
PlayStation 5 Review

After a generation of figuratively towering above its rivals with the monstrously successful PlayStation 4, one thing is certain: Sony’s next-generation contender will also loom large over its peers... literally. This thing is massive. However, what the PlayStation 5 lacks in subtlety it more than makes up for in potential, thanks in part to its amazingly fast SSD but mostly to its truly remarkable new controller, the DualSense.

-Foxtrot1287d ago

I feel they gave this and the Xbox the same score just so there’s no huge backlash or something.

However they gave the Duel Sense a higher score so really it should have given the overall package, the console, the better edge.

darthv721287d ago (Edited 1287d ago )

That seems to be the consensus... majority of the praise going to the controller and some to the system. I remember when it was all about the system and the potential the games would have. Now... its what kinds of neat things the controller will be used for.

I am happy somebody decided to take user interaction (and sound) more seriously. We have been conditioned over the gens that graphics are king and now we are reaching that balance. Having innovative control mechanics coupled with improved audio experiences on top of better system hardware leads to a more rounded gaming platform overall.

RgR1287d ago (Edited 1287d ago )

Well when as aspect is outstanding it is normal for it to grab the attention. That doesn't mean that the console is not impressive.
Nobody expected a revolutionary controller and therefore it garners a lot of attention.

We already know that their console will output some or the most impressive games next gen

Software_Lover1287d ago

taking sound more seriously? WTF has Dolby been doing all these years? Their engine does the same thing that Tempest does. It's just that tempest cost Sony nothing to implement (which is genius). Everyone else will have to pay Dolby for the use of their tech.

blacktiger1286d ago

you don't remember anything, I remember when console were cool, and then every gamers around the world
would turn their neck to the "controller"
N64 one of the best controller of all time
Gamecube controller one of the most comfortable controller of all time
Playstation one of the most standard controller of all time
Mouse and Keyboard perfection and precision

SmokinAces1286d ago

I remember when they didn't do console reviews, the good old days.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 1286d ago
alb18991287d ago

It seems that because of the controller they have given to PS5 the same score as the SX otherwise the SX would have score higher.

alb18991287d ago

WillyC009, the SX is a better hardware. Accept it. A lot smaller and more powerful, Smart delivery and Quick Resume.

1287d ago
KyRo1287d ago (Edited 1287d ago )

@alb, on paper the SX does have better hardware but that doesn't mean much when MS has very few first party studios who show us what their machine is capable of outside of Playground and Coalition Games, maybe Id Software now they have Bethesda. The size of console means absolutely nothing, smart delivery is cool and quick resume is literally on the PS4, it just doesnf do it for 6 games which IMO is pointless when so many games in 2020 are online and you will be disconnected from the server anyway.

Right now, as a next generation console a week away from release, there's nothing that makes me want it and a lot of people are in the same boat.

RaiderNation1287d ago (Edited 1287d ago )


What needs to be accepted is despite the XSX having the spec sheet advantage, the actual difference in power between these two consoles is so negligible, you're never going to see an appreciable difference on screen.

1287d ago
oldenjon1287d ago

@alb1899 "A lot smaller and more powerful, Smart delivery and Quick Resume."
PS5 is only like 5% bigger by volume and actually fits in an entertainment console. Also, it's generally accepted that Series S will bottleneck Series X development, and that the specs are merely bragging rights. Get the facts straight.

8831286d ago (Edited 1286d ago )

The SX has more "brute force" "power" but while it is a nifty bit of kit, there is considerably less polish in its design. It is as if they simply wanted to make a decent powered small P.C. The PS5 design takes its power and puts it to smarter, more innovative, and quite possibly better use. It is likely that the geometry engine in the PS5 will be more capable. The 17.3 GB/s throughput from the SSD for texture data on the PS5 could have *visible* benefit where the increased t-flops of the SX will likely not have much of a difference. Heavens - if we are looking for 30-60 fps (typical console range) right now a vastly more powerful 3080 isn't miraculously making the same games MUCH prettier than the 2080Ti... Draw distance/texture quality (you know - the things that are still quite lacking but very noticeable) and more favor the PS5's capabilities. Cerny & Co. identified things that would not make much of a real world difference and put the money/focus on the things that actually would YEARS down the road for the system. PS5 is brilliant. For the record, initially, I was loudly telling friends/family the M.S. had HIT IT OUT OF THE PARK with SX. I was saying M.S. came out like Clubber Lang in Rocky III to SMASH a complacent, softened, and sickly looking Sony that was totally off guard. I said that Sony had been UTTERLY trounced/caught with their pants down (and sleeping), and that I was completely disgusted that they had failed so embarassingly. Dramatic I know. But that is how I felt after the initial looks. I am eating ENDLESS amounts of humble pie now. The more I look, the more it is almost eerie how forward thinking and brilliant Cerny & Co. are with the design of the PS5 to make it shine where it matters most (if utilized properly). Sorry, but from a performance perspective, the only thing SX has over PS5 **where it might actually going to be remarkably clear to the avg. observer** IS on paper - and IF WE DON'T LOOK TOO CLOSELY at the (actually significant) details that may truly make those numbers mean something different from their face value (and maybe with 300-400x magnification and or a frame counter). The funny thing is that in terms of performance (areas mentioned above and others) PS5 when used properly (not even counting DualSense & Tempest) may actually have some ability beyond Series X in areas that actually DO stand out to the average user. Fortunately SX has the brute force to hold its own and likely have a technical advantage in many multiplat. examples (however irrelevant said advantages may be from the perspective of an average user).

WillyC0091286d ago


Lol, again no.

+ Show (6) more repliesLast reply 1286d ago
1287d ago
Challengerscatpack1287d ago

Duh, they’re smart enough to know how unruly some of you fanboys are. A grade on a console is idiotic in the first place.

zahdab1287d ago

to be fair the majority of what they can test for now is BC games and Xbox has delivered more options and enhancements for BC ... so consoles with very few launch games to test, i am guessing there's not much to judge difference wise ps5 has the edge with the controller and the xbox has an edge with BC enhancements and 3 gen of BC ... the reality is it's premature to judge either console and it the First Party games that will give edge to either.

chiefJohn1171287d ago

X is the better hardware so no

CaptainObvious8781286d ago

The PS5 is the better hardware. It has a lot of clever, actual next gen design features, whereas the xsx is more of the same but with more flops, so no.

Also, the xsx is going to be severely hampered by the embarrasingly underpowered xss for the entire next generation. That fact alone means the xsx is never coming anywhere close to how good the PS5 is and will be.


Not only that, the sound and the lineup is better on the ps5

Kekewei1286d ago

Xsx is more of a pc, it doesn’t make it a better console. Sony and Nintendo know the right way to make a console, not just a cheaper pc alternative.

1nsomniac1286d ago

The Xbox firmware is far superior at this point so I would consider it a tie and an equal score is fair.

+ Show (6) more repliesLast reply 1286d ago
CaptainHenry9161287d ago (Edited 1287d ago )

Finally an innovative next generation console and controller

LucasRuinedChildhood1287d ago (Edited 1287d ago )

Music plays when hover over games on the cross media bar like on the PS3 again: https://www.youtube.com/wat...

I'm actually really happy about this. haha

UnHoly_One1286d ago

Ugh I hated that.

I don't want anything making noise randomly just because of where I stopped my cursor.

LucasRuinedChildhood1286d ago

You should be able to turn the feature off anyway.

Neo1111286d ago (Edited 1286d ago )

Yeah, innovative... But no VRR, no Dolby Vision and no 1440p support... Maybe later, right?

RaiderNation1286d ago (Edited 1286d ago )

VRR and 1440p support will get patched in. Dolby Vision will be supported for media applications such as 4K Blu Ray and streaming services sometime in 2021. For games, Sony has their own solution for HDR. It's not Dolby Vision but much like Tempest 3D audio it will be just as good.

SmokinAces1286d ago

So it can only be considered innovative if they give you the things you want?

solideagle1287d ago (Edited 1287d ago )

This guy wasted 4+ minutes on just the size of PS5. we already know that, please tell us more about performance. In the end "PS5 doesn't have knockout power yet" is just ridiculous statement when PS5 has the best first year in history. PS5 also comes with pre-installed Astro Bot (4 hour) which everyone is saying is awesome and Dual Sense is revolutionary.

"4:29 if you want to skip him complaining about how it looks and doesn't fit his style" youtube comment made me laugh

IGN gave both consoles same score 8/10 to avoid console war :)

jaymacx1287d ago

Actually not to avoid war but to fuel it. Now both sides will think they are on equal footing. I will put it like this......

Lets say you work hard at a job and do mostly all you could as an employee and you’re lazy coworker gets the same evaluation as you. Would that not cause a war?

solideagle1287d ago

I did not think from that perspective, you are right. Actually I am one of those worker who is getting paid less right now because I am on company visa...I fully get what you are saying :)

Challengerscatpack1287d ago

It would only cause a war between 12 year olds who live in their parents basement arguing over which plastic box is superior.

If you’re not 12 and you do this, reevaluate your life.

Petebloodyonion1287d ago

I would have expected Sony to have a slightly better score than Xbox due to the initial launch line but after reading the review I can understand why the score is exactly the same.

Still like the Serie X ill wait till next year before picking one up!

1287d ago Replies(2)
nickanasty2061287d ago

Super excited for my PS5 but just can't get over the fact that the disk drive is on the bottom when positioned horizontally. I feel like it would look better the other way around. Just my opinion though. Will definitely stand this bad boy vertically, it looks way better that way. Again just my opinion.

darthv721287d ago

Both next gen disc based units are on the bottom. PS5 is bottom right, SX bottom left (when looking at them head on).

PS4 and XBO the rotation to vert was clockwise. New gen is counter clockwise.

porkChop1286d ago

Actually, that's wrong. When the Series X is horizontal the disc drive is on top. There's feet on one of the sides for when you put it horizontal.

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