
Playstation-exclusive Driver 2 gets an unofficial PC port, running at 60fps

A team of indie developers, led by Soapy, has created an unofficial PC port of the Playstation exclusive game, Driver 2.

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Bathyj1405d ago

Weird I was just thinking about this game and Stuntman.

LiViNgLeGaCY1405d ago

I've never gotten so mad at a game as I got at Stuntman. First and only game I've ever broken a controller over.

chicken_in_the_corn1405d ago

Good game. Well before it's stime. Too hard for me though


Unheard of: The Best PS1 Open World Games

Take a look at the many games that allowed free-roaming and exploring vast locations. Here are the best PS1 open-world games.

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SwissCheese354d ago

"Unheard of" is not what comes to mind when I see Grand Theft Auto, Driver & Soul Reaver in the list!

FreeckyCake354d ago (Edited 354d ago )

I picked that title because I haven't seen anyone tackle the small number of open-world games on the PS1. Same for Metroidvanias on the PS2, which should come soon.

shinoff2183354d ago

Looking forward to that ps2 metroidvania one.

353d ago
Redgrave354d ago

Urban Chaos is seriously underrated

KyRo353d ago

Everyone I've ever spoken to about it has never heard of it. It was waaaay ahead if its time.

Scissorman354d ago

Urban Chaos! I haven't seen that game in years.

FinalFantasyFanatic353d ago

I never thought of those games as open-world games, but now that I think back on it, those games did have quite huge worlds for their time.