
Eurogamer: GTI Club+ Review

Eurogamer writes: "The rise of downloadable games has returned immutably single-minded arcade releases to contemporary relevance in a way that even the harshest retro-sceptic would struggle to condemn, and sieved through that perspective GTI Club + Rally Cote D'Azur is a shrewd piece of commissioning: a fondly remembered three-minute racer on a download service with roll-your-own pricing.

Hiring SUMO Digital was also excellent; the Northern codeshop broke the rules by eulogising OutRun 2's simplicity rather than drowning the player in misguided compensation, and it's a trick repeated here. Contracting SUMO is more perceptive than at first appears, too; when asked, the developer extended OutRun 2 with rarefied compassion. Who better to build on GTI Club + if it succeeds?"

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sackboy says hi5776d ago

Im sorry but this game is A$$.I played it plast night and felt like breaking my ps3.The graphics are sh1t. I give it 3/10 (-_-)

lamigol5773d ago

What !!!! This game is ace, its a refreshing change and great in mp. Its only £10 for gods sake. I will definately be buying it. I remember playing this to death in the arcade at Butlins when I were a lad !! Eh, good times. GTI club, then a snog on the beach with a bird from Manchester, heaven.

PirateThom5773d ago

Yeah, I'm buying it because I remember it. It's a lot of fun, graphics are nice and colourful.

It's a nice arcade racer.


Meet the victims of digital distribution – games you can't buy anymore

When a game released exclusively digitally disappears from distribution, it becomes impossible to play it legally. Actually, quite a few gems have disappeared in this manner, with the legendary P.T. being just the beginning of the story.

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Nyxus1564d ago

I'll support physical for as long as possible.

melons1564d ago

Nice message and physical should always be supported, but I am not supporting this article being set across like nine pages.

CDbiggen1563d ago

GTI Club! Finally someone mentions it. Loved that game

AK911563d ago (Edited 1563d ago )

Ugh multipage article.

New cars available for GTi Club +

Konami Digital just send word out that a new car pack will be available for downloading via the PSN store tomorrow.

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GameSpot: GTI Club Plus Review

GTI Club Plus is good if you're a nostalgic fan of the original arcade machine. Newcomers, on the other hand, will find that the maps, modes, and features lack the depth of modern racing games. However, if you want to try a racer that does things a bit differently, GTI Club Plus is definitely worth taking a look at.

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