
VGT: Blitz: The League II Review

VGT had a good time with the original Blitz: The League and found that it offered a nice taste of the darker side of football. The gameplay was light, but fun, and the overall experience was enjoyable despite its flaws. The same can be said for its sequel, though the fact that Midway didn't really clean up the nitpicks from the first game leaves something else to be desired. The AI is the biggest offender here, and its unnatural behavior just doesn't lend itself well to the kinetic energy required for a football title. In the end this sequel is a rental as well.

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Gaming’s worst ball-busting moves

XbigyGames writes: Everyone knows that attacking a man’s groin (unless paid to do so) is a cardinal sin and should never be done, even in a fight. One swift blow to a man’s gonads can drop him to the floor. Even the biggest and burly men have this weak point. Duke Nukem may claim that he has “balls of steel”, but I bet a jab to his junk would make him cry like a 12 year old girl.

On this page you can find a list of the top ball-busting moves in video games. These range from the good, the bad to the downright weird. Grab a pillow, protect yourself and enjoy reading.

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LordHiggens4162d ago

I knew Johnny Cage would be first...I remember I spammed that move so much in my childhood it pissed off my friend so bad...ahhh memories...

MeatAbstract4162d ago

With the sickle attack in Manhunt, he'd swing the sickle round the wrong way! Always thought that looked odd.


Yet Another Gaming Show Episode 230 – Axe Confirmed

We are taking a listener poll. In the studio upgrade (coming soon!) should we or should we not fix the apparent gas leak? Leave your answers below.

Another week, another 90 minutes of video-game based rambling, in-jokes, and various gypsy curses. To say that this is an organized show is like saying Mike is funny. Which is no. Really not funny. We do manage to squeeze in a review of GameDevStory, talk about various legal stupidities, and even discuss the potential of a Missle Command movie.

This week’s art is from the often brilliant and always insane Axe Cop.

Yet Another Gaming Show is now available on Stitcher, the free podcast radio app for your better smart phones. Much like GameDevStory, except Stitcher knows that a Ninja Adventure game would be genius.

Feel free to send comments, questions, and unveiled threats to [email protected] or leave comments in the post below. Also be sure to check out the forums for more discussion, follow us on Twitter, and beco...

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kube004901d ago

YAGS keeping me awake on my long commute


Five obscene trophies and achievements we love unlocking

Everybody loves getting trophies and achievements. Some of us like to be a little naughty while doing so. These five are some of the most obscene in gaming, and they couldn't be more fun to unlock.

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thegreatest78845142d ago

Good god, that woman on the tracks just evaporates. That is one of the most gruesome kills I've seen!

Barbapapa5142d ago (Edited 5142d ago )

the scrotum rupturing was sick in a bad way.

cayal5141d ago

Yeah the scrotum was weird.

thegreatest78845141d ago

God, that entire game was full of disgusting injuries. I just really didn't expect a scrotum rupture to be one. That caught me offguard the first time it happened.

LtSkittles5142d ago

I love the Fallout 3 one where you reverse pick-pocket a grenade/mine.

unknown1005142d ago

the scrotum one gave me nauseas.

thegreatest78845142d ago

Yeah, that is pretty gross. I was surprised they made it so graphic. The guy could just grab his crotch and scream, but no, they had to show innards and outards and liquids and blech!

Dave13515142d ago

haha I like the red dead redemption one the best

omicron0095141d ago

ruptured scrotum one is pretty brutal

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