
PS5 Leak Shows Off New Section of UI, 664GB Storage, & More

A fresh PS5 leak has surfaced, showing off a bit more of the UI along with the storage available on the console.

Jin_Sakai1419d ago (Edited 1419d ago )

Can someone just leak everything in a proper video? PS5 is out next week.

potatoseal1419d ago (Edited 1419d ago )

Some strange people are getting caught up with the storage number. Are they forgetting that it's more than twice as fast as the Series X ssd AND it will have the crazy raw IO throughput. This is going to innovate game design going forward in the coming years. Sony are ahead of the curve and really trying to innovate here. I don't care at all about it only being 664gb.

Rocketisleague1419d ago (Edited 1419d ago )


Yas it's up and downs but it's a big hassle of a down to have low space tbh. Ideally games can compress their shit well this gen

.looking at you cod warfare

For what it's worth the games installed on to the ssd will.be fast

I'm constantly struggling with this gens space let alone next gen. Days gone just got a 25gb update the other day, on ps4! I assume it's mostly updating for ps5. That's a h8ge amount of.space extra. Patches these days are big even

TheScotsman1418d ago

Nah I down load an average ps4 game in 30 minutes, so it's no hassle to delete and reinstall as I see fit.

StormSnooper1418d ago

Isn’t the series s something crazy like only 300 Gb? For a digital only console mind you.

darthv721418d ago

It's not a big deal to me about the SSD capacity. i plan on using my external hdd for all my digital and installed PS4 games. Only using the internal for PS5 (obviously). Same with the Series S/X. Only using the internal storage for those specific games and using externals for everything else.

Mithan1418d ago

What are you talking about? 10GB isn't going to magically turn into 5GB because your upload is double the speed. The new Call of Duty game is about 130GB on the PS5 for example. This does not mean its going to be 260GB on the PS4.

As for others not caring because they have fast download, meaning they can download a game in an hour or two if they need it, keep in mind the majority of people can not do that, so storage is an issue.

In my case, I nuke games when done so I don't really care and I have the benefit of a 1GBps connection, but many people (the majority who will own this) are still on 5-25MBps DSL, so it is an issue, even with a disc version.

I think a lot of people are going to be looking at 1-2TB nvme PCI4 storage for this next year. I know I will stick a 1TB into it as soon as possible, just to be on the safe side.

Babadook71418d ago

I knew it was 664 a long time ago. Series X is nearly as low.

1418d ago
+ Show (5) more repliesLast reply 1418d ago
Rocketisleague1419d ago (Edited 1419d ago )

This is pretty crazy, guessing Xbox is just as low? Sooo...Are games performance now dependant on ssd? If we want good load times we gotta buy an external ssd. Welcome to pc gaming issues console only fans.

8 or 9 games we can hold on the base ps5. Ah well, download speeds should improve soon unless 5g is stopped..

Darkwatchman1419d ago

The Xbox has 802GB of usable space because it’s a 1TB drive whereas the PS5 is shipping with 825GB and based on the last rumors and now this leak, it really seems like 664GB if usable space out of that 825GB drive.

Rocketisleague1418d ago (Edited 1418d ago )

That's great dark, an extra 2 or 3 games. Imo is has the same issue, 2tb woulda been the sweet spot imo. An extra 50 - 100 quid more expensive model please.

GamerRN1418d ago

2 or 3 games when we are only taking about 8 to begin with is huge!

Neonridr1419d ago

664GB won't last long either.

isarai1419d ago

I think it'll be fine for the first year or so, unless you install warzone 😅. By that time i'm pretty sure i'll be able to find a decent priced expansion option out there.

Neonridr1419d ago

yeah I'm still waiting to see what we have to look at for expansions. I mean people talk about these NVMe drives, but do we just plug those in? Do we need something special, like an enclosure? Be nice to know more.

Darkwatchman1419d ago

A year or so? I’m sorry? I’m getting the Series X first and even with that one having 802GB of usable space, I already had to buy that stupid expensive proprietary expansion Card because I KNOW I will exceed 802GB in under 6 months. Hell, day 1 alone I will have anywhere from 30-45% of it filled with new games and existing games that have next-gen patches

GameBoyColor1419d ago

@Neonridr NVMEs are just plugged into the expansion slot and screwed down. Nothing else is needed BUT gotta be careful if you get one with a bulky heatsink.

Current pcie 4s are fast and not too crazy priced for 1tb. Between 150-240usd and will go down in a few more months.

oof461419d ago

Cyperpunk 2077 is on two blu ray discs. I wonder how many gigs that game will eat up.

DJStotty1419d ago


"I already had to buy that stupid expensive proprietary expansion Card"

No Dark, you really do not, i have a 2tb USB external with all my games on, and will just transfer to internal the ones i am playing.

Darkwatchman1418d ago

@DJ, yes, because I want to waste anywhere from 8-15+ minutes transferring a game from an external hdd to the internal drive when I want to play it and speed along the process of the SSD dying which only has so many read/write cycles before it croaks. I like having as much of my library instantly accessible to play as possible. Imagine one day I’m depressed and have a feeling for this one game, then the transfer process for some 115GB game is over 20 minutes. That will littlerally kill my motivation to play altogether

darthv721418d ago (Edited 1418d ago )

@Dark, I get your concern over the longevity of the SSD but realistically these things can last decades. At my work, we have servers that run 24/7 and all use SSD drives in raid configuration. We have been using these for the last 5 years and the drives still show a 99% life expectancy. If in 5 years the percent dropped by 1... just imagine how long will take for them to reach their critical point of no return. And chances are people wont have their PS5 on 24/7.

@Neon, as for the NVME expansion, I believe they took into consideration drives with heatsinks on them. That bay (from the teardown vid) looked rather deep so they knew that drives that would be compatible would likely have heatsinks on them. And even though what gameboy said is true (that there are 1tb nvme for 150-240) the big thing is it HAS to be approved by sony. That list is rather short at the moment (if at all) and it is presumed that approved drives may command a premium price because of their being approved for the PS5. PC drives arent that strict so yes, there are brands and sizes and speeds that run the gamut.... on PC.

gamer78041418d ago

depends on how much games you have and if your kids play, mine will be over that amount day one.

frostypants1418d ago (Edited 1418d ago )

@GameBoyColor nvme heat sinks are mostly just for show and a way to take more of your money. Few nvme drives get hot enough to actually need them.

@Dark a traditional HDD will suffer mechanical failure YEARS before an SSD will die (or lose significant storage) due to r/w cycles. It's silly to worry about that. FUD from the early days of SSD tech.

+ Show (6) more repliesLast reply 1418d ago
ziggurcat1419d ago

My 8TB external HDD says it'll be plenty.

JaXion51419d ago

You can't play PS5 games from an external HDD so good luck with that.

ziggurcat1419d ago

"You can't play PS5 games from an external HDD so good luck with that."

You can store all of your games on an external, and just transfer whichever game(s) you want to play at that time. to the internal SSD.

jwillj2k41419d ago (Edited 1419d ago )

I wonder if you can store the games you’re not playing on network storage

1nsomniac1418d ago (Edited 1418d ago )

Apparently it still takes almost 10 mins to copy a new, average sized game from an external HDD to the PS5’s internal SSD.

...so again, good luck with that!

King_Noctis1418d ago (Edited 1418d ago )

It is a very inconvenient way to transfer file back and forth, especially with the super sonic speed of the ancient HDD. Plus, it would just gonna wear and tear the SSD and the HDD even faster.

ziggurcat1418d ago


"Apparently it still takes almost 10 mins to copy a new, average sized game from an external HDD to the PS5’s internal SSD."



"It is a very inconvenient way to transfer file back and forth..."

I do it already, so it's no more inconvenient than it is right now.

"Plus, it would just gonna wear and tear the SSD and the HDD even faster."

The amount of data transferring would be no different than downloading/deleting games without an external, so moot point.

Dee_911418d ago


yeah ive been doing this all gen. i never have all of my games installed at once on my ps4. Hell i do the same on my pc now that i think about it. I put games that im playing more on my ssd and put ones that im not playing on my 4tb hdd... it's really not a big deal at all lol

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 1418d ago
SmokinAces1419d ago

Storage is bad all around on all the next gen consoles, hopefully the prices will come down on some quality compatible drives soon as expanding storage is pretty much a requirement this time around for xbox and Playstation.

NEXUS-61418d ago

So happy Sony has done right by its customers not going with proprietary expansion.

Such a short sighted move by ms, my external NVMe is just as fast as their proprietary one and 2/3rds cheaper.

Imagine 3yrs from now.

What were they thinking?

King_Noctis1418d ago (Edited 1418d ago )

You have a NVME 4.0 SSD?

NEXUS-61418d ago

Nah - 3.0 - ADATA XPG SX8200 Pro 1TB, Read up to 3,500MB/s, Write up to 3,000MB/s.

Just transferred 1.34gig in 15 seconds from PS4Pro - dare I say it'll be faster on PS5.

It was only $250Au + $40 for the enclosure.

For comparison the xbox card is $360 and pretty much the same speed.

xbox owners got dudded again.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 1418d ago
Knightofelemia1419d ago (Edited 1419d ago )

Still better then what the Series S has for SSD space which is half of that

Neonridr1419d ago

ok.. but let's not pretend like this is a ton of space to work with. Stop deflecting.

Knightofelemia1419d ago (Edited 1419d ago )

Not deflecting its the truth

Read this then come back


1418d ago
DEEHULK881419d ago

500GB xbox-one had 362, so nothing new

NEXUS-61418d ago

But the proprietary cards are almost the price of a new console.

starsi3601419d ago

The series S is a budget console. Compare X and PS5 for a like for like comparison.

TheColbertinator1419d ago

My sentiments exactly. The real next gen contenders are the PS5 and the Xbox Series X.

NEXUS-61418d ago

Nah - compare the series s against PS5 digital edition, now we're talking.

Sony has shown how you release a digital version of a console.

The series s is an embarrassment by comparison.

Mehmeh1418d ago

Not exactly direct competitors though.
You could say both are digital versions as neither have disc drives, but aimed at different markets.

PS5 digital - for those who doesn’t want/need a disc drive.
Xbox Series S - for those who doesn’t want/need 4K.

If anything both of the PS5’s should be compared to the Series X.

But somehow I bet you don’t agree with that logic?

NEXUS-61418d ago

PS5 digital - $600 au - A full featured monster of a console, minus a UHD drive.
xbox s/s - $500 and $360 for an expansion card, who is the numpty going that route? Underpowered AND next to no HDD space. No deflecting needed, no twisting of words.

Sony has clearly given their customers the better options, how can you all deny that?

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 1418d ago
DJStotty1419d ago

Nice deflect, but you do not need 4K assets for the Series S, so the same game, will take less space on the S.

Nice try though

UnholyLight1418d ago

I'm not sure why people don't understand the Series S occupies a space in the Console market that ISN'T supposed to be the top tier. It's like Apple with iPhone:

iPhone 12 = Xbox Series S
(A natural transition from Xbox One/Xbox One S with what capabilities it offers)

iPhone 12 Pro = Xbox Series X
(For those that want the top of the line complete experience, coming over from Xbox One/Xbox One S/Xbox One X that want THE BEST)

The Series S is designed to undercut the PS5, not compete directly as a substitute product. This is not hard to figure out. Now if Microsoft eventually ditches the disc drive on the Series X, NOW you have a direct competitor to the PS5 Digital

NEXUS-61418d ago

What you lot fail to understand is - THEY ARE DIRECT COMPETITORS - no matter how you want to twist the narrative. They are all new consoles vying for customers money, irrespective of where they fit in to the market place.

ms is releasing a digital console, Sony is releasing a digital console - where's the confusion?

Is SWITCH excluded from current gen conversations because of it's lack power? Or because it can be used as handheld?

Such a strange lot of gamers on the xbox side - ms aren't competing with Sony, they competing against Google& Amazon. Remember that line? Doesn't surprise me, Sony has ms on the ropes - they have for the last decade.

UnholyLight1417d ago

@NEXUS-6 A Ferrari and an Audi both have 4 wheels, an engine, some performance, and go places. Does that mean they are they same? Do they occupy the same position in the market? No of course not. The Series S isn't even designed to match the PS5 capabilities, much like my example above, merely undercut it and sell more units or convince people to come to Microsoft. That's all I'm saying, hence the iPhone example. I don't understand why this is so contested, the PS5 digital is closer to a diskless Xbox Series X than the XSS is to a PS5 digital. They address different needs for consumers in the market.

Also pro tip, I like Sony AND Microsoft (I spent more time on PS4 this generation in fact), so whatever "narrative" or spin you think I'm rolling with...is completely irrelevant. I was merely highlighting the business sense of what each product means in the market. Obviously they are vying for customer's money, all products do. Also wtf, of course they are competing against Sony. I am looking at this from a business degree, not from a "fanboy perspective".

Have a great day :)

goldwyncq1418d ago

They’re both shit and nobody should be defending any of them.

King_Noctis1418d ago (Edited 1418d ago )

The Xbox Series S is cheaper than both PS5 variants in case you forget that.

gamer78041418d ago

thats a 300$ budget console, i wouldn't expect much from that considering how much ssd's costs

+ Show (4) more repliesLast reply 1417d ago
TGGJustin1419d ago

I know there are embargos lifting later this week but damn is it ridiculous that this system is out in a week and we still don't know things about it. Just let these people talk about it already Sony.

blackblades1419d ago

I still can't believe theres one more week, like it doesnt feel like it. Can't wait for the embargo to disappear.

porkChop1419d ago

The secrecy is frustrating. If you expect people to buy your product they need to know how the product works. We shouldn't still be waiting on basic info with just a week to go.

jwillj2k41419d ago

Na, I’m still gonna buy it.

MrNinosan1419d ago

You do know that it’s next to impossible to buy/pre-order a PS5 right now, right?
And that’s with even more PS5 available than there was PS4.

I and many with me doesn’t need to see everything. We know that Sony will deliver.

Sony knows their product will sell out anyways.

And I’m glad that we haven’t seen everything yet, that will make a more surprise moment just days ahead of me aquiring one myself.

RedDevils1418d ago

If you not gonna buy it, let me buy it then.

Antnee5341419d ago

So do we know how HDD work on this I have a 4tb external on my ps4 will all I have to do is plug it into my ps5 and start playing the game on the external?

SmokinAces1419d ago (Edited 1419d ago )

You cant play off the external but you can store games there and transfer them to the internal drive to play from whenever you like.

Antnee5341418d ago (Edited 1418d ago )

Can you at least play the ps4 games off it? I knew about ps5 games. Thank you for the reply!

My bad for making this comment looked at the next response and it was already answered lol.

MrNinosan1419d ago

You can play PS4 games from external but not PS5 games of course.

westcoastcooldude1418d ago

Do you get any benefits from moving PS4 games to the PS5 ssd to play them?

MrNinosan1418d ago


Yeah. Shorter loadtimes and uncapped framerate.

DJStotty1419d ago

Yes Antnee, your current external will work.

You can run PS4 games from the external, just not PS5 games as they will use the SSD architecture.

I am guessing it is the same as the Series X in that respect. All current games will work, but games that are optimised/built for next gen, need the SSD.

darthv721418d ago

I have not tried it with a spare PS4 but i know that unplugging an external on an xbo and plugging into a one x is really just that simple. the one x sees the games and lets me play them (so long as i am signed in of course).

I've heard you cant do that between ps4 systems, at least not as easy as my example above.

P_Bomb1418d ago (Edited 1418d ago )

“I've heard you cant do that between ps4 systems, at least not as easy as my example above.”

You can. I plug ‘n’ play my external between OG and Pro all the time. Same games, saves.

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‘Dragon Age: The Veilguard’ Will Include Customizable Top Surgery Scars

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TheNamelessOne1d 5h ago

There's thousands of Twitter users and three gamers really excited for this.

ravens523h ago(Edited 3h ago)

No. But don't sit here and spew inclusion, and at the same time make it so that you can't make top or bottom heavy characters.

smashman983h ago

Then maybe instead of being like "booo I hate trans shit" we can say boo where's my big ass and titties. Or are we speaking about being fat. We could do that too. Trans people love big ass and titties to you know.

bababooiy3h ago

If you watch the gameplay for the customization the sliders they have literally do nothing. Like they went out of their way to model these scars or include pronouns but your female character is stuck with a male body type no matter what. Really shows their priorities. Or should i say narrative?

potatoseal28m ago

So why don't they let you make a curvy woman? You can make a woman with the flattest behind you've ever seen and a b-cup at best lol

I'm just asking. I mean it doesn't hurt anyone right? So why don't they give us the option?

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 28m ago
Gamingsince19813h ago

Meh it's gonna be a crap game anyway by the looks of it.

MrDead21h ago(Edited 21h ago)

This will make the Tater Tots and all the sweaty basement dwellers have a melt-down.

I can hear the collective "REEEEEE" building.

4h ago
90sGamingWasBetter4h ago

No, I just won't purchase it or allow my son to purchase it, other than that it won't effect me in anyway. Stop trying to force negative discourse where there isn't any.

Gamingsince19813h ago

It's a trashgame any way by the looks of it, with its ps3 visuals

andy852h ago

I think you're vastly forgetting what PS3 looked like 🤣

helicoptergirl5h ago

I was already planning on passing on this game, this just makes it that much easier.

Extermin8or3_4h ago

This is fucking weird NGL not least because the game is set in a fantasy world with magic very prevalent..... As if people couldn't just drink a potion or cast a spell and literally be the opposite sex. Makes no sense.

CantThinkOfAUsername4h ago

Proof that leftist developers simply cannot detach themselves or their world view from their creations and the reason everything they make or write sucks. I bet trans who actually play games would like that kind of spell because it fulfils a fantasy in a so-called fantasy RPG.

smashman984h ago

Lol you can wrap your mind around all that but this is where you draw the line. You don't have to make your character a trans person with top surgery scars. What happened to live and let live tho?

attilayavuzer2h ago

This site is 90% soft, triggered conservative dudes. Just take a look at their idols and all the whining makes sense.

potatoseal27m ago

They won't let us make curvy women and they're much more common that the character this article says they let you make. Why is that?

porkChop3h ago

That's not a very strong argument. By that logic no characters should ever have any kind of scars, missing limbs, etc, in fantasy games because magic exists.

Alos882h ago

But why would anyone put themselves through such a process in a fantasy setting when you could use magic to do the same thing likely far faster and far less painfully? It doesn't make sense in the context of the world they've created.

pwnmaster30002h ago(Edited 2h ago)

Well I’m not to heavy on dragon age lore but I’m pretty sure there isn’t one… yet.
Maybe if they make it canon but either way I don’t care. I just hope they focus on perfecting the game to please the gamers and not focus on stuff like this.
Tbh I do feel like that’s a dumb option. Can’t they just add a feature to add multiple scars and then let the user place it anywhere they want.

Daeloki2h ago

So other scars, wear & tear and signs of aging are perfectly acceptable, but an additional feature that gives more ways for people to feel seen and included is where you draw the line?

DreadfulHero1h ago(Edited 1h ago)

I think the point is that they're being inclusive for a very, very small minority of people yet still won't include other visual options. Like, women with big boobs exists. So do hunchbacks. People with facial deformities. Double-jointed people. People without a left hand. Albinos. So if they're going to be inclusive, they should really go all out, because then it just seems like they're trying to make a statement. And maybe they are, given who the game director is. They needed those scars in the game, but also let's not try to create a biological female that looks like an actual biological female of various sizes and shapes. Nah, that'd be crazy! And if you don't agree with them you're a bigot. Or some MAGA hat wearing lunatic. Or a Nazi? Who knows anymore.

Daeloki38m ago

@DreadfulHero: But that's not the point Extermin8tor3_ was making though.
That said, yeah, I agreee that the more options we have the better. That does not give people the excuse to bash on this added feature. I personally think they could have been more inclusive with body shapes and sizes in general, but I do understand some options are limited by gameplay mechanics and animations.
And to answer a few of your examples:

"Like, women with big boobs exists": Okay let's not pretend there is a very specific type of people asking for this.

"So do hunchbacks.": To some degree this should be doable, agreed.

"People with facial deformities." I think to some degree this are possible in the character creator? I suspect this however is limited because of facial animations.

"Double-jointed people. People without a left hand." I suspect these would be rather difficult to make work with animations, but also feels like something they could have adapted with some creativity.

"Albinos." Pretty sure you can re-create albinism even in previous games

"They needed those scars in the game, but also let's not try to create a biological female that looks like an actual biological female of various sizes and shapes."
Not sure where you get the idea that you can't create a cis woman. Again, more body sizes and shapes would be great, but claiming you can't create a female character is a bit of a stretch.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 27m ago
QuestionMark4h ago

For when you want your protagonist to be a delusional whackjob.

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