ago ShowReplies(6)
Grayson0761280d ago

GTA V does the same thing. When you fly high enough, or view from far away enough, it'll generate the same thing here. Nobody complained there. This game was still developed with current gen in mind, of course it's using that tech. Smh. They messed up horribly bad with release, but looking for reasons to crap on this game is getting old.

JEECE1280d ago

Yep. A lot of people who are upset about the last gen performance (a legitimate criticism), are now looking for any other reason to hate on the game, and going after things they would never criticize in other games. Which, in a way that's CDPR's fault, because devs should know by now that once you give a real reason for the hate train to start rolling, it's hard to say where it will end up, but still it's a little silly how far some people are going.

Dee_911280d ago

yes its in GTA V
but not nearly half as bad as this game

Nobody's "looking for any other reason to hate on the game". The game provide many reasons. Even the devs are pissed off with the publishers. I see no reason to defend any of it. Pretending like it's normal and okay accomplishes nothing.
GTA V has been the bar for nearly a decade now. Back when GranTursimo 5 released, people where comparing car sounds, even with GTA V fake cars, the sound quality completely embarrassed GranTurismo 5 and 6. With constant criticism towards PD over the years, GTSport arguably has the best sounding cars now.
Point being, criticism is needed when warranted.

frostypants1279d ago (Edited 1279d ago )

It's basically cancel culture in a nutshell...whining as a sport.

RauLeCreuset1279d ago

"It's basically cancel culture in a nutshell...whining as a sport."

Preorder sales alone exceeding the costs of development and marketing = canceled now?

This is what happens when buzzwords replace critical thinking. "Cancel culture in a nutshell" indeed. Maybe people who yearn for the good ol' days will recall this word that existed back in the day called "accountability."

Emme1279d ago

And lets not forget, at least up until Origins, if You climb high enough in Assassins creed, You see no people anymore of the ground.I mean ZERO, not even a pixel.

Tankbusta401279d ago

GTA V....came out when? Oh yeah 2013....

MadLad1279d ago

And then was highly updated for PC, which was then used as the base for a next gen (now last gen) release.
It's no excuse for Cyber Punk, but GTA now is far different than GTA then when you look under the hood.

CS71279d ago

Lol. you fanboys are so ridiculous. It is clear you haven't even played the game.

The traffic in this game is NOTHINGGGG like even GTA 3!

It is the dumbest traffic AI of probably any game in the last 20 years.

The cars move from A to B. That's it. If you park 1mm in their path the entire line of traffic stops.

And if you turn the the camera and look back at it all the cars reset.

You CDPR apologist are so weird. Why do you defend a shit game?

You just compared the traffic to GTA 5... When I legitimately believe it may be beaten by even GTA 2.

Current gen tech!? Get out of here bootlicker... You guys are gonna cause companies to release broken games and steal people's money. Cyberpunk 1997.

AspiringProGenji1279d ago (Edited 1279d ago )

Cyberpunk is not a shit game, but Yeah it is certainly not a great time to be a CDPR fanboy. I will always love them because of W3 but Cyberpunk, while a great game, is suffering from the second-coming-of-Christ hype the fanboys have built up over the years.

“It will rate higher than TLoU2”
- It didn’t
“It will be the game of the generation”
- far from it
“It has groundbreaking AI”
- It doesn’t
“ it will be The best open world game of the gen”
- It isn’t
“CDPR is the most consumer friendly dev”
- are you sure about that?

And due to all of this people now are noticing flaws beyond the bugs, and more will keep coming. This all proves that the game needed way more time.

In Horizon ZD you could see Thunderjaws, Stormbirds, and Tall necks from very far distances and they still retained all the textures. The only thing that changed Was the walking/flying animations but the draw distances was awesome.

This is Just another proof of how lifeless Night city actually is. Sad!

TakeTori1279d ago

Yep. Fair play to anyone with a console who were disappointed with this game. But beneath the flaws and bugs is a very strong backbone of excellent quest design, strong characters and exciting story, and amazing side quests. Give credit where credit is due. A lot of developers poured a lot of love into this project, and it shows underneath its flaws. It's a diamond in the rough. Give the poor developers the praise they deserve, and shit on management and investors instead.

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1280d ago Replies(1)
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Canceled Cyberpunk 2077 Expansion Titled 'The Moon' Has Leaked Online

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shinoff21837d ago

Spent so much time having to fix the original game they didn't make it to this.

Christopher5d ago (Edited 5d ago )

Those images are so early in design, they probably had 100s of things outlined like this for potential content. Not likely at all an expansion, just some ideas for the game in general that were never utilized. I mean, you end up in space at the end of the game as it is, they likely thought at some point to include more and didn't.

Amplitude5d ago

Meh. Mad respect to them for not only fixing it, but also making possibly the best looking path-traced PC game still to this day.

I bought it day 1 and didn't even finish it cause it just wasn't for me - but whenever i get a 40 (or 50) series GPU i'll be heading back in. I aint even attempting the path tracing with my 2080 Super lol

just_looken5d ago (Edited 5d ago )

Thanks to all those patches the og version is a destant memory.

For those that remember version 1.0 or the ps4 day one disc versions there was alot of stuff already in the game half done like a entire map built can be accessed on pc but 0 things to do 0 npc 0 traffic even that mission area floating in the sky.

Heck i am sure some on here remember seeing the square pink blocks with "missing texture" text the floating/moving subway car going through buildings and the trash year one police/npc ai.

The game was alpha borderline beta day one now its version 1.0 still not what we were promised but you can play it now.

So missing dlc is/was the least of its issues heck i have a first version of the strategy guide with sections of missing items even entire stores not in the ingame.

Old video showing what i mean you can see up to the last minute were cutting/pasting stuff to make it turn on.

Just makes you wonder what it must have been like at one time before legal came in to remove any references that would end in a lawsuit then the celeb keno tie in that no doubt is the reason we get that bs cutscene that rushes through the first part of the game. Such a piss poor managed title with way to much crunch with a company that now worships esg culture so dam sad.

Armyofdarkness6d ago

Phantom Liberty is very very good. I want more DLC but sequel is also all right

just_looken5d ago

If you like that dlc you should binge the old ghost int he shell anime they just stole ideas from there for that dlc.

For future dlc it will be trash as they are full into esg now if you got a rack they will hire you does not matter if you know anything about games or using unreal engine 5 tools they need that clipboard check mark more than customer respect. Oh of course they also want dei crap like the new star wars or wb games stuff


Inverno5d ago

God that anime was the best thing the year it came out. The feeeeels maan.

Profchaos5d ago

Have to remember they did want to have a online mode attached to this game which would be similar to a GTA online mode making the game akin to a live service and extending the games supported development time significantly.

Losing that online mode likely shorteners the developer cycle of the game dramatically which is why we only got one DLC.

Also given the game took years to get to a good state it's way behind schedule.

Assume the corporate wars will be turned into cyberpunk 2 rather than a DLC at this point because they do need to move onto the next full priced game in the franchise for both cyberpunk and witcher

5d ago
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Cyberpunk 2077 Best Steam Deck Graphics Settings

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Cyberpunk 2077's Lead Quest Designer Explains Lack Of New Game Plus Mode

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just_looken14d ago

"It’s incredibly difficult to figure out a way where New Game Plus could be done in a way that doesn’t completely break the way the game is constructed,"

Yet in 2020 i had this mode via a mod they are actually saying that your powers can screw up v's infection for those unaware pre the big update so it might not be a thing anymore but if you maxed out v with save editor your character would get sick see johnny all that but still would be in the first part.

Here is a very old vid of mine you can see how it can screw up the game

So they could do it if they did not spend years making a mess of everything then last minute toss a game out half done.