
First-Party PS4 Games Receiving Mysterious Updates Before PS5 Launch

Sony begins to patch numerous first-party PS4 games that have been released for quite some time, likely as a result of the launch of the PS5.

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VenomUK1439d ago

Patches for improved frame rates and resolution as well as cards and activities for the PS5 UX would be a great way to showcase the PS Plus Collection which includes many of the best games from this generation.

bouzebbal1439d ago

I got the update on days gone.. I'm looking forward to playing it with 0 loading screen on the ps+ collection.

SullysCigar1439d ago

If they just unlock the resolution and framerate the PS5 should do the rest, from what I gather?

Either way, Sony's first party games are some of the finest there have ever been, so any improvement will be awesome. There's a few in the PS5 instant game collection that everyone raved about and I never reached in my backlog, so I can't wait to dive in!

SamPao1439d ago (Edited 1439d ago )

@bouzebbal I must say the loading on days gone is quite fast, the fasttravel atleast... not when starting the game and when loading a cutscene... looking forward to improving that. Even though I will probably finish the game this weekend

bouzebbal1439d ago


Amazing game.. Huge surprise to me and I elected nothing.. In fact I bought it only this year.
I was talking about the initial loading.. Would be so good to be able to skip it. Enjoy!!

Diver1439d ago

days gone one o my top 5 games this gen. they tried to attack it but pick the game up an spend a hour and you see how good it is

potatoseal1439d ago

I played the hell out of Days Gone. Did every possible thing you could do in the game. Loved every minute. Looking forward to a sequel.

leahcim1438d ago

thank god I did not play Days Gone yet. Waiting for my ps5 version!

pocolocoX1438d ago

Have to keep the interest going.

TitaniumExposed_VIP1438d ago

These patches are being released on PS4 why are people assuming these will unlock features on PS5? I would expect those to be released specifically on the PS5 itself to be of any functionality on that system??? Am i tripping here or something. lolz

+ Show (6) more repliesLast reply 1438d ago
1438d ago
boing11439d ago (Edited 1439d ago )

Aren't they patching the games from PS Plus Collection? PS5 preperations I would assume.

Bennibop1439d ago

Astrobot is not in the collection and has been patched.

boing11439d ago

PSVR hardware also did get a fw upgrade.

1438d ago
NEXUS-61439d ago

Probably to take advantage of some of the UI features announced today.

Hedstrom1439d ago

Hopefully its a patch to unlock framerate at 4k som we can get the games at 60 fps.

Vanfernal1439d ago

Unlocking the framerate in Bloodborne would be enough to make me happy. XD

Double_O_Revan1439d ago

Sadly, the games animations are dependent on and directly tied to the framerate. It's why it never got a PS4 Pro upgrade. This was posted with better detail then I can give a good while back. So unless they make some big changes to the core programming, it'll still be locked at 30fps.


NecrumOddBoy1439d ago ShowReplies(3)
Chriswheeler221439d ago

They have to, it would be non sense to simply not patch it.

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Iron Meat review - Games Asylum

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RaidenBlack1d 2h ago

So the Pro versions gonna be $749?

darthv7223h ago

I said the slim was going to be $500... it just made sense to price it a tad higher not just because of the included stand and disc side panel but also because it is special edition.

The Pro is going to be $1000 for the same reason with included edge and charging dock. when you sum it all up, it comes out to around $940+/- and then they will up it a bit more because its a special edition. $999.99

jaymacx1h ago

I was thinking the same.

It’s going to be really hard to get a 30th Edition PRO.

18h ago
hiawa2345m ago

Wouldn't it be better for Sony to just release the 30th anniversary plates so everyone gets them?

CrimsonWing6936m ago

You would think, but nawww, they gotta prey on that FOMO. Honestly, these corporations ruin the hobby. This should be a celebration for anyone who wants these, instead only a few will be able to get these and you know a good chunk of them will be flipping these on eBay for even more ludicrous prices.

kayoss16m ago

Its called a special edition for a reason. Its the same reason people go on SNKRS, stand in line at Apple, Rush to stores on Black Friday, etc.... Why you act like Sony is the only company that take advantage of FOMO people.

hiawa238m ago

You summed up my complete thought. Well said👏👏.